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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I couldn't tell, but that would be cool

Going back to FEif

Did anyone else notice the map to battle transition?

Because that transition is awesome

Yeah, it's really smooth. Also, in that one battle with the Pegasus Knight, did you see the armies in the background? Pretty cool

I wonder what the background behind your group of playable characters will be. Wonder if they're trying something new there

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You're trying bro

You can also try to watch video of Kohaku to replace her image with Kohaku.

Obviously, it's just replacing the problem at best, and at worst you'll have two waifus then.

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i guess i'll try that


Not to mention a Lucina amiibo too.

Hello Ace !

I guess you don't need tea then ?

Hi Tende. I'll have some tea later. Because...

P4G is on sale in the Playstation store, heck yes! I've been waiting for this!

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Yeah, it's really smooth. Also, in that one battle with the Pegasus Knight, did you see the armies in the background? Pretty cool

I wonder what the background behind your group of playable characters will be. Wonder if they're trying something new there

Yeah that detail is pretty cool

Honestly I'm just going back and forth between a state of immense HYPE and "the hell is that golem thing?"

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Is it just me, or does the blue haired lady dancing look like a fusion between Ninian and Olivia?

omg FE14 though

tbh I am /far/ from excited for it. I hated FE13 and I hope it's completely different.

It's likely gonna be

Choices are gonna have an actual effect on gameplay

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Not to mention a Lucina amiibo too. Hi Tende. I'll have some tea later. Because...

P4G is on sale in the Playstation store, heck yes! I've been waiting for this!

I need to finish it one day, but first I need to finish P3P (and a lot of other games...)

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haha it's funny because FEif is like fief or feef if you say it out loud

that explains why the main characters are all called lords amirite

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