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I want to kill my upstairs neighbor


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I'm really pissed right now so please just allow me to explain my situation and rant a little.

So I've been living in my current residence for around 3 years now. I really like where I live. It's nice and peaceful here mostly and the old man who lives next door is one of the friendliest neighbors I've ever had. The problem is that this house has an upstairs appartment and the landlords are either really bad at judging character or are too nice.

The problem started when the Landlady (the other landlord is her brother) let her daughters boyfriend and a friend of his live up there (rent free BTW). It wasn't so bad at first but eventually they'd stay up late at night TV blasting, yelling, laughing, Burping (yes, they would burp loud enough for us to hear downstairs...) slamming the door when they went in/out and just carrying on. As most reasonable people would do, I asked nicely if they could quiet down and they agreed. Things never got better. Complaints were made to the Landlords and finally things got better.... for a while. Long story short more and more people started living up there without the landlords permission. Eventually the land lady's daughter's boyfriend (who wasn't actually her boyfriend anymore because she found out he was a womanising pig) left for college, some of the others left, and one had to be evicted.

At last there was peace and quiet. It lasted for maybe a year. Then The kid's (the womanising pig's) mother started living up there (once again rent free. The land lady hates making a profit I guess...). She was pretty silent for a while. Occasionally she'd yell at her 2 dogs for something, but it was whatever. Then her father moved in as well.

Just as a note; I'm the type of person who feeds off the emotions of others. If I'm around happy people, I'm usually happy. If someone is sad, I feel a bit sad myself. If someone is angry, I feel stressed.

Literally EVERY FUCKNG DAYAND NIGHT she would yell and cuss at that man. Even if it was over stupid shit like giving her dogs the "wrong dog food" (yeah, I don't get it either) she would yell at that man. She even threatened to choke him to death in his sleep. Obviosly we complained to the landlords about these things. Every time it was the same thing. The land lords would tell us that they were scheduled to move out (they never did), she'd stay quiet for a while, but eventually she'd go right back to how it was.

After a certain point I was fed up. If she started getting loud at night I'd bang on the wall or ceiling (no use knocking on the door. We had flat out heard her tell her dad not to answer the door when we knocked. She didn't want to work this out like a reasonable person). It'd work for a while, but like the temporary peace we had gained and lost several times before, this too was fleeting.

She started to stomp on the floor and yell for me to shut up whenever I'd bang on the walls. I wasn't putting up with it anymore. From now on when this shit happened I'd call the cops. It worked very well. She shut her mouth for about a month. But like every other time she would eventually ease her way up the obnoxius meter. And that brings us to tonight.

It was 12:30 am and once again she was bitching at her old man. At this point she's too far beyond reasoning so once again I have to be mean to get my point through her thick skull into that pea-sized pile of ape shit she calls a brain. I bang on the wall, tell her it's 12:30 am and hear her idiotic stomps and her disgustingly shrill voice as she screams for me to shut up.

Normally I'd call the cops. Tonight the roads are completely covered in ice and all schools and many local bussinesses are cancelled for tommorrow. They wouldn't come unless a murder was taking place (I have considered it FYI. On MANY occassions).

Tommorrow I'll call the land lord (the brother as he seems to get things done better). he'll tell me they're supposed to move out soon and that he'll talk to them. She'll be quiet for a while. She'll ease back into be a loud bitch after a few weeks. We'll do all this again.

I'm afraid that at some point either she's going to crack and try to hurt us (she's very impulsive and in some cases violent) or I'm going to crack and beat her head to a gory pulp. I'm one of the most mild mannered people you'd ever meet in your life and yet she's driven me to the point where I've dreamed of hurting her, I've hoped for her death, and I just wish I could deck her in the face.

So feel free to encourage, criticise, give advice, or whatever. Keep in mind though that this is just the main issue I'm dealing with in relation to this woman. There's much more but in the interest of keeping this short (lol) and not rambling I'll stop here. I just needed a way to vent this frustration that didn't involve breaking something.

Whew..... I feel better.

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well... she is leaving soon So you just have to deal with it for a bit longer. ,Listen to this to help calm you down.

just a great relaxing day at the beach.

FFVIII breezy

this is calming with a bit etheral feel to it.

FFX-2: memory of light waves

Edited by sifer
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Other people. Welcome to them.

Unless she's directly threatened you, all you can do is either invest in a good set of ear plugs, move, or hope that the owners kick her out for real.

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Other people. Welcome to them.

Unless she's directly threatened you, all you can do is either invest in a good set of ear plugs, move, or hope that the owners kick her out for real.

I have done both of those things. Earplugs are one of mankinds greatest inventions.

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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Dont worry, I understand your feeling, totally. Every night, I pray to God to kill off my neighbor. They drink and sing karaoke everyday. Calling police doesnt help either, they are pretty useless in my country. They are so noisy that you only wish you are deaf so that you wont be tortured by the noise. They are a bunch of smug snake, no matter how good you treat them.

Edited by Char
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Hello Angry Dingo, if you could crash somewhere else for a while I'd recommend you do that and in the mean time try to get a final word from the owners about when your upstairs neighbours are going to move, aka the date they will be gone. Or bluntly ask them if they're really too damn scared to throw them out. And based on that information, I suggest you decide between moving or staying.

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The dreams and stuff is a little extreme. At least you're not doing something stupid while you're angry though.

Just be glad that she even stops for a few weeks. Is it really that much of a bother to call the cops every few weeks?

Yeah. Yeah it is. It's a bother for everyone, not to mention a waste of the city's resources. I mean, are you being serious here?

