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Headcanon Thread


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*Is suddenly tempted to post that Fred/Olivia thing*

The what?

Even if I don't know what it is, I honestly that has way more development and approval than what I stated above.

Besides, I'm getting tired of being the waifu lord anyways.

Actually, since Awakening, does in fact, use the Everett Interpretation to blow open the doors to timetravel, and Nintendo has canonized "all possibilities" before [Read: Ocarina of Time. Game Over is Canon.] "Everything is Canon" actually likely has a stronger case than "nothing is canon".

"Everything is canon" honestly sounds like a cop-out in regards to stepping on anyone's toes.

They did go the "nothing is canon" route in the Drama CDs, because some scenarios there simply aren't possible in regards to having only one MU.

If we go the "Everything is canon within the game's bounds", are the Drama CDs just throw away material? Same with the sidestories in the manga that are also "official"?

...I just want to petition banning "canon" or "headcanon" discussions from the forums.

This is getting ridiculous with every other thread in the Awakening forum having waifu/husbando/children justifications.

No matter how much you try to separate "headcanon" when it comes to character behaviors in a thread, it will eventually devolve into pairings pairings pairings pairings.

Just freaking say "I like it. That's it." I have more respect for people with that than people that look for justifications for their pairs and say "this makes more sense".


I didn't have to deal with this crap reading the 2ch boards regarding Awakening... pairing discussions were strictly gameplay related.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm skimming this thread and I'm thinking, shouldn't this just be another shipping thread? Barring that, a conversational thread about the "possible" implications of supports, generic notwithstanding? I mean, I have my own hypothesis about certain things, but they don't involve pairings, shipping, or even anything related.


Heh heh heh... Dat face though, he so happy.

I would like to request that you please stop using my first name. I am not comfortable with just everyone using it.

In all honesty, jokes aside, I would've that'd bother you a lot sooner than this.

Edited by Soledai
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The Ultimate Headcannon- When a wyvern rider promotes into a griffon rider; the griffon is actually just the wyvern after going through a painful physical and mental transformation that scars it for life.

They're just Pokemon. They evolve. Or maybe Mega Evolve since they can go back.

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*looks at thread*....Two things.

Headcanon Emperor does not approve of this thread.

My entire profile is basically a headcanon. Get on my level.

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I would like to request that you please stop using my first name. I am not comfortable with just everyone using it.

This is Awakening, "realistic" is thrown out the window.

You cannot assume development behind the scenes from a black screen.

If I recall correctly, you did a while ago. I could even go find it.

You tried to argue that, second to Chrom x Sumia, that Chrom x Olivia is "pushed" by the game.

Lissa lampshading it is absolute minimum. Chrom x Olivia is objectively horrible in the development department.

If they actually had some support conversations that you weren't forced to finish the game first to see, any and all waifu bais I have wouldn't mean crap.

I wouldn't even be making this post.

But at the moment, suggesting that it's anywhere close to "canon" is laughable.

You have a lot to learn about "implications" of the things you say.

Sorry, Rey was easier to type than "shadowofchaos." :/

Also, you do realize that some development could've happened off screen, don't you? This is probably what IS was counting on fans to assume. For the most part, anyway. In fact, it's proven that characters interact off screen in some of the supports. For example, Frederick says in his S support with female Avatar that they "spent so much time together" and I don't really qualify one training session and two meat-eating sessions as "so much time." Meaning, they must have done even more training/meat-eating off screen. Chrom and Olivia probably interacted more off-screen. The fact that the confession is a slightly altered S support should even confirm that their other supports happened off screen.

And yes, I'm aware of my mistake with the whole "pushing" thing. That was incorrect wording.

But imo, it's still canon somewhere, as Sangyul and SL said. Everything that's possible in the game should be canon somewhere, is what we mean.

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One of my canons is in my playthrough where I had Inigo and Nah pair up (which I kind of regretted after their support conversations), Inigo runs crits(/hits on) an war cleric and yells "I'm a man of passion!" Right after that Nah comes in and yells her (best) crit quote "It's squashin time!" and I lose Inigo forever.

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The whole problem with the off screen development is that there is also so much more that has to happen off screen in Chrom's case. With the other marriage candidates, they are either already engaged by chapter 11 or become engaged at the end of the battle. With Olivia however, it happens during the timeskip when Ylisse still has to repair the damages of the war. Plus how does Chrom have the time to court Olivia, become engaged to her, have a royal wedding and start a family all in two years. I will have to agree with shadowofchaos here as the support is almost entirely lampshaded by ignoring many parts that would be easier to explain in other pairings.

