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Headcanon Thread


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So its ok to let Rey get away with jumping on everyone's nuts just cuz it happened a little bit ago? No. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Since when did I say it was okay? Go bring it up to him in the FE4 THREAD, which you both frequent. Get him the next time he brings it up. Get him on Skype. I don't care. But don't resurrect an argument from 3 days ago when it was settled because that just seems petty. =/

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Since it was already ressurected, might as well beat the dead horse.

To be fair, Chrom/Maribelle is best in my opinion for story reasons, but Olivia!Lucina is so broken, shes always my headcanon wife for Chrom. (Sumia rather bed Frederick for that sweet sweet support bonus or Henry because why not.)


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Wow, a thread derailment that doesn't involve me. Amazing.

Anyway, as much as I dislike Frederick x Sumia and how boring the support is, I do like a few of the lines in it, specifically Frederick's giving the moon bit. This man is way more of a sweetheart than he lets on, I swear. <3

Edited by Anacybele
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I wonder how much of a stretch would it be to suggest that Say'ri and Yen'fay are Lilina's descendants.

That would be called grasping at microscopic straws.

At least in terms of arguing that's actually the true canon and not just a crazy headcanon.

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That would be called grasping at microscopic straws.

At least in terms of arguing that's actually the true canon and not just a crazy headcanon.

Well, this is the "headcanon" thread for a reason. And since we got people throwing "Aversa is Micaiah's descendant" out there...

In this case, it may be based off of the fact that only Armads and the Sol Katti are present in the game (the Sol Katti is even found on Valm), and the generic SM outfit does have some vaguely Ostian influences in its design.

Edited by Just call me Al
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I wonder how much of a stretch would it be to suggest that Say'ri and Yen'fay are Lilina's descendants.

O.o Huh? /Chrom

That one is kinda out there.

I like to think that Tiki and Nasir are related somehow...

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I like to think that every run of the game actually takes place in different timelines coexisting all at once.

I also like to think that in yet another alternate timeline where Grima never rose to power and the game would've ended after the end of the Plegian War, Sumia and Sully got together and were married and raised horses and pegasai together on a huge ranch and were generally adorable, while Cordelia finally got up the nerve to tell Chrom how she feels about him and they were also married and generally adorable together.

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Here's one:

Lucina is 22 [or 21...] (Yes, I do believe that theory. It's pretty sound)


We know the following:

Lucina is the first born Gen 2, and is the eldest before leaving her world. [Laurent is the eldest playable Gen 2].

Laurent missed the mark with his timetravel and wound up 5 years before he becomes playable, or 3 years before the game got started.

Laurent is Older than Miriel.

However, the amount of time necessary for all points come out even places Laurent at no more than 1 year older than Lucina [yay Timetravel].

This places Lucina at Miriel's Age.

It's an easy guess to place Miriel at slightly older than Chrom.

If you go by the fact that Chrom is 18 at the start, Miriel being 19 in Chapter 2... makes sense.

However that also places Lucina at 19.

Add 2 years.

Lucina is 21.

Now, for the kicker.

The game was released on 4/17/12

3 days later is Lucina's birthday.

If this occurs post skip, this would mean, at her first birthday event, if she was 21, she'd turn 22 on 4/20/12.

So did the series. Lucina's birthday corresponds to FE1.

I like to think that every run of the game actually takes place in different timelines coexisting all at once.

This Would in-turn Canonize everything. >_>;;

Everett Interpretation for the win?

Edited by Airship Canon
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In this case, it may be based off of the fact that only Armads and the Sol Katti are present in the game (the Sol Katti is even found on Valm), and the generic SM outfit does have some vaguely Ostian influences in its design.

It seems in order to believe the 'Say'ri and Yen'fay are descendants of Lilina' theory, you have to assume Hector/Lyn is canon. :P

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Here's one:

Lucina is 22 [or 21...] (Yes, I do believe that theory. It's pretty sound)

So you're telling me that Lucina is older than Chrom?

...I wonder how he feels about that. Especially if he marries a generic maiden and Avatar marries Lucina. Poor Chrom.

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I've got one: the strength stat isn't specifically physical strength, it's how effectively you can fight with your weapon. This explains how bows continue to scale in damage with high strength, when in real life there's only so far you can draw back a bowstring. Similarly, defense is how well you can defend yourself, not physical toughness. HP is not your life, but your endurance (so to speak), and when you nonlethal damage that's more like blocking a heavy hit. So, when HP runs out, you've finally let a hit through and gotten gored by a lance or whatever. It explains how units can seemingly get stabbed repeatedly and be fine to keep fighting. Which would mean that vulneraries and such are more akin to energy drinks than anything else (Thracia 776's fatigue system kind of puts a hole in this, though).

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Here's one:

Lucina is 22 [or 21...] (Yes, I do believe that theory. It's pretty sound)


We know the following:

Lucina is the first born Gen 2, and is the eldest before leaving her world. [Laurent is the eldest playable Gen 2].

