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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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So their 'mission' was over, and with the murder of almost everyone at the camp. They hadn't killed those sleeping in the tents, but even then, it didn't feel entirely right. Despite this, Makin felt it hard to feel sorry for them. She knew what would've happened if they'd stumbled across their group while sleeping, and she didn't quite enjoy the thought of being some rich noble's pet snake. She shook her head, and sat on her tail, trying to shake off the lingering thoughts. "Don't get too comfortable," she called out to everyone, "we're moving soon. Catch your breath and get ready. Now where'd that Isabelle go..."


"Having a bit of trouble with all this?" Ingverd asked, as he walked up behind Valha and Lanos, the latter of which he stared at for but a moment. "Sorry. Couldn't help but overhear. And I don't exactly blame you. Maybe second-in-command can give you some advice to help you deal? It's not like this is the first time we've done this." He would've sat down as well, but the Boss shouted out order, so he remained standing instead of getting comfortable. "Guess we don't have time for any stories... But, I will say, when it comes to people like this-- while I respect your ability to feel for them --they aren't the ones you should be giving your consideration towards. Just be lucky all the people we've had to fight so far have been decidedly on the wrong end of life." He sounded serious, but he looked solemn.

"Sorry," he suddenly said. "Didn't mean to get all... Fatherly, on you. Eugh. Fatherly..." He laughed a little and shook his head. "Just make sure you two don't get too cozy; it won't make getting up any easier." He stretched a bit, and then flinched, pulling his hand back down. "Maybe I can find a seasoned healer in Felson to look at this... And not make such a careless mistake again..."


Vriska, whilst everyone talked and thought, sat herself down and began flipping through the tome that had erupted from the monster she'd struck down. It was a basic fire tome, but it had been a while since she'd used one. She had to brush herself up on it, lest she forget how to cast it, and set someone in their group on fire. Not the best way to make friends.

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Valha moaned at the boss's announcement of their impending departure. "Aww, you're kiddin' me. After all that we're movin' out so soon already?" she whined. "What a drag." She listened over both Ingverd and Lanos's responses to her perhaps unexpected rant on caring interestedly. "Just because I'm confident 'n outgoing doesn't mean I don't care about people! Not everyone, but you guys 'n the boss 'n the others. 'N even for people like these, maybe I'm not exactly giving them a break when we're fighting, 'n maybe they're really not worth caring about like you said, Ingverd, but I think there has to be a reason for everything." She smiled at Lanos's thanks, humming quietly. "You're the best best-friend around too, you hear me? You don't need to act like someone else all the time for me to like you still. Just gotta keep on goin' through all this 'n tkin' life how it is."

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"Huh? Of course you care. Just... Hmmm. Well, you're right. There's always reasons. These folks, for example, might need the money. Maybe they enjoy the life, or perhaps a few were just into fighting people. You can never tell. I do know that right now, if we hadn't, we'd have been dealing with a far different situation... But you're right. At least we left the ones sleeping alone. I'm not sure how I'd feel if we'd done anything to them." Ingverd left it at that, as he didn't want to get into discussing a rather depressing topic, right after all that killing. It was already heavy enough.

Though at the talk of being best friends, he smirked, and started to walk away. "I'll leave you two alone. Don't think I want to get in between whatever's happening right now... Maybe I can find Maja and she can look at my arm, just a bit before we have to walk again. Have fun." He looked away from them, and found himself frowning a little. Not much you can do to fight against closeness like that...

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Lanos suppressed a groan when he heard that they weren't even going to stop and rest for that much longer. Maybe he could hitch a ride on Isabelle's wagon when she showed up. "I didn't mean to imply that you don't care about others. Sorry if it seemed like it did." He listened to Ingverd's advice but, while he agreed that perhaps these people didn't deserve his concern, it wouldn't change thoughts on the mission. At least not now. "I guess so, but that's just how I am," he managed to get out before the elf began walking away.

He turned his attention back to Valha. "Yeah, I see that now. Just have to keep on living as long as possible."

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Finally, that was over and done with. It was supposed to be a quiet stealth mission but the litter of bodies strewn across the ground indicated otherwise. All the bloodshed before bedtime had left a sour taste in Raith's mouth and he pushed himself to focus on other things. Like the prisoner they had taken captive--he wasn't paying too much attention but was pretty sure Lanos and some of the other guys had been working on capturing the prisoner, so he scoured the field and headed towards them. Ingverd was plodding away from the scene and he met him part way.

"S'matter Ingverd? You're lookin' a little dispirited."

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Makin figured she should at least do something while she waited for the rest of the group to get their bearings together. She decided it would be best to talk to their new centaur 'friend'. She slithered up and over to him folding her arms and staring at him. "Alright. You didn't run, and you helped us fight. Best to explain who you are, so I can ask you to come with us. I'm surprised you didn't run, honestly." She said, rolling her eyes a little bit.


