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Well the game's logic is technically flawed in that regard, innit? I see no reason why that logic should prevent people from pairing 1st gen characters according to how the kids look and behave.

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Not only that, some of the children's supports are flawed too. If Morgan is Lucina's brother, for example, their support completely contradicts Morgan's amnesia. He implies that he remembers Lucina, but his other supports and his ending say he doesn't remember anything other than his mother.

And another example, Virion makes absolutely no sense in Brady's father support. Him never having a tea time? He's SHOWN having a tea time in his friggin official art and one of his DLC conversations with Frederick has the two sharing tea. Frederick doesn't make much sense here for this reason either.

There's probably more to this list too. xP

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So then you run into a Morgan or Lucina trying to marry their real sibling...

Well, yeah. Unless they all canonically have siblings of the same gender, since there are no homosexual marriages in this game, but that becomes a problem because not all of the kids have to be straight. (Bisexuality does exist, and so does heavy homoerotic subtext, after all.)

Have to heavily disagree.

Reasoning: This Game Right Here.

Varying parentage doesn't cause great variations in Genealogy, why would it in Awakening?

Skills and classes are genetic, not learned to say. [seliph: "Hey Sigurd teach me to pursuit!"] [Henry/Sumia's supports]

Secondly, this game just ignores Chaos Theory/Butterfly Effect. It runs with a timetravel theory based in it, but doesn't use it [outside of Yen'fay], instead opting for a series of events that will occur as stated, unless a force acts upon them directly.

They do put down great points to cancel the idea that the child characters took ANYTHING from their non-determinate parent outside of their haircolor and skills/classes.

Brady is certainly no exception: As SoC said "Rough Tokyo accent isn't specific to Vaike in any fashion." and that does apply to the English version too, as Vaike's manner of speaking and Brady's are completely different.

The bloody hang lampshades on this for Laurent and Morgan, who certainly have nothing from their non-determinate parent.

You have a good point. As for the stats and class inheritance, maybe Naga can alter that, too? The kids did seem to grow up training in just one class, a base class at that. And their stats can vary based on the optional parent, but only by so much. Then again, this raises the question of Morgan's variable default class... Yeah, my theory is problematic. I did come up with it recently.

But I still think that in the English version, Vaike's speaking mannerisms are more similar to Brady's than any other Gen I person. Everybody has their quirks, though, so I guess Brady could talk the way he does for reasons that have nothing to do with his father. I looked at the support between the two, and yeah, I have to admit they are pretty different as far as that goes.

The kids take NOTHING from their non-determinate besides what can be attributed to genetics. [And they freaking lampshade this!]

Even if that were true, Maribelle/Vaike and Maribelle/Gaius wouldn't both produce Brady as we know him: their kids would look different, have different health problems/benefits, develop different personalities, and on and on, without even addressing how they would be treated differently by their respective fathers and their peers. The differences between the two would be much more apparent than hair color and tweaked gameplay; they would be two entirely different people. That is what my headcanon addresses.

It is impossible to inherit nothing from one of your two biological parents. And I find it extremely hard to believe that each and every one of these thirteen people inherited so little from half of their genetic line.

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Not only that, some of the children's supports are flawed too. If Morgan is Lucina's brother, for example, their support completely contradicts Morgan's amnesia. He implies that he remembers Lucina, but his other supports and his ending say he doesn't remember anything other than his mother.

And another example, Virion makes absolutely no sense in Brady's father support. Him never having a tea time? He's SHOWN having a tea time in his friggin official art and one of his DLC conversations with Frederick has the two sharing tea. Frederick doesn't make much sense here for this reason either.

There's probably more to this list too. xP

The same thing applies if Ricken is Brady's father. I mean, Ricken and Maribelle's supports have them talking to each over teatime more than once. And in Inigo's supports with his father, it doesn't make much sense for chill characters like Henry and Stahl to be harshly berating him for going after girls, imo. And so on. So I agree that there are plenty of parent/child supports that make more sense than others. However, that's the fault of the generic father supports more than anything else. Unless a pairing gets Chrom/Sumia-level evidence, I can't get behind the idea that there are ships that are more "canon" than others in a game where you decide who gets together, especially when The Future Past fixes the generic support issue.

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And I can cite the game against them.


Pretty damn sure Vincent can wreck all of us when it comes to FE trivia.

And I can wreck most of the English community over here when it comes to Japanese and English version difference with Awakening.

Trying to be "right" by citing the game every single freaking time someone says something unless they're spreading misinformation about gameplay only makes you an ass.

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The Future Past fixes the generic support issue.

Not entirely. Unfortunately, the Morgans don't ever get unique conversations with their non-Avatar parents. :(

I agree with the rest of your post entirely though.

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Not entirely. Unfortunately, the Morgans don't ever get unique conversations with their non-Avatar parents. :(

I agree with the rest of your post entirely though.

Considering the avatar can marry every member of the cast, that would have been a lot of unique convo.

Which is probably why they went with the amnesia in the main game and him/her being the enemy boss in Future Past

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, here we go.