Laurent missed the mark with his timetravel and wound up 5 years before he becomes playable, or 3 years before the game got started.

Laurent is Older than Miriel.

However, the amount of time necessary for all points come out even places Laurent at no more than 1 year older than Lucina [yay Timetravel].

This places Lucina at Miriel's Age.

It's an easy guess to place Miriel at slightly older than Chrom.

If you go by the fact that Chrom is 18 at the start, Miriel being 19 in Chapter 2... makes sense.

However that also places Lucina at 19.

Add 2 years.

Lucina is 21.

Now, for the kicker.

The game was released on 4/17/12

3 days later is Lucina's birthday.

If this occurs post skip, this would mean, at her first birthday event, if she was 21, she'd turn 22 on 4/20/12.

So did the series. Lucina's birthday corresponds to FE1.


I dunno doe. I assumed Miriel was like Virion's age. Around 26 or so...

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Headcanon: Henry is his Japanese personality rather than his English personality, which removed his sympathetic back-story from Olivia's supports. In addition, Tharja only hexed her children at least partially because she really, REALLY needed to perfect her curses in order to combat the Risen in the apocalyptic timeline. Hence why she used her child rather than her husband, who would be fighting them (though she did curse him for talking back...like I said, it was PARTIALLY because of the Risen). Also, pairings are...

Tiki X Robin

Lissa X Lon'Qu

Sully X Vaike

Miriel X Libra

Sumia X Chrom

Maribelle X Gaius

Panne X Frederick

Cordelia X Kellam

Nowi X Ricken

Tharja X Stahl

Cherche X Virion

Olivia X Henry

Yes, I changed my mind on the pairings since that thread I made. Panne is...actually REALLY sweet towards Frederick, even at C level support, Tharja and Stahl's paired ending has them "living a happy life together", and of course, Tharja seems to love Stahl the way he loves her, and as for Sully, well, the Vaike is kind of the only guy left since Donnel seems too young, and Gregor is too old. Plus it kind of fits, since Vaike was peeping at Sully in his support with Avatar, which is...something I guess. I dunno. Really he's just kind of the guy who didn't fit with anyone else.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I came up with this one after I realized that Kellam and my main avatar have the same hair color, and that Kellam/Miriel is a fairly popular pairing. After Laurent is recruited, almost everyone - including my avatar - assumed that Laurent was Kellam's son, because my avatar and Miriel weren't married (or engaged) yet. Hilarity ensues. I didn't end up pairing Kellam at all in the end either. Poor, poor Kellam (but I still can't stand you as a unit, fuck armors).

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Headcanon: The avatar spent his/her whole childhood training because the mother was so worried about Validar finding them. That is why the Avatar is so good at swordplay, magic, and tactics at the start when most characters start out only specialising in 1.

Headcanon: The avatar was looking for Chrom and co. before having amnesia and in the timeline where he/she never had amnesia. I say this because the avatar joins the sheperds both with and without his/her memory and if you play as the female avatar and marry Chrom they get married no matter whether she has her memories or not.

Headcanon: Morgan is from the same timeline as the other children as long as he has a sibling. From what I've seen of the supports his/her siblings seem to have expected him/her to have come with them into the past, or if they didn't expect it they show no surprise at it presense. The exception is when he's the child of another one of the children like Lucina. Then he practically has to be from another timeline. He also won't have siblings that way.

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I head cannon that all the awakening BS takes place in a universe separate to the actual Archenea universe. there are way too many differences in lore between the two games that i refuse to believe that there suppose to be the same world and the awakening universe is in fact some terrible drug trip universe combo of the other fire emblem game universes.

then again awakening makes the fatal flaw of introducing time travel so the entire universe kinda collapses on itself.

After all time travel is stupidly convoluted by itself but it's even worse when you don't bother expanding on it yet have it as a vital plot point.

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Expanding on timetravel is unnecessary if you go with the logical solution that solves all paradoxes...

The one that the game uses, and outright states it uses...

"Everett Interpretation", or "Many Worlds Theory".

Anyways a headcanon that lacks base, but...

Lucina does not like snow, the cold, or winter in general. For her Snow means Death, and well... yeah. She'll tolerate it, but otherwise, doesn't care for it.

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I head cannon that all the awakening BS takes place in a universe separate to the actual Archenea universe. there are way too many differences in lore between the two games that i refuse to believe that there suppose to be the same world and the awakening universe is in fact some terrible drug trip universe combo of the other fire emblem game universes.

then again awakening makes the fatal flaw of introducing time travel so the entire universe kinda collapses on itself.

After all time travel is stupidly convoluted by itself but it's even worse when you don't bother expanding on it yet have it as a vital plot point.

Why even go with alternate universes? In my headcanon, Awakening's plot never happens.

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