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Well, I will agree that it would've been better if IS had had Olivia be recruited a little earlier or Chrom marry a bit later. But I still like the pairing, even if it is a whirlwind romance. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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ooh, i find this kind of thing sort of fun. the main thing that came from my first play through was the relationship between kellam, stahl, sully, and later kjelle.

stahl and kellam had a major bromance thing going. both constantly on the front lines with their high def meant their relationship flourished on the battlefield, constantly saving each other. and in my headcanon there were some subtle hints of a romantic relationship between them, but since kellam is so quiet and awkward and stahl is so oblivious nothing ever came out of it.

then stahl married sully which made kellam a sadface. he still remained close friends with stahl and sully, and once kjelle was born, kellam got a close relationship with her. kjelle grew to like kellam a lot, mistaking his awkward quiet attitude for the "strong, silent" type, and wanted to be like him since she had problems relating to her mothers style of fighting since she couldn't ride a horse, which is why she decided to be a knight instead of a cavalier.

that's really all that came out of my head for that, so sorry there's no dramatic ending or anything to the story. :U

other things that come to mind:

libra spent his youth as a mercenary mage. because of his past with his parents he lived on his own and discovered he had a knack for magic incidentally, and used this to make a living. he even ran with a small group of mercenaries at some point, but when he was hired to do a job with some of these fellow mercenaries, resulting in their deaths during the job and he barely made it out alive. after this he came to terms with his own mortality and dedicated himself to religion.

none of the spotpass characters are canon. maybe emmeryn was revived with the equivalent of a valkyrie/aum staff.

inigo is the son of donnel, which explains his hair colour.

the justice cabal that cynthia, morgan, and owain are a part of results in some hilarious shenanigans.

yarne later becomes a male model after inigo teaches him to dance, using his muscular physique to turn women across the realm into furries

that's all i can think of atm.

Edited by bonesaw
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Awakening is a nightmare that you can never wake up from. Things that support this are: simplified mechanics from FE10, stereotypical and shallow characters, story that rivals The Hunger Games in quality, and all the hype and blind devotion that comes with it. It did revive the series, though.

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Awakening is a nightmare that you can never wake up from. Things that support this are: simplified mechanics from FE10, stereotypical and shallow characters, story that rivals The Hunger Games in quality, and all the hype and blind devotion that comes with it. It did revive the series, though.

Fire Emblem has never been known for "deep" or "complex" characters. If anyone really thinks that, they really need to re-adjust their meters on depth and complexity.

That isn't to say I'm defending FE:A. But seriously, FE has more than enough characters that are as one-note as Umaro in Final Fantasy VI. Even the precious Tellius games have this issue, like Makalov's lousy, shitty personality for example.

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Alpha pretty much said what I was going to in regards to the Chrom/Olivia thing. In the case of Frederick and female avatar, you see them start to interact in their supports onscreen. So whatever offscreen thing happens between them, you at least saw the beginnings of somewhere else. Chrom and Olivia literally have their entire relationship building offscreen, and you see none of it, which not everyone likes. If Olivia had joined one chapter earlier, well, that would've been more realistic in development.

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Fire Emblem has never been known for "deep" or "complex" characters. If anyone really thinks that, they really need to re-adjust their meters on depth and complexity.

That isn't to say I'm defending FE:A. But seriously, FE has more than enough characters that are as one-note as Umaro in Final Fantasy VI. Even the precious Tellius games have this issue, like Makalov's lousy, shitty personality for example.

I must be seeing things because pretty much every review for any game in the series makes note of FE's focus on characters and story as well as gameplay, for the genre at least.

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TBH, I'll have to mention GeromexLucina as my headcanon. Lucina's the only woman that Gerome starts openly warm to; as well as the fact that in her S supports, the only man to the which she mentions the long time feelings is to Gerome, unlike most other girls (Although a great majority of them play that same theme on their S supports to Gerome.) Also, only Gerome and Laurent seem to be the cool-headed guys that can actually help Lucina with leadership.

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I would say fire emblem did better at explaining the bad guys, like in FE7 with Nergal, FE8 with Lyon, FE10 with Daein in general, FE4, etc. than other video games but you would get plenty of playable characters that would have like 2 lines and then that was pretty much it. The one thing I really was disappointed with in Awakening was that they did not ever really discuss why your other self (or however you put it) went evil, especially if you are female and married chrom since Lucina would still be your daughter. Wish they had a DLC episode(s) for that.

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I must be seeing things because pretty much every review for any game in the series makes note of FE's focus on characters and story as well as gameplay, for the genre at least.

Or the reviewers are shit at knowing what depth actually is.

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Or the reviewers are shit at knowing what depth actually is.

And you're an expert?

Sure, the series doesn't come close to character focused RPGs like Mass Effect but within it's genre, there's a lot more focus on story and characters.

And Makalov is unlikeable, intentionally so, not badly written or anything.

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Or the reviewers are shit at knowing what depth actually is.

I've been wary of reviewers ever since one said Metroid: Other M's story was of epic scale.

And to be fair, Makalov is an extremely minor character in the scheme of the Tellius games.

Edited by LuxSpes
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I've been wary of reviewers ever since one said Metroid: Other M's story was of epic scale.

And to be fair, Makalov is an extremely minor character in the scheme of the Tellius games.

Epic does not take into account the actual quality.

And really, I've only seen this arguement that "FE always had bad characters and story" whenever someone criticizes Awakening's (and strangely enough, FE7's) story and characters. Here, and on other forums.

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My headcanon is that mostly everyone is an archer/sniper/bow knight/assassin/warrior/bride.

good god man

you've messed with the natural order

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