Male!Robin marries Tharja, and the reason she goes crazy in the future is because her husband suddenly turned into a misanthropic demon dragon. (Also she was kinda crazy in the first place) This explains Noire's crazy side (lingering Grima influence) and F!Morgan's creepiness (like mother like daughter)

Priam and Yen'fay helped to train the kids, with Future!Priam sacrificing himself fending off Risen as Yen'fay and the kids went into the time portal back to the past.

Owain encountered the actual Mystletainn in the future and was visited by the spirit of Eldigan (Eltoshan), which is why he's looking for it in his Paralogue and why he insists that weapons have minds of their own.

The Skill +1 that Owain receives from Missiletainn is a placebo.

Lon'qu and Olivia were married in an arrangement organized by Basilio.

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I had a few more that I thought of recently.

Someone mentioned in some thread (I forget which) that Grima could have been a reincarnation of Loptyr, or else the culmination of the spirits of all the Earth Dragons from Archanea. I like to believe both of these are true and resulted in Grima.

The dark or 'elder black' magic used in the GBA games is a completely different type of magic from that used in Awakening. GBA's elder black magic spells are largely named after norse influences and are stated by characters in the GBA games to be based on skill and knowledge, whereas in Awakening, the characters that start in the class (or can reclass into Dark Mages) seem to indicate that the ability to use Dark Magic is based more on emotional or psychological means. (EX Henry and Tharja, the only native Plegians until Gangrel that the party recruits, are both psychologically and socially abnormal in disposition; Gangrel has his own issues, and Cordelia has whatever negativity that her latent unrequited desire for Chrom gave her. Miriel seems to be the only exception to this, and her interest in dark magic may be a nod to the scholarly dark mages of the GBA games.) In fact, Dark Magic in Awakening seems to be almost more like a corrupted version of light magic, given that the only enemy Dark Mages encountered in the game are Grimleal-- it's actually based on a perversion of religious faith or black, foul emotinal feelings, not knowledge of ancient techniques. This would also explain why Spotpass characters who used Light Magic in their original games (like Micaiah and Deirdre) use Dark magic in their Awakening incarnations.

...I feel like I had one or two others, but I forgot them for the time being.

Priam and Yen'fay helped to train the kids, with Future!Priam sacrificing himself fending off Risen as Yen'fay and the kids went into the time portal back to the past.

Owain encountered the actual Mystletainn in the future and was visited by the spirit of Eldigan (Eltoshan), which is why he's looking for it in his Paralogue and why he insists that weapons have minds of their own.

The Skill +1 that Owain receives from Missiletainn is a placebo.

These are pretty good. The placebo one is especially fitting hahahahaha.

Edited by BANRYU
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Sorry about that. I didn't even realize how old this thread was. The other forum I'm on has a really lax necro policy (it's only discouraged in creative threads that aren't your own, other than that you have free reign).

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Meh I've been wanting to post some of my stuff in here for a while now anyway. If not you, it would probably have been me to do it.

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My very first post here, so nice to meet you all!

This has probably been brought up before, but I've not seen it in this thread so I'll go for it.

[spoiler=Endgame details]At the endgame when Grima is defeated (either by sealing or killed), the party is on a dragon's back, mid-flight (apparently over an ocean), and this dragon is now about to crash-land. Since I can't see even the strongest of them surviving a crash at high-speeds from dragonback into the ocean from a considerable height, my headcanon is that Naga magics them off Grima's back right before the crash, the same way she put them there. We're probably supposed to assume that in-game, but I don't think it's implied anywhere, so yeah. My theory, have at it :P

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Frederick and Validar are the same person. To be more specific, Frederick is a clone of Validar created by Validar to keep tabs on Chrom and the royal family. So Frederick's a Grimleal spy masquerading as being a super dedicated knight of Chrom's. His family didn't serve Ylisse for generations, he just claims to be from a family of knights that happened to serve Ylisse for generation. But much to Validar's chagrin, he did not expect that his clone would develop a mind of his own and become fond of Chrom and the exalted family for reals, which was part of his downfall.

So Frederick is the avatar's father. He and Validar are even voiced by the same person in Japanese.

(Alternatively, according to someone else who reviewed my head canon, Validar/Frederick is a thing.)

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Frederick and Validar are the same person. To be more specific, Frederick is a clone of Validar created by Validar to keep tabs on Chrom and the royal family. So Frederick's a Grimleal spy masquerading as being a super dedicated knight of Chrom's. His family didn't serve Ylisse for generations, he just claims to be from a family of knights that happened to serve Ylisse for generation. But much to Validar's chagrin, he did not expect that his clone would develop a mind of his own and become fond of Chrom and the exalted family for reals, which was part of his downfall.

So Frederick is the avatar's father. He and Validar are even voiced by the same person in Japanese.

(Alternatively, according to someone else who reviewed my head canon, Validar/Frederick is a thing.)

Frederick x Validar is a thing because if you use Fred's only weapon that he comes with his Lance rank raises to A very quickly.

This means his Sword / Lance / Axe ranks are D / A / D = DAD.

∴ Frederick is Avatar's dad.

We already know that Validar is Avatar's dad.

∴ Frederick x Validar is canon.

