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Roguelike Emblem (character submissions supertopic)


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Randomized stat boosters are a thing now. Yes, a set of boots and a Body Ring are among the loot you might start with. Good luck getting three stat boosters or more though, it's 10% or less for all of them to appear, and only the Goddess Icon is 10%. Boots are 2%.






Wonder what else people can gather from these screenshots

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You know, Klok, you're not so bad a guy. Sure, we had a little scraping, but you're a good hacker, at the least. I support ya, even though I won't play this. (due to PSP emulator) Though if FEXP, or FEXNA, or whatever, could be used on the PSP, then I'll play it.

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A hacker is someone who loves to program or who enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two.[3] The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media[4]) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking. However the defining characteristic of a hacker is not the activities performed themselves (e.g. programming), but the manner in which it is done: Hacking entails some form of excellence, for example exploring the limits of what is possible,[5]

I'd say he qualifies.

Edited by Balcerzak
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To expound on bal's point

In CS hacker really just is another word for programmer, really

That's why we have hackathons

I assure you we don't sit around and crack roms during hackathons we drink lots of caffeine and write our own damn code

Now if it was specified as romhacker that's different

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm not a hacker at all though. I have touched little or no code in fexna up to this point (the bits I did touch were just config options) and even rom "hacking" isn't hacking, it's just editing bits and bytes.

Also, FEXNA isn't hacking. People will continue to make the mistake until fexna finally obfuscates rommodding. And yes, it will.

That, and Klok isn't actually good at hacking[/s]


Also wow so many characters and I haven't even added all of them yet. Oops can't post that image too many spoils.

Edited by Klok
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I accept all applications. Whether I use them or not ingame is up to my discretion though, and I more than likely won't be using even 30% of them for the first release.

Heck, I may even drop the really generic ones in favor of the better ones. It's nice to have extra characters though, since one of the features is a randomized starting army.

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even rom "hacking" isn't hacking, it's just editing bits and bytes.

speak for yourself i've probably written a similar volume of legitimate code for romhacking than i have for any other purpose
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speak for yourself i've probably written a similar volume of legitimate code for romhacking than i have for any other purpose

Technically that isn't even hacking though, that's coding. I'm pretty sure you've decompiled plenty of times though and that actually does qualify, since you have to keep an eye out for the parts that are changing whenever you tweak something to find the root of a command. Therefore you're probably one of like 4 people on this forum who have ever actually "hacked" a rom.

Fixed: Mouths are no longer the same.



Yeah, that works. Thanks!

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