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You went as far as to watch videos over grammar

I don't call that not bothering out of laziness~!

small part: yeah, your kinda right

most part: i heard of those vids and wanted to check those out

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kind of

i don't really know what point this proved outside of the whole "You misused a word" thing

Yeeeeaaaaah if they went ahead and explained why you used the wrong word/spelling then it could be called more than just "you did this wrong"

But just responding with "*word" really isn't going to help teach you much~

Which is partly why I tend to not do it (anymore, I used to a looooong time ago). The other reason is because I don't think it's that huge a deal to get everybody talking perfectly if I can perfectly understand what they're saying... and it's not my concern whether they can get themselves employed with that spelling or not ^o^ I'm too lazy for that!!

and before you say I've done it to you I was just teasing you after... idk what it was that happened/you said but it made me start doing it as a joke~

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