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I know that this one was kinda crushed by Awakening, but I don't care. The 12 holy weapons of Jugdral (Plus Loptyr) are the 13 SS Rank weapons from Radiant Dawn.

Vague Katti ---> Balmung

Alondite---> Mystletainn


Wishblade---> Gae Bolg

Baselard stuck on the end of a stick ---> Gungnir

Urvan ---> Helswath

Double Bow ---> Ichival

Rexflame ---> Valflame

Rexbolt ---> Mjolnir

Rexcalibur ---> Forseti

Rexaura ---> Book of Naga

Balberith ---> Book of Loptyr

Ashera Staff ---> Valkyrie Staff

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Aside from the fact that Ragnell and Tyrfing look quite different, that's not bad.

Frederick x Validar is a thing because if you use Fred's only weapon that he comes with his Lance rank raises to A very quickly.

This means his Sword / Lance / Axe ranks are D / A / D = DAD.

∴ Frederick is Avatar's dad.

We already know that Validar is Avatar's dad.

∴ Frederick x Validar is canon.

'WTF with this logic is this a joke?'

That's what I was thinking as I was reading this... I

didn't recognize your avatar so I didn't realize who was writing it until I looked at your name, then


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My headcanon is that Tharja is crazy for the Avatar because the latter has Grima's blood, thus Tharja, being a dark mage, is extremely attracted to them without any explained reason.

It doesn't work much because then Henry should have the hots for the Avatar too... :(

If he had them, it would've been some really interesting foreshadowing.

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Yes Ana I got that thank you.

Also I would like to point out that Frederick quite openly goes gay for Chrom ALLLLL the time

My headcanon is that Tharja is crazy for the Avatar because the latter has Grima's blood, thus Tharja, being a dark mage, is extremely attracted to them without any explained reason.

It doesn't work much because then Henry should have the hots for the Avatar too... :(

If he had them, it would've been some really interesting foreshadowing.

This was actually something that really always confused me. Tharja and Henry likely both have SOME ties to the Grimleal, seeing as Dark Mage seems to be a Plegia-specific class, (thus likely directly related to the worship of Grima) yet both of them have stated (IIRC) that they have no particular interest in the politics and/or religion of Plegia (IIRC Tharja mentions politics, Henry mentions religion and possibly both)... Also Tharja clearly has no particular loyalties among the Grimleal, given how quickly and willingly she joins your cause.

But why, then, if Tharja doesn't care about Grima or the Grimleal, does she have this bizarre attraction to you? o___0 It just doesn't make any sense and I feel like it should. Maybe a simple infatuation is all it is and her dogged pursuit of your character is just how she deals with people she's attracted to, but she doesn't do things like that with her hubby even when she gets married! CRK, I think you're definitely right in that it has something to do with the MU's Grima fellblood, but hell if I know how she catches on or how it attracts her when she doesn't care about the religion.

Henry I think is a different story, though, because he's much more apathetic to other people in general, whereas Tharja clearly has an emotional side (albeit one she keeps tightly under wraps). He shows a certain degree of caring for other people, sure, but I think it's sort of to a sociopathic degree where he doesn't do it as much because he cares for people (as demonstrated by his supports with Tharja where he offers to kill the entire camp to gain her affection), so much as he realizes the norms and taboos of socialization and does his best to mind them. It's definitely not true that he completely doesn't care, of course, but given his traumatic past it makes sense that he would have little feeling or sympathy for other people (except possibly his wife haha).

Why are the Dark Mages so freakin' interesting.

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Well, if my speculation is true, maybe Henry just doesn't care about it, or the writers simply didn't want to have a guy with a creepy attraction to another guy ( which leaves me like this -> .__________. ).

Tharja needed to fill the dark Yandere stereotype, so maybe this is just a coincidence.

But this headcanon interests me too much to pass up! Few things interest me in Awakening's crappy story and meh writing; this attraction could be a glimpse to some ACTUAL FORESHADOWING (something the series was good for, despite the fact that the plots are considered okay at best by the general opinion) in a puddle of boring. "She had to be like this for fanservice" reasons aside, I can't see any other possibility for why Tharja is attracted to the Avatar. Giving her life before his sounds like some really creepy religious devotion, and Grima really fits in there.

Now a part of me wishes Henry was attracted to the Avatar too ;;

In a different way, that is, since he after all is a different person from Tharja.

Maybe he could've acted as a pseudo little brother, or as someone who idolizes the Avatar (like how Rolf does with Shinon? Lol).

Anyway, here's another wasted opportunity on the list of things that Awakening could've done nicely!

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Frederick DOES sometimes seem like he cares a bit too much for Chrom, but I think it's more of a case where he doesn't understand that his behavior can be interpreted the wrong way. lol

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Well, if my speculation is true, maybe Henry just doesn't care about it, or the writers simply didn't want to have a guy with a creepy attraction to another guy ( which leaves me like this -> .__________. ).

Tharja needed to fill the dark Yandere stereotype, so maybe this is just a coincidence.

But Tharja still stalks Avatar-F...

Awakening suffers because it's characters are too tropey. Making them fit closer to stereotypes is hardly a good thing.

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