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I've seen a few people say this about Inigo's father support, but I really don't get why. The reference to Lucina is clearly because she's the only other child unit guaranteed to be in the party. If it referenced, say, Morgan instead, and you hadn't unlocked that paralogue/failed to recruit them, it wouldn't make sense. It's also a natural comparison imo since Lucina is the child of the army commander. Not to mention Yarne's father support mentions Lucina as well, and I don't see anyone saying it comes out of nowhere there.

Just my thoughts.

People will look for anything and ignore what they don't like because "Muh canon!"

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I'm aware, but that doesn't mean the father support doesn't fit any better with Chrom than Inigo's other potential fathers. Lucina is Chrom's own child, so it's still even more natural for him to mention her.

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Lucina is Chrom's own child, so it's still even more natural for him to mention her.

People will look for anything and ignore what they don't like because "Muh canon!"

Does it always have to be "more natural" in the context of FE 100% of the time? If we were going to say "more natural" there's more ammo for other people for Chrom, especially Sully.

By your logic, the *ONLY* ones that can be Azure/Inigo's father is Chrom or Male MU.


Just like how Ike x Elincia in FE10 is pretty much stretching it.

If you look at this thread carefully, half the posts are just screwing around.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well the thing that I don't like about Chrom/Olivia is the very unrealistc whirlwind marriage, and that the only thing that people find to support it is Inigo. That would be like if someone wrote an essay and kept using the same points to support the main idea. Plus the support isn't very good and A is platonic at best. Especially since there are no life and death battles to gain trust in people faster either as it happens in a time skip.

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I personally don't like how people say Chrom romancing with Olivia is unrealistic. Romances CAN and DO happen quickly in real life. I knew a couple that got engaged only TWO MONTHS after they met and they're still together, I believe. And this was several years ago.

It's not particularly often that romances happen fast irl, but it's certainly possible.

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I personally don't like how people say Chrom romancing with Olivia is unrealistic. Romances CAN and DO happen quickly in real life. I knew a couple that got engaged only TWO MONTHS after they met and they're still together, I believe. And this was several years ago.

It's not particularly often that romances happen fast irl, but it's certainly possible.

The difference is, this is a game.

"Suspension of disbelief" is a thing. Development must be believable for the reader/player of the work. And how does that happen? What you see on screen. Considering how the game's emphasis is on character development in supports... a "time skip" with a black screen, a slightly changed out of nowhere S support confession, and Lissa lampshading it isn't on the level of development for the other characters.

When you compare the 2 months of real life with the "2 years" that happened in game that only transpired on a black screen, the player is left with "wut" and the developers saying "we can do what we want".

For all you know, Chrom could have married Lissa.

Justifying it with life in which you know development actually transpires and a game where you have to *SHOW* what happens is moot. She shares *ONE* dialogue with Chrom, and that's her recruitment conversation the chapter before.

I am obviously biased here, but when all you hear about justifying Chrom and Olivia is their son mentioning a brand on the eye opposite to Lucina as well as it is "more fitting" for Inigo's father to mention Lucina when it's Chrom... it's less convincing than even the BS I hear for Chrom x FeMU.

I have more respect for people that say "I just want Inigo to be a prince *shrug*".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Getting this thread back on track. So, would official material that gets cancelled count as a headcanon? I know of a cancelled novel that connects THX-1138 and Star Wars through the theory that they went through a wormhole while escaping Earth.

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I just want Inigo to be a prince. *shrug*

I actually prefer Maribelle over Chrom's other romantic options, but I hate the fact that Brady starts off as a level 10 priest with D staves. The reasons I use Olivia over the other options most of the time is because I tend to use her MORE than Chrom's other potential wives (because dancers are useful) and I don't really want to lug around an extra guy to be her husband, plus I find it easier to train her with Chrom duel attacking near everything she attacks after that one chapter.

Here's another headcanon: there are a multitude of "Outrealms" in Awakening, one for every playthrough or playthroughs that every player of Awakening has done or imagined. Therefore, everything is canon SOMEWHERE.

Edited by Sangyul
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Here's another headcanon: there are a multitude of "Outrealms" in Awakening, one for every playthrough or playthroughs that every player of Awakening has done or imagined. Therefore, everything is canon SOMEWHERE.

Best headcanon that I believe as well; that way, everyone wins.

As for other headcanons, I really believe that at least with Henry as her husband, Tharja can't use Noire as her guinea pig. I don't give a crap about what Noire's supports say; I really don't think that Henry would've allowed it, and there's no way Tharja could've threatened a curse practitioner of equal or even greater strength than her own. Besides, I feel like Henry would rather be the guinea pig anyways with his weird masochistic tendencies, not to mention he himself could clear up any anomaly inflicted upon him at any time after her experimentation, judging by their supports.

And Olivia totally plays Metal Gear Solid in her free time. That explains her interesting ways to spy on Inigo's secret dance practice.

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I'm aware, but that doesn't mean the father support doesn't fit any better with Chrom than Inigo's other potential fathers. Lucina is Chrom's own child, so it's still even more natural for him to mention her.

I totally get that the line does fit better when Chrom is Inigo's dad, but to me saying that it's a point for it being canon is similar to Chrom/FeMU fans arguing that Chrom's "two halves of the same whole" line is meant to hint at that pairing being canon. I see both of those as sort of "bonus" coincidences for people who happen to have those pairings, since both are in the script regardless.

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The difference is, this is a game.

"Suspension of disbelief" is a thing. Development must be believable for the reader/player of the work. And how does that happen? What you see on screen. Considering how the game's emphasis is on character development in supports... a "time skip" with a black screen, a slightly changed out of nowhere S support confession, and Lissa lampshading it isn't on the level of development for the other characters.

