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[Battle:FE7] ZM vs Randa


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ey12.png vs ev0z.png

Brave Bow   Mani Katti
   --     D    20x2
   --     H    75
   --     C    16
Lyn attacks!


Lyn misses!

Lyn's second!


Lyn crits!

Rebecca takes 58 damage!

Rebecca falls!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 46/56

Hector 56/56


Kent 54/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 66/66

Lyn 28/46

Hector 56/56

ZM's move.

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7xju.png vs ev0z.png

Swordslayer   Mani Katti
   44     D    0
   82     H    60
   0      C    10
Hector attacks!


Lyn takes 28 damage!

Lyn falls!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 46/56

Hector 56/56


Kent 54/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 66/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 56/56[/color]

Randa's move.

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7xju.png vs wk57.png

Swordslayer   Uber Spear
   18     D    15x2
   0      H    100
   0      C    0
Farina attacks!

Hector takes 15 damage!

Hector counters!

Hector misses!

Farina's second!

Hector takes 15 damage!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 46/56

Hector 26/56


Kent 54/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 66/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 56/56

ZM's move.

Edited by Baldrick
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km84.png vs wk57.png

Lancereaver   Uber Spear
   12     D    27x2
   83     H    18
   0      C    0
Lyn attacks!


Farina takes 12 damage!

Farina attacks!


Farina misses!

Farina's second!


Farina misses!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 46/56

Hector 26/56


Kent 54/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 54/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 56/56

Randa's move.

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742g.png vs tntf.png

Uber Spear   Tomahawk
   21x2   D    22
   74     H    47
   10     C    0
Florina attacks!


Kent takes 21 damage!

Kent counters!


Kent misses!

Florina's second!


Kent takes 21 damage!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 46/56

Hector 26/56


Kent 12/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 54/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 56/56

Randa's move.

Edited by Baldrick
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km84.png vs tntf.png

Lancereaver   Basilikos
   11x2   D    35
   62     H    82
   9      C    0
Kent attacks!


Lyn takes 35 damage!

Lyn counters!


Kent takes 11 damage!

Lyn's second!


Kent takes 1 damage!

Kent falls!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 11/46

Hector 0/56


Kent 0/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 54/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 56/56

ZM's move.

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km84.png vs g9el.png

Reinfleche   Light Brand
   14x2   D    7
   100    H    39
   5      C    0
Florina attacks!


Hector takes 14 damage!

Hector counters!


Hector misses!

Lyn's second!


Hector takes 14 damage!



Dart 0/60

Rebecca 0/58

Florina 62/62

Lyn 11/56

Hector 0/56


Kent 0/54

Rath 0/54

Farina 54/66

Lyn 0/46

Hector 28/56

Randa's move.

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