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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Your personality style is:


Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A preoccupation with matters of order and control. Not only are you supremely well organized and settled into your usual and familiar routines, you also believe that others should be. This may lead the people around you to perceive you as a moralistic stickler and a busybody - someone who's always pointing out the inefficiencies and mistakes of others, smugly flaunting your own successes as a model for others to follow. Unbeknownst to yourself, however, one reason that you cling to the rules is because you feel that you constantly must fight off urges to let loose in order to be worthy of love and respect. You most likely have unacknowledged feelings of anger and defiance that you hide away from the world, attempting instead to present a perfect façade that others may admire and respect.


I'm not sure how much I agree with this

I got the same result, and neither do I. I don't even know what some of those options are...eh, it's a personality test, what did you expect?

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Your personality style is:
Multiple Personality Styles

Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on.


Oh look I was right

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Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A susceptibility to anxiety and depression, which you guard against by withdrawing from evaluative social situations. You may appear emotionally flat to others at times, but contrary to how others perceive you, this flatness is not your actual state. Instead, you use it as a form of self-protection: As soon as you are around people, feelings of tension and disharmony start to creep up on you. By presenting yourself as quiet, reticent, and modest in social situations you hope to inject some remoteness whereby you can maintain emotional distance in the event that others should start expressing negative evaluations of you. The irony is that you have a strong desire for acceptance and affection, but you restrain these longings in yourself because you are afraid that if you let others get close to you, they will only end up hurting you.


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