When you compare the 2 months of real life with the "2 years" that happened in game that only transpired on a black screen, the player is left with "wut" and the developers saying "we can do what we want".

For all you know, Chrom could have married Lissa.

Justifying it with life in which you know development actually transpires and a game where you have to *SHOW* what happens is moot. She shares *ONE* dialogue with Chrom, and that's her recruitment conversation the chapter before.

I am obviously biased here, but when all you hear about justifying Chrom and Olivia is their son mentioning a brand on the eye opposite to Lucina as well as it is "more fitting" for Inigo's father to mention Lucina when it's Chrom... it's less convincing than even the BS I hear for Chrom x FeMU.

I have more respect for people that say "I just want Inigo to be a prince *shrug*".

I get what you're saying here, Rey, but you're missing the fact that we're using the term "realistic" here. Which normally describes something that can happen in real life. :P

I also do like the idea of Inigo being a prince though. And that blue hair. And pseudo Aether (Luna and Sol access). :3

And I agree with Sangyul. Everything is canon SOMEWHERE. My headcanon is, Silver Lightning's is, and Rey x Olivia is. :P

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One thing that I don't get is that why isn't Chrom/Maribelle very popular. Brady becomes a Prince and Chrom and Maribelle have known each other since childhood and is a well written support. Not to mention it makes the best magic Lucina.

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Uh, I never said that only Chrom or Male Avatar could be Inigo's father. Don't put words in my mouth. :/

I believe what he's trying to say here is that while you didn't say that Chrom or maMU are the only ones who could be Inigo's father, them mentioning Lucina in the C and B conversations would be the "most natural" of the potential fathers Inigo could have. (Although I'd argue that Frederick and Henry fit the bill as well, since the latter never even mentions Lucina.) So if you're going with the logic that "Chrom/Olivia makes the most sense because it's the most natural", then by that logic only four people could ever be Inigo's fathers because they'd be the "most natural".

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Here's another headcanon: there are a multitude of "Outrealms" in Awakening, one for every playthrough or playthroughs that every player of Awakening has done or imagined. Therefore, everything is canon SOMEWHERE.

Love this one. (It also gives a reason as to why you can recruit your other avatars)

As for a headcannon:

[spoiler=I think Lon'qu's descendant is a particular Prosecutor]


They even share the same voice actor for the 'Silence' Blackquill uses as is 'objection' for most of the game.

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Another headcanon: Priam died in the Original Timeline not by being overwhelmed by risen, not by Grima in epic combat [or huge dragon going "Nom"], not by randomly getting involved with Walhart and dying early. No, he was on a ship sailing to the aid of the last human remnants, and Grima... sank the ship, drowning him.

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One thing that I don't get is that why isn't Chrom/Maribelle very popular. Brady becomes a Prince and Chrom and Maribelle have known each other since childhood and is a well written support. Not to mention it makes the best magic Lucina.

Probably because a) Chrom really doesn't come off as a magical dad for Brady, b) Maribelle is technically Chrom's hardest pairing when playing casually (Olivia is a special case because many people would either look up or read about how to get her with Chrom and then specifically do it) because you'd never pair them naturally and building support with staves is slow, and c) from what I've noticed, it took people a lot longer to realize that Chrom's real priority in marriage should be Lucina (thanks to DS+) and not the other child (both Cynthia and Inigo gain a lot more from Chrom than Brady does).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Well, from the Lucina C sibling support, I can't really see anyone but Cynthia or Morgan reacting to a bug in that way, borderline Inigo. Neither Kjelle nor Brady would do that imho.

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Kjelle is the only one whose sibling support with Lucina feels "off". Because I can't particularly imagine Kjelle cutting fruit with the Falchion or freaking out like that over a bug. The other four? I can see it with them. Regardless, there is nothing that says that there cannot be a hidden, "silly" side of Kjelle that only ever pops up in supports when she's Lucina's sibling, so it's possible it's not even entirely out of her character to do that.

Edited by Sangyul
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Everything is canon SOMEWHERE.

Best headcanon that I believe as well; that way, everyone wins.

The phrasing is off, by the definition of canon.

More like "Whatever the hell you do is fine too."

If you're going to say that, then it's canon that my MaMU in a single outrealm out there went on a rampage and killed everyone as Grima due to Chrom x Olivia, and proceeded to also kill different versions of Olivia and her lovers in different outrealms.


Now that's not canon, is it?

It only irks me because said pairing's development absolutely sucks, with the only "fitting" element being the child in a *generic* conversation.

I get what you're saying here, Rey, but you're missing the fact that we're using the term "realistic" here. Which normally describes something that can happen in real life. :P

I would like to request that you please stop using my first name. I am not comfortable with just everyone using it.

This is Awakening, "realistic" is thrown out the window.

You cannot assume development behind the scenes from a black screen.

If I recall correctly, you did a while ago. I could even go find it.

You tried to argue that, second to Chrom x Sumia, that Chrom x Olivia is "pushed" by the game.

Lissa lampshading it is absolute minimum. Chrom x Olivia is objectively horrible in the development department.

If they actually had some support conversations that you weren't forced to finish the game first to see, any and all waifu bais I have wouldn't mean crap.

I wouldn't even be making this post.

But at the moment, suggesting that it's anywhere close to "canon" is laughable.

Well, I never said Chrom was the ONLY father that made sense for Inigo. Just that Inigo's father support makes a lot of sense with him.

You have a lot to learn about "implications" of the things you say.

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*Is suddenly tempted to post that Fred/Olivia thing*

Actually, since Awakening, does in fact, use the Everett Interpretation to blow open the doors to timetravel, and Nintendo has canonized "all possibilities" before [Read: Ocarina of Time. Game Over is Canon.] "Everything is Canon" actually likely has a stronger case than "nothing is canon".

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