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Didn't all the child characters come from the Future of Despair timeline (Or a different version of it)?

Nope, the other children came from the Bad Timeline. The Future Past is another timeline even worse than the future the kids came from. Since Morgan's ending said that scholars theorized that he/she had come from a different timeline than the other children, I thought it would make sense if he'd/she'd come from The Future Past.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my headcanons only apply if Robin married a first-gen unit. Third-gen Morgan is a liiiittle more complicated.

Edited by Lapistier
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Nope, the other children came from the Bad Timeline. The Future Past is another timeline even worse than the future the kids came from. Since Morgan's ending said that scholars theorized that he/she had come from a different timeline than the other children, I thought it would make sense if he'd/she'd come from The Future Past.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my headcanons only apply if Robin married a first-gen unit. Third-gen Morgan is a liiiittle more complicated.

Actually, TFP!Morgan theory explains Third Gen pretty well. (Only one it messes up on is Say'ri!Morgan [something needs to extend the war], but then again, who knows?)

[Time for my Morgan theory... again.]

Basically, TFP is different from the normal Bad timeline... because it's a tertiary timeline that split off... from the game's timeline, not the Original.


Original Timeline:

  • No interference
  • Emmeryn Assassinated: Extended Plegian War.
  • Yen'fay fights against Walhart: Extended pre-Valm conflict.
  • Robin willingly becomes Grima
  • Everyone ****ing dies. Timeline's doomed and unsaveable, forcing the kids to retreat across time.

Game Timeline:

  • Lucina and the kids go back in time. Grima follows them.
  • Because Grima wiped Robin's memories Robin's ties with Chrom/Shepherds are STRONGER.
  • Lucina prevents Emm's assassination. Short Plegian War.
  • Yen'fay sides with Walhart: Valm's attempted Conquest of Ylisse/Valm Arc occurs earlier.
  • Robin resists Grima. The failed Awakening due to the Basilio plot has the Gems in different locations.
  • Victory.

The Future Past:

  • Lucina and the Kids go back in time. Grima follows them.
  • Because Grima wiped Robin's memories Robin's ties with Chrom/Shepherds are STRONGER.
  • Something extends the plot. [Yen'fay fights against Walhart?]
  • Something Goes Wrong Somewhere.
  • Robin does not willingly become Grima, but succumbs anyway. [The in-game portion states that Grima, had Robin joined with him would be Stronger. This explains why Grima in TFP is Stronger (and can kill Naga)]
  • The first set of kids [Time Travelers] die with the rest of the Shepherds. The NPC kids are stronger as a result of their parents being stronger as caused by the time-traveler's interference.
  • The gems are still around/full Awakening can be performed as a result of all of this as well.
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Well, in regards to gameplay, no she can't.

First gen characters have a set potential to them. There is no way to change that because there's no skillsets/class sets to inherit.

You can only do so much to maximize certain stats and skillsets for them.

Frederick, at his peak caps as a Great Knight, even with his breakers... can still be killed mercilessly by a mere tactician with the right circumstances. No "letting him die" possiblity about it. And nothing will change that.

When she's trying to detemine "my" Frederick being possibility inferior... the only possible way that would be would be the extra 10% Dual Attack Rate and extra 3% Dual Guard rate an S support provides. Any pairup bonuses from the tactician/grandmaster class with an A support is the exact same stat boosts as a respective tactician/grandmaster spouse of his.

His performance due to different skillsets combinations are pretty much negligible.

Dude Rey. I was agreeing with you. Hence the Mutley. Dude...


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Uhh... Florina, I know. Which is why I elaborated in case she didn't know why.

K. I thought you were in Chide Mode in my direction. :P:

So like moar headcanons. (cuz i really dont pay attention to this game's plot)

Henry has raven laguz/taguel blood in him and thats why hes rather savage (along with all the issues he had) and can basically hold a conversation with anything animal or living. Plus the ravens love him and are his friends and he tries to turn into one but cant.

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Well, in regards to gameplay, no she can't.

While I agree that one minmaxed Fred is no better than any other, there are thousands of examples out there of something not being true not stopping people from believing it...

Something Goes Wrong Somewhere.

I prefer the ALttP explanation for this one: the player got a game over.

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I prefer the ALttP explanation for this one: the player got a game over.

That could work [hypothetically], but whatever it is, the time spent still had to be extended long enough for the kids to be born [again], including Morgan. So the timeline that contains TFP can't move as fast as the victorious one.

(Best trigger I could think that'd slow down the timeline long enough for all pieces to fall into place is Yen'fay fighting against Walhart. However that would create issues with Say'ri!Morgan, Yen'fay!Morgan, and perhaps Tiki!Morgan. All others would be fine.)

Edited by Airship Canon
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That could work [hypothetically], but whatever it is, the time spent still had to be extended long enough for the kids to be born [again], including Morgan. So the timeline that contains TFP can't move as fast as the victorious one.

(Best trigger I could think that'd slow down the timeline long enough for all pieces to fall into place is Yen'fay fighting against Walhart. However that would create issues with Say'ri!Morgan, Yen'fay!Morgan, and perhaps Tiki!Morgan. All others would be fine.)

According to FP and some of the children's dialogue, Grima didn't take over the world instantly- it took him a while (how else did Ylisstol last so long?). If Chrom failed in, say, Cht.20, all the non-Margan children could have been born during the timeskip, grown up in Valm or something (which would have taken a while for Grima to take down), and then fought. The Morgans could have been born after Grima's return, which makes sense as they serve Grima and not Naga.