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You don't sound like a very healthy person.

Just be glad that she even stops for a few weeks. Is it really that much of a bother to call the cops every few weeks?

As someone who's lived next to a neighbor that is a loud bitch, yes. Their job is to keep the peace and if a person is being loud and obnoxious then they need to put a stop to it.

There is nothing worse than being without help from every source you can legally call upon to get someone else to stop. It's even worse if he's stuck in a situation where he can't relocate to a more peaceful environment, which appears in this situation to be one of his only options. The good news is that your landlord does not seem to be making reasonable efforts to stop the noise, so they're violating the contract you signed and you can break lease pretty easily. Depending on where you live you can even withhold rent, but that's a pretty dangerous path and you'd want to talk to a professional about local laws before bringing that one to bear. Just know that you are entitled to a reasonably quiet atmosphere and that what you're experiencing is not your fault at all.

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Much like a lot of others here I lived in a college dorm. The wild animals there made ridiculous amounts of noise everyday. I'd be pretty glad to make the noise stop for a few weeks. Just be glad it isn't everyday.

Edited by Chiki
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You don't sound like a very healthy person.


Hello Angry Dingo


Or bluntly ask them if they're really too damn scared to throw them out. And based on that information, I suggest you decide between moving or staying.

They don't want to just kick them out with no other place to go. I understand that but the thing is that she has become an inconvinience (and headache. Seriously I get headaches from this shit). Also I know for a fact that she isn't looking for another place. Why would you buy a car if you're looking for a new appartment. This person isn't wealthy (she wouldn't be living in a small upstairs appartment if she was) so why would you purchase a car if you're looking for an appartment? Maybe something happened to her other car but it seems kinda fishy.

As someone who's lived next to a neighbor that is a loud bitch, yes. Their job is to keep the peace and if a person is being loud and obnoxious then they need to put a stop to it.

There is nothing worse than being without help from every source you can legally call upon to get someone else to stop. It's even worse if he's stuck in a situation where he can't relocate to a more peaceful environment, which appears in this situation to be one of his only options. The good news is that your landlord does not seem to be making reasonable efforts to stop the noise, so they're violating the contract you signed and you can break lease pretty easily. Depending on where you live you can even withhold rent, but that's a pretty dangerous path and you'd want to talk to a professional about local laws before bringing that one to bear. Just know that you are entitled to a reasonably quiet atmosphere and that what you're experiencing is not your fault at all.

I guess that's something to consider. I'm just a bit afraid of souring relations between us and the landlords. They really are friendly people and unlike others I've had they treat me fairly and it can be hard sometimes to find a landlord that isn't obnoxious. Thanks for reassuring me that it's not just me being overly anal.

Also just in case anybody is actually concerned, I'm not so stupid as to actually try to harm someone just for being annoying. I'm not ACTUALLY going to kill someone. Lol

PS: I said "actually" like 5 times in that last paragraph. What's up with that eh?

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I would stop banging on the walls in retaliation, you might break the walls. Instead of banging on the walls take up playing the tuba.

On a more serious note, talk to your other neighbors about this issue, maybe start a petition for them to keep quiet and present it to your land lord, or if that doesn't shut them up, a petition to have them evicted.

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Hello Dingo, I suppose I understand your position on not having your neighbours evicted without a place to go to (I respect it). You have a right to be happy though, so if you don't think they can get evicted or will feel guilty if you do, I really recommend you find a new place to stay. Staying and fighting seems to be the only thing that is considered acceptable, but in my own opinion fleeing seems to be the more healhty/happy/acceptable option. Unless you can't accept that, that is. In that case, good luck.

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They don't want to just kick them out with no other place to go. I understand that but the thing is that she has become an inconvinience (and headache. Seriously I get headaches from this shit). Also I know for a fact that she isn't looking for another place. Why would you buy a car if you're looking for a new appartment. This person isn't wealthy (she wouldn't be living in a small upstairs appartment if she was) so why would you purchase a car if you're looking for an appartment? Maybe something happened to her other car but it seems kinda fishy.

I guess that's something to consider. I'm just a bit afraid of souring relations between us and the landlords. They really are friendly people and unlike others I've had they treat me fairly and it can be hard sometimes to find a landlord that isn't obnoxious. Thanks for reassuring me that it's not just me being overly anal.

Also just in case anybody is actually concerned, I'm not so stupid as to actually try to harm someone just for being annoying. I'm not ACTUALLY going to kill someone. Lol

PS: I said "actually" like 5 times in that last paragraph. What's up with that eh?

I know that it can be difficult to find a reasonable landlord, but this one plainly is not honoring the agreement you signed at the beginning of your tenancy. I'm not sure what the best way is to let your landlord know, but it's important that you inform them that you have some leverage in this matter. In the lease agreement you signed your landlord agreed to a covenant of quiet enjoyment, and they're plainly not making genuine effort to maintain it. If you can begin documenting the loud events both on paper and physically with recording devices, then it will help immensely at a later date should you decide to break lease or withhold rent.

It kind of sucks when the person that causes the problem is someone you like. I suppose it comes down to whether you're fine with enduring her loud noise or possible angry stares from your landlord.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As Esau said, record that shit. Record her screaming at the man, the banging and stomping, everything you can. Even record the time(s) you knock on their door and ask them to shut up. It can, and probably will, be used against them at a later date.

But yeah, fuck such neighbours in general. The ones with no regard towards others are simply the worst and should be taught a lesson. One way or another.

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