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Good night

Did it again and got this:

Your personality style is:


Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A defect in your ability to form social relationships and an under-responsiveness to all sorts of stimuli. You exhibit an intrinsic emotional "flatness" where the highs don't get too high and the lows don't get too low. Emotions like joy, anger, and sadness do not move you as much as they move other people. Your natural state appears to be one where you have "retired" a bit into yourself, which is one source of the calmness that characterizes your normal state. Unlike what might be expected, your passivity and lack of vitality is not a form of self-protection, but simply seems to be your natural state.

It actully fits me really well

The colors thing:


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[9:29:21 AM] Arya S.: let's try and build a friendship between them
[9:29:30 AM] Arya S.: so I could coax them into a 1x1 battle later
[9:29:35 AM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: no
[9:29:37 AM] Aki: XDD
[9:29:59 AM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: all other 1x1 battles are going to be locked and thrown into the Graveyard
[9:30:07 AM] Aki: Why D:
[9:30:09 AM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: because what are yugioh references
[9:30:17 AM] Aki: LOL

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So according to this personality quiz, me and Kim are both dependent, avoidant and schizotypal


Well, here's old results that almost matched that~

Aaaaaand here's what I got now!!



Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: An overt need for social approval, reassurance, and affection. You are willing to give up your own ambitions to serve others and fulfill their needs. You are sometimes referred to as a "needy" personality, even by people with little psychological knowledge. You are temperamentally docile, non-competitive, and passive. You have a strong need to belong and to be accepted and a hard time making demands on others or delivering bad news.


Looks like I became less paranoid and avoidant than I used to be!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Anyone else bored out of their mind interested?


Your personality style is:

Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A preoccupation with matters of order and control. Not only are you supremely well organized and settled into your usual and familiar routines, you also believe that others should be. This may lead the people around you to perceive you as a moralistic stickler and a busybody - someone who's always pointing out the inefficiencies and mistakes of others, smugly flaunting your own successes as a model for others to follow. Unbeknownst to yourself, however, one reason that you cling to the rules is because you feel that you constantly must fight off urges to let loose in order to be worthy of love and respect. You most likely have unacknowledged feelings of anger and defiance that you hide away from the world, attempting instead to present a perfect façade that others may admire and respect.


I'm not sure how much I agree with this

Edited by LuxSpes
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