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The Morgans could have been born after Grima's return, which makes sense as they serve Grima and not Naga.

...Actually, no.

[spoiler=TFP Appropriate gender MU/??? conversation]

Huh? Wait, where are you... ...... I already have this book. You gave it to me long ago. The notes and dog-ears are all exactly the same. ...I can't do it. I can't keep fighting. Up until now, my faith was unshakable. I was ready to kill my own friends... But I cannot strike down the kind and gentle mother/father I once knew... Forgive me, Master Grima. I must withdraw... I remain your servant and am ready to accept any punishment you see fit.

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Man, time travel is such a complicated thing. Look at the Zelda series, where few people ever thought there could be three timelines coming out of Ocarina of Time. xP

And then look at Dragon Ball Z, where Trunks's changes to the past never affect his future and end up changing a lot more than he expected.

And then we have FE: Awakening, where something similar occurs, but now we've got multiple alternate versions of the game's events. xP

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Lucina is not actually using the same Falchion as Chrom, but rather the one used by Alm to defeat Duma. If she used the same one as Chrom, his would disappear.

Everyone in the game is not a real person, but rather a clone/robot/sentient Risen. This explains all of the cliche characters with no personality. Lyndis from Blazing Sword and Micaiah from Radiant Dawn, along with quite a few others, are also these.

The second one is fit to be a WMG from TV Tropes. I actually based it off one.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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Everyone in the game is not a real person, but rather a clone/robot/sentient Risen. This explains all of the cliche characters with no personality. Lyndis from Blazing Sword and Micaiah from Radiant Dawn, along with quite a few others, are also these.

This is the best theory ever. Everything makes sense now! :D:

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In my headcanon, anything Awakening says about Archanea's lore is false.

Though considering how fucked up Valentia's geography is in Awakening despite the continent shape and size remaining the same, this might not necessarily be headcanon.

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This is the best theory ever. Everything makes sense now! :D:

It's not my theory. It's someone else's theory from the Azumanga Daioh WMG page on TV Tropes. (I don't like Azumanga or any anime really besides Bebop, Trigun and GITS.)

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Not sure if this has been said already:

Two Morgans exist in *EVERY* timeline except for the one that the player plays in. When the children are sent back to the past, both Morgans follow. In the better timelines, the two Morgans were rescued by the Shepherds before they were able to be raised as Grimleal, thus being able to travel back to the past along with the other children (FoD had them as Grimleal). One of them (depending on MU's gender), in Steins;Gate fashion, has their consciousness implanted into the avatar's body. All other children forget about the first Morgan because they no longer exist. Even the second Morgan completely forgets about their sibling. When you meet Morgan, they cannot remember anybody else because of the fact that both Morgans were incredibly close, so the "disappearance" of Morgan #1 affected them the most and altered their memory further. Morgan #1 does not exist in the "Player Timeline" because you cannot have yourself as your own child, and more time paradoxes... and stuff.

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Lucina is not actually using the same Falchion as Chrom, but rather the one used by Alm to defeat Duma. If she used the same one as Chrom, his would disappear.

Learn to Everett Interpretation. It's the same Falchion as the one Chrom of HER time/world used.

The playable timeline is a different world.

Man, time travel is such a complicated thing. Look at the Zelda series, where few people ever thought there could be three timelines coming out of Ocarina of Time. xP

And then look at Dragon Ball Z, where Trunks's changes to the past never affect his future and end up changing a lot more than he expected.

And then we have FE: Awakening, where something similar occurs, but now we've got multiple alternate versions of the game's events. xP

It's a bit more like DBZ's. [because DBZ also used Everett- which is the smarter way to use timetravel: No paradoxes here.]

Lucina and the other's actions don't affect her future. [it's still roughly ****ed.] They do on the other hand affect the future of the world she arrived in.

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Think of the timeline like a railroad with a fork in it. Chrom and co are in a train hurtling down the tracks; on the left side of the track split is the future where Grima destroys everything, while the right split is the future where Grima is defeated. Railroads usually have that lever that changes which fork the train goes down, right? Lucina came from the left track, Grima's future, and turned the lever to change the tracks from her future to the good future. Now, her future still exists, but the course of events has been changed so that the current timeline doesn't proceed to those events.

It's an oversimplification, but that basically sums it up.

Of course in actuality timelines have infinitlely-branching paths, like how the Avatar can have any number of different appearances or spouses, and generally you only ever see one-- in the case of Awakening, we see at least two. (My knowledge about Future of Despair / Future Past is deliberately lacking, as I haven't played it yet and am avoiding spoilers sorry.)

Edited by BANRYU
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It's a bit more like DBZ's. [because DBZ also used Everett- which is the smarter way to use timetravel: No paradoxes here.]

Lucina and the other's actions don't affect her future. [it's still roughly ****ed.] They do on the other hand affect the future of the world she arrived in.

Yeah, I always thought the same.

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In my headcanon, anything Awakening says about Archanea's lore is false.

Though considering how fucked up Valentia's geography is in Awakening despite the continent shape and size remaining the same, this might not necessarily be headcanon.

all this

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Owain will eventually use the Outrealm Gate to travel to the world of Final Fantasy 5 and become Gilgamesh. Mystletainn and Excalibur are the same weapon, as are Missiletainn and Excalipoor.

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