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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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also she's not gonna do anything, no offense

trust me, I've done this sort of self-pity thing before and never ended up doing anything with it to hurt myself

give her some time to cool off and she should be okay

Literally this. I went through the same thing four months ago, and i was fine

nothing to worry about

And what about my friend?

It does happen.

He was a good person, and now he's GONE. I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THAT KIND OF PAIN AGAIN.

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I don't know you, but I definitely care

Please... take a step back. Breathe. Think about how small the world of this forum, the world of the internet and the computer, all are, and how vast the entire world is, full of endless potential, with so many nice and terrible people alike but you have control over how you interact with those people and to some extent, what people to even interact with (stay away from the jerks).

What world is your mind in? Step out of that world for a second. Please don't hurt yourself. I've wanted to kill myself so many times and it straight-up sucks to even think about it, so just don't. please. please please please please please. I'm begging you please don't. Somebody said suicide is contagious, it fucking is. I already feel like shit, I can't even focus on my job. I'm sick of hearing about people suicide.

I don't care if I've literally never talked to you before, or if you're a total bitch, or you feel like you're worthless, or whatever, you're a human being. Happiness is fleeting but so is depression if you handle it right. You have to both live in the moment and not at the same time: don't get absorbed in any one moment of time, because who knows how things will turn out later--it could easily get better or worse and you shouldn't make a big decision in the heat of a single moment, whether that's a minute, hour, day, or week. But at the same time, when you're enjoying life, enjoy it to its fullest, because you know that life can't always be on the uphill of things.

I know I'm just ranting, it's not any of my business, whatever, but damn I don't care, what do you need to not seriously consider that stuff? It doesn't sound like you're joking. A hug? Another friend? I'd give up all the money in my bank account in a heartbeat if that's the only thing that I could stop you. I just can't do it twice in a row

This is... so touching, I could cry...


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for all the people saying it isn't something to worry about, please shuuuuut uuuuup

do not take what i am saying as a statement of not taking this seriously

i simply believe that the public whinging and attention grabbing is not what should be happening

if she is truly upset, then she should be talking to people that say they care, imho, in private

all of you saying this is a joke/not serious/will be over soon need to stop

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i hate chocolate you



sounds like fightan words

good thing I'm good at fightan games

And what about my friend?

It does happen.

He was a good person, and now he's GONE. I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THAT KIND OF PAIN AGAIN.

some people are different and will take action

I speak from experience when I say that Sophie won't do anything with this

just let her have her space for now and let her think about some stuff

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I am annoyed that we're insulting IHO's avi instead of helping Sophie.

Honestly I'm feeling like Sophie needs some space, and feel like my position is best met waiting along the sidelines for her return to offer what support I can. All of this attention and ups&downs can be a lot to absorb when you're already stressed, so at least fmpov, the best way for people in my position (who aren't as close to Sophie as you are) is to offer support when it's asked for, rather than to throw it at her when she's already got a lot of mixed attention coming her way to deal with.

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shit hurts

some people aren't strong enough mentally.

So you're saying that he just wasn't strong enough.


I don't want to ever take a suicide threat from a friend with an optimist outpoint anymore. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF MY NORMAL ATTITUDE IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN APPROACH THE SUBJECT.

I'm sorry if I sound like a worrywart, but I CAN'T.

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ftr; I have been in these kinds of spots before and I grump a lot and threaten suicide but have never actually gone through with it

I'm not trying to dismiss this as a not-serious matter but this is something I've dealt with before; the easiest thing for this is to let someone be so they can think about things and likely calm down

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So you're saying that he just wasn't strong enough.


I don't want to ever take a suicide threat from a friend with an optimist outpoint anymore. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF MY NORMAL ATTITUDE IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN APPROACH THE SUBJECT.

I'm sorry if I sound like a worrywart, but I CAN'T.

sorry for being extremist but its gonna come out

yes. even if i didn't know him, he was indeed too weak

nice and cheerful can all be shattered by death and weakness

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sorry for being extremist but its gonna come out

yes. even if i didn't know him, he was indeed too weak

nice and cheerful can all be shattered by death and weakness

whoa dude

you're going way to far

and need to dial it back from 11

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i am the bestest friend

even though i don't even know you

...who are you? where am i?

Please fix your avatar or sig to include Dan and Dragon, danthemandragon

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Also I'm not gonna lie, I've had suicidal thoughts before, and it does affect my mood. But I think of the people it would affect, and those people push me forward in life

I don't dismiss this as something that would disappear, I just know from past history that it won't happen.

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they are

me you and any touhou fightan game, high noon on saturday

don't be late

1v1 me in the pit

also I should play more Persona Q

the third labyrinth seems to suck so far though

and I have heard it's even more bullshit as you go further on

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i told you i was sorry, its just how i feel

that does not matter

do not talk about the dead like that, both in front of people that cared about them, and about that choice

you can keep your opinion and hold it as high as you want

as long as you keep it to yourself

telling someone straight to their face that their friend who killed them self was too weak is no bueno bruh.

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...He... I don't want to think of him like that.

then stop dwelling on his death and focus on his life

guess what? I've had this sort of situation happen to me too

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