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Holy fuck you've been training while I've been asleep. Steelix is actually viable now.

And Espeon.

Next to evolve would be Katie, at 55. But I think we will have beaten the E4 before then.

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And now we're out of Psychic.

We might still be able to take out the Hitmonlee if it continues to flinch, tho.

EDIT: We DID, I think. Fucking Mach Punch, tho.

EDIT2: Brian is out. Bruno get rekt.

EDIT3: Fuck paralysis and Moonlight and stuff. That Vileplume, man.

LAZOR GATOR is on the job, tho.

We've got an almostded (27HP) Steelix, full-HP Brian, and almost-full-HP LAZOR GATOR.

EDIT4: lolokay. We're spamming Steelix's Strength on Gengar, and it's spamming Lick, which deals us 2 damage each time. And spamming Destiny Bond.

Okay good Iron Tail. Fuck Destiny Bond, though.

Edited by Euklyd
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Okay we are VERSUS LANCE with a 27-HP Brian and an almost-fresh Lazor Gator.

C'mon guys we can do this and then I can go to bed.

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That's 2 Dragonite + 1 Gyarados down, and the cursor is on Icy Wind.

We may be paralyzed but things are looking up 8)

EDIT: Cut, which is a 2HKO!

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fucking internet, eating my victory posts, then cutting out my TPP connection

Make do with some screens, guys


[spoiler=technical difficulties?]gaqrl7G.png

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oh god

This'll be great hilarious terrible.

EDIT: Olivine ho!


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Maybe we should kill Celebi along the way.

edit: oh nevermind, i forgot about the shortcut that existed where sudowoodo was. disregard my hopes of seeing celebi.

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