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FE6 and FE7 remake that involves marriage


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So basically, we could pair people up in FE7, like Lyn and Mark or Eliwood and Ninian, and get characters in FE6 that are actually DECENT! Plus it would make the story more epic and would make some characters more involved in the storyline. And I think the characters in FE7 should be able to support ANY character in the game. That would make all sorts of endless possibilities for team builds.

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Let's not make playable tacticians that can marry people, please. As proved by Awakening, all that does is cause fan-wank and even more pairing wars between rabid fanboys and fangirls than the series normally causes.

Seriously, I'd be fine with remaking, rereleasing, or completely starting a new continent from scratch, whatever FE-related thing IS wants to do, AS LONG AS there is no playable tactician self-insert placeholder thing that can marry actually established characters.

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And I think the characters in FE7 should be able to support ANY character in the game. That would make all sorts of endless possibilities for team builds.

if you want proper support conversations, this is an unspeakably bad idea. that's, by my estimate, over nine hundred unique conversations they have to write for every single goddamn pair of characters in the FE7 part of game (and this is assuming there aren't any new characters at all!), which if they actually go through with it will, knowing what IS is like these days, end up bland, boring and half-assed for the sake of just getting them done. not even FE13 had that many and even it showed clear signs of strained creativity and quality in its supports. of course there's the FE10 generic support route, but i daresay nobody wants to see that again

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I think Mark should not be customisable, he should just be a male tactician named mark who participates can fight in battles. Plus i think the first couple of chapters should be made more challenging

I think Mark should not be playable, and I've already explained why: pairing wars and fan-wank. Judging by your original post, it looks to me like one of the biggest factors you want Mark to be playable is so you can marry him to characters you like. Look no further than the Awakening fandom to see how stupid waifu wars can get. I already see too many Lyn/Tactician or Tactician pairing fics in general WITHOUT Mark being playable. We don't need the game letting them get married either and fueling the dumb fanwank.

FE7 doesn't need a remake just so the tactician can be playable. Period.

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AS LONG AS there is no playable tactician self-insert placeholder thing that can marry actually established characters.

I think that was the point in this thread. "Mark and Lyn".

Like years ago, I'd probably been on board with this idea.

...hooooh boy not anymore.

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So basically, we could pair people up in FE7, like Lyn and Mark or Eliwood and Ninian, and get characters in FE6 that are actually DECENT! Plus it would make the story more epic and would make some characters more involved in the storyline. And I think the characters in FE7 should be able to support ANY character in the game. That would make all sorts of endless possibilities for team builds.

Aside from all the other objections below I'd like to submit that the plots of FE6 and FE7 are starkly different and don't mesh that well... In part, no doubt, because FE7 was written as a kind of underground conflict that covertly setup FE6's conflict without actually affecting any of it. So I don't really see how mashing them together would be all that effective.

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Yeah, there isn't much that connects FE7's plot with FE6 aside from character names.

And for the love of god, no playable tacticians and marriage system. Either of those can go really bad really quick but combine the two and you've got the worst possible thing imagineable.

I'm also not in favour of more supports. Less supports is the way to go. Find the right balance.I don't want any character to be able to support any other. It results in forced supports that try to connect characters who have nothing in common. The way the supports were written in games 6 to 9, you could tell the writers intended for each support to be there and for those particular characters to talk to each other unlike in 13 where there is huge variation in quality because many supports were written because the writers had to, not because they wanted to. Quantity is not a substitute for quality, as Awakening proves.

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And I think the characters in FE7 should be able to support ANY character in the game. That would make all sorts of endless possibilities for team builds.

Not to sure about ALL. KarlaxBartre is just happening, accept it. Dorcas isn't allowed to marry. More supports would be cool though, but only ones that actually make sense. Also, the problem with the stats carrying over is that some characters parents don't suit their class. Lilina (Dear god her growths would be unbalanced) and if eliwood was RNG screwed, as he often is, Roy would be plain unusable. I still like the idea of a remake with the pairings making a difference, but there would have to be changes from the awakening formula

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I am making a patch of FE6 with inherited growth and some other changes, and it's really broken. Roy can ORKO everything, Erk!Lugh capped everything but Def and HP, I had to buff the Sniper strength cap simply to make Sain!Wolt's freakishly high Str stat do something, Clarine OHKO's nearly everything after AA, and John's Fir capped spd at lv 8. You decide on weather this is good or bad.

And seriously, no tactician. IT DOES NOT WORK IN FE. I wish they never even invented it. I'll stick to characters with set appearences and names that fanfic writers aren't as tempted to themselves upon, thank you.

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Lilina's growth is actually much more simmilar to Hector than it would look like at first. Like, its almost a 1:1 comparison, except Hector have defense, Lilina doesn't

I was assuming that they're going to keep strength and magic as seperate stats from now on, which was the problem.

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I was assuming that they're going to keep strength and magic as seperate stats from now on, which was the problem.

I personally liked having them the same stat more, eliminates the need for an extra stat they never really use.

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I personally liked having them the same stat more, eliminates the need for an extra stat they never really use.

I agree in this case, but I reckon that they wouldn't want to change too much from awakening (due to those sales) and if reclassing, or classes with melee and magic were added, the second of which I like, then it would be necessary.

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