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Thanks Anna, you've fulfilled a vital role. I think it is a pretty funny meta joke though, although I don't recall her being in FE2. FE2 is the best black sheep game ever, doesn't even have the FE theme.

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Thanks Anna, you've fulfilled a vital role. I think it is a pretty funny meta joke though, although I don't recall her being in FE2. FE2 is the best black sheep game ever, doesn't even have the FE theme.

It kind of does. A version of it appears during the credits.

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Anna, your red hair won't leave my mind, I go to secret shops and what do I find?

A mysterious girl with lots of wealth, who suspends my data in good health...

Haha, no... But I will say her Thracia appearance is easily her best

She has her own section in Recurring Themes on Serenes' main page, if your interested

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She's cool in her recurring role as secret shopkeeper/player guide.

The playable one in Awakening really overdid the gold digger thing. Can't stand her.

Hah. I married her my first PT. It's overdone but I think I like her far better in FE13 than I like Larabel/Aimee in her Tellius incarnation.

Maybe next game, the Armory dude will be playable?

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Hah. I married her my first PT. It's overdone but I think I like her far better in FE13 than I like Larabel/Aimee in her Tellius incarnation.

Maybe next game, the Armory dude will be playable?

He'd show up in the final chapter as the Gotoh of the game.

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Hah. I married her my first PT. It's overdone but I think I like her far better in FE13 than I like Larabel/Aimee in her Tellius incarnation.

Maybe next game, the Armory dude will be playable?

What was his name? Mustan? Muston? Something like that.

Aimee should be playable sometime too.

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Honestly, I can't stand her in Awakening. There is nothing to her but trading related puns. It's literally every single line. Seriously:

Her level up quotes as an example:

I think someone forgot to give me my change.
I wonder just how much I can branch out.
This sure beats gold! ... Wait, no it doesn't.
If only my profits grew this fast!
Minds are like wallets. They only hold so much.

I didn't leave a single one out there.

She never did that in the other games. All she ever did, was heading the secret shop and would occasionally go on about wanting to be a pirate. (She has so many classes and not a single one of them is Pirate or Bandit.)

It's bad enough that she is a massive pain but this agony can't even be justified with the history of the character that she is supposed to be. It's completely unrelated.

Edited by BrightBow
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Uh guys, Anna IS in the Tellius games too. As the tutorial girl. :P Aimee, Muston, Jorge, and Daniel don't replace her. lol

But I do like her best in Tellius, actually. She's hilarious there. I do the tutorials every time I play for this reason alone. XD

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Uh guys, Anna IS in the Tellius games too. As the tutorial girl. :P Aimee, Muston, Jorge, and Daniel don't replace her. lol

But I do like her best in Tellius, actually. She's hilarious there. I do the tutorials every time I play for this reason alone. XD

I don't remember any implication she wasn't. FE2 was the only game she totally missed.
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Some people were saying that Aimee and company replaced her, but how can she have been replaced if she's still in the game? xP

Nobody said she was replaced. You were the first one to bring that word, in fact.

And even then, "replaced" does not imply "taken out entirely".

Now that that is settled, on to the topic.

I do like Anna as a character in FE13, even though I don't think I've ever used her much outside of using DLC maps to build her supports. What I do think is funny is how they made her the Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny of Fire Emblem, basically dozens of Sisters/Cousins that look exactly alike and live all over the continent.

FE4 Anna kinda looks like a redhead Sailor Jupiter.

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What people where? I don't see anyone saying that in this thread.

Not in the same wording, no, but you said Aimee was Tellius's version of Anna. I took that as meaning "replacement" but if this wasn't your intent, then my bad. xP

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Not in the same wording, no, but you said Aimee was Tellius's version of Anna. I took that as meaning "replacement" but if this wasn't your intent, then my bad. xP

That's definitely not what I meant. I said "[Anna's gimmick is] overdone but I think I like her far better in FE13 than I like Larabel/Aimee in her Tellius incarnation." By which I meant I preferred FE13!Anna as a character who interacts with other characters better than I like "Aimee" in her (Aimee's) Tellius-only role as a character with dialogue beyond Vendor Chick stuff.

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