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Stat Theory & Number-crunching

Ninja Penguin

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Outside of mirroring the "usual suspect" archetypes (Cain & Abel cavaliers' focus on bulk vs. speed, the Jeigan's hampered growth rates, etc.), is there a preferred method any of you folks have for constructing unit base stats and growths? I have my cast of characters lined up in a Google spreadsheet right now, but looking at the flat wall of numbers for long enough tends to make specific things sort of... blend and lose their meaning.

This is on my mind because I'm in the planning stages of an FEXNA project, regardless of FEXNA's actual public availability, but-- I guess what I want to do is open up a public discussion on this. How do you all go about planning the hard numbers and statting side of your projects?

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Fuck around and then be prepared to change literally everything when you start playtesting.

Basically this.

Growth rates are somewhat less important than base stats, because no matter how much you set enemy stats around "averages" chance dictates that your characters will end up pretty far outside of their averages altogether. Be prepared for people to get really good character and really shit ones, and try not to plan around the individual experience. Personally, I'd take enemy stats and make player stats around them, not the other way around.

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as said before, don't even TRY to plan out certain stats, because it won't work

do tens to hundreds of playtests and you'll figure out on your own what should be raised, lowered, balanced out, what's overpowered or too weak, what weapons and items to give at certain times, etcetera

and of course, there should be your chosen character archetypes, the stats you desire most should be worked out over time

Edited by Lamia
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