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Tiki: Infamous for being a terrible riser


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Tiki (In FE12):

Uhh... not really. Lord Gotoh said that I had to sleep again. But... I don't wanna. I slept all by myself for a really long time. I had so many scary dreams, over and over. I dreamt I ended up like the poor fire dragons and ice dragons... That I was a terrifying monster. I'd attack humans and kill them. "No...", "Stop..." they'd shout, and then I'd wake up. All alone, in this pitch black room... I cried so much. And each time, Ban-Ban comforted me. Then, one day he took me out, and brought me to a human village. The village life was so fun! Everyone treated me so nice... I was really happy. I don't wanna sleep anymore... Next time I close my eyes, I feel as though I'll never open them again. I don't want that. I want to live with everyone. I don't want to sleep.

Tiki (In FE13):

Infamous for being a terrible riser

Is that a sleep joke? Did they just do that?

I dislike a lot of things about Awakening but this...

This makes me sick.

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Why exactly this makes you sick?

It's just a video game, dude. Relax.

Yeah, awakening's characters aren't as deep or well developed as the ones in other games of the series, this shouldn't be a surprise by now.

Edited by Nobody
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Okay, lack of depth has nothing to within disgusting degree of dark comedy and mockery of people who have a certain degree of empathy for the characters of the old games.

Can't say I'm particularly disgusted myself, though. Anytime I thought this game couldn't get any lower, it proved me wrong. Again and again. Nothing about it surprises me anymore.

Edited by BrightBow
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I would like to read if it is the same in japanese (please bilingual SFers), also since FE12 was never localized maybe some of the translators didn't understand or something. I will say I dont understand why people get so worked up over this, I just took it at face value and had fun, but not everyone can do that i guess.

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Why exactly this makes you sick?

It's just a video game, dude. Relax.

Yeah, awakening's characters aren't as deep or well developed as the ones in other games of the series, this shouldn't be a surprise by now.

Imagine Dragon Ball Evolution, except with Tiki as Goku and FE:A as Dragon Ball

Its the same shit

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Why exactly this makes you sick?

It's just a video game, dude. Relax.

Yeah, awakening's characters aren't as deep or well developed as the ones in other games of the series, this shouldn't be a surprise by now.

Oh, everything about the game makes me sick. It's like if a retarded middle schooler(AKA Suzanne Collins) wrote the story. I even put in the headcanon thread that Awakening "is a nightmare that you never wake up from". Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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So over those thousands of years Tiki got over the fears she had as a child and became a responsible adult by assuming her responsibility as the Voice of Naga. She also developed a neat habit of being a sleepyhead even outside of her divine duties.

Wow, it's almost like she went through that character development you people insist FE: Awakening is absent of!

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So over those thousands of years Tiki got over the fears she had as a child and became a responsible adult by assuming her responsibility as the Voice of Naga. She also developed a neat habit of being a sleepyhead even outside of her divine duties.

Wow, it's almost like she went through that character development you people insist FE: Awakening is absent of!

Dude, what? It's like you completely missed what I was saying and went off on your own tangent.

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I sincerely read that as : "Infamous for being a terrible Risen".

Then I read that as rider, which makes slightly more sense....

About the subject at end... She trained so hard to be able to sleep again, she ended up sleeping too much.

Sorta makes sense.

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[4:23:17 PM] Hiro Protagonist: 'Tiki: Infamous for being a terrible riser' what's a riser
[4:23:30 PM] √Wyatt: someone who rises
[4:23:34 PM] Hiro Protagonist: ris·er
a person who habitually gets out of bed at a particular time of the morning.
"late risers always exasperate early risers"
a vertical section between the treads of a staircase.
[4:23:35 PM] Hiro Protagonist: ok
[4:23:36 PM] Jotaro Kujo: Is she not a morning person
[4:23:40 PM] Adam: I see
[4:23:42 PM] √Wyatt: ((probably getting out of bed))
[4:23:42 PM] Hiro Protagonist: tiki is a staircase
[4:23:42 PM] Adam: so STAIRCASE

Dude, what? It's like you completely missed what I was saying and went off on your own tangent.

on a more serioius note, I'm not quite sure what the joke here is. Ike-Mike is totally right.

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Thats actually what I see about it as well since she did live with Marth before the events of Awakening

If theres anything wrong about Archanea in FE:A version of Tiki, ts more on Tiki's perception of Marth, not this one

Edited by JSND
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I'm going out on a limb here, but combined with all of the previous posts made by him, I think Jack doesn't like this game.

It's almost like he has to beat the point into the ground. Kinda like beating a dead horse except noisier.

tl;dr We get it. The game is far from the best at characterization. And yet people will still like the game. Sounds to me like you can't comprehend people liking the game, in which case, I use this as my argument.


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All I'm saying is all I see here is that Tiki went through some major off-screen character development and the game subtly and humourfully acknowledges it.

OK. let's state the facts :

Tiki doesn't makes nightmares anymore.

After so many time without sleeping correctly, she's finally able to enjoys it fully.

Honnestly, who wouldn't oversleep a little on this case ?

This is a positive fact, no matter how you look at it.

It would be her still being unable to sleep who would be a true problem.

I will go as far as to say that it's actually a highlight of Awakening. It's a way to see to the FE1/3/11/12 players : "Look ! She's going fine finally ! She grew up to be a great and perfectly stable woman !"

And if you're still not convinced, then you can still take the Judge way : just pretend she's not the real Tiki.

Edited by Totally Radical Judge
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I understand it being inconsistent is annoying, but... why does it make you sick? In poor taste?

Like, does it imply she had sex a lot or something? You reaction almost feels like you think it is dirty? wat

She doesn't wake up as early in the day as others do. Which seems strange given that, as a child when she was put to sleep she had HORRENDOUS nightmares, along with a few other things.

Edited by Dai
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You said it was "in bad taste" lol I generally associate that phrase with raunchy things :p

She doesn't wake up as early in the day as others do. Which seems strange given that, as a child when she was put to sleep she had HORRENDOUS nightmares, along with a few other things.

I know, but I don't understand why it's a big deal, she grew out of it. It's a pretty popular trope, a child learning how to deal with nightmares or them going away.

(But I was mainly amused/confused at how much he was blowing it up, what does "It's in bad taste" even mean in this context.)

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Some people could perceive it as "mocking" the characterization established in Archanea games instead of a simple "I grow up after living with Humans"

I'm one of few people who doesn't like to talk about terrible part in the pasts, so I can somewhat see where these kind of perspective is coming from, but eh to each their own

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