Ingverd was surprised that Raith wanted to talk to him. Let alone that he could tell anything. Do I really look that bothered? He fixed his face into a smile and then laughed a little. "No, nothing, nothing to worry about. Just... Feelings, and all that. Not much I can do, really. Maybe there'll be something in Felson. What about you? Holding up alright? Boss hasn't wrapped her tail entirely around you?" he asked, with a coy smile, nudging Raith with his elbow.

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Feelings, eh? It didn't take long for Raith to piece together the equation, though frankly, he had pieced most of it together a while ago. He was hoping the rest had an idea too, otherwise he was paying way too much attention to that stuff for no reason. "Yeah I'm doin' alright I s'pose. A little tired but hey, that's how the work goes y'know?" He was taken a little off-guard at the mentioning of tails, and tails being wrapped around, but he managed to recoup without too much of a stumble. "Tails? Does it look like I have a tail wrapped around me? C'mon. 'Sides the only tail that's ever been wrapped around me is Ophelia's." Well actually no now that I think about it, I think it's only ever been slightly curled around...eh. Whatever, close enough. "But hey, lighten up," he said, clasping Ingverd on the shoulder. "Plenty of fish in the sea, as the saying goes. Or perhaps in your case--birds in the nest." He said, returning Ingverd's smile and nudge in kind.

"Oh but hey, you might want to have Maja take a look at that arm for you. I mean, I could probably patch it up, but I have a feeling she'd do a much better job with it. But on the off chance you can't find her, just holler and I'll come over to you." Maybe have her look at that heart too.

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Valha remained quiet for what Ingverd said before leaving. "See you around, Ingverd," she called after him, waving somewhat uselessly considering he was facing the other direction, before leaning back onto Lanos. "Keep on livin'... I don't think that changin' any time soon is a big concern. Even though you worry a lot, you're gettin' pretty good out there, yeah?" She rubbed her head against his shoulder playfully. "Maybe you'll even be the one who's bailin' me out of a tough situation soon, huh?"

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"Was just a joke. The boss really likes you, if you hadn't noticed. I'm pretty sure you did; you're not slow, but just... Don't break her heart too badly if you don't feel the same way. I don't want to have to deal with that..." He shook his head, but on the topic of breaking hearts, it seemed Raith had picked up on his own. "Hahaha... I know you mean well, but... Not like her. I could search for years and not find someone as... Impressive. That seems like the right word."

At least the topic of healing had been touched on, despite their jabs. "I'll see her, but you can come along as well. She might know more, but you could be able to help, and maybe you'll learn a thing or two as well. Come on, let's go find her, before Makin gets bored and drags you off..." He chuckled, but looked serious, and started to look about for Maja amongst their group.

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Once again Lanos couldn't help but feel happy with Valha's praise. After all, even if he no longer wanted to imitate her he still looked up to her. "It hasn't been easy though, that's for sure." But your praise makes it worth it. Lanos let out a nervous laugh. "Maybe. Though I'd prefer if I didn't have to because that would mean you weren't in life-threatening danger, right?" He sighed, feeling a tad embarrassed about what he was going to say next. "Nonetheless I'd gladly bail you out of anything, no matter the cost."

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Still fairly tired from all the walking and the late time, Maja let herself zone out when the last enemy was brought to the sword. Part of her pondered on the matter of what the group just did, as well as taking a sleeping enemy hostage, only to be shrugged off by her optimism. They must have had it coming, Makin said so! No point in bothering about that! Besides, I'm a mercenary now, I can't think about them. They're all bandits. They're all bandits... She repeated the mantra in her head a few times until a mildly painful sting reappeared in her torso, a sting from that... thing's rapier which was not all that healed yet. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down the girl's spine. "Join my army of the dead", just who would say this?! Almighty Him, that thing kept looking me in the eyes... scary eyes... "Join my army of the dead"... It didn't take much for the girl to be stuck in a light trance that terrified her. Perhaps the lack of sleep with all these events combined was a bit much for her.

She was able to come back to the world of the conscious as Ingverd and Raith appeared in her vision. "Ah!" She turned to them. Right, I'm a healer. There's still wounded, do something! "Need healing?" She asked, readying one of her healing staves.

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"Ah!" Ferdinand exclaimed as Makin spoke to him, before turning and bowing to her. "My name is Ferdinand Coulpere, and I'm a former merchant who has been travelling the lands trying to master my archery. I ended up tagging along with this group...but I must say, I'd be honoured to follow you... unless you're involved in some shady business?"

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Truthfully, Raith hadn't really been thinking much about his flirtationship with Makin, mostly he had just been going with the flow--and having a bit of fun. He figured Makin was just messing with him too, but apparently not? She's a nice friend, but she is also my boss after all. He sighed. It was something he'd have to think about in the morning. He couldn't be bothered to do it now. "I uh, yeah, I'll try not to, but I guess that Lanos guy is giving you a run for your money, eh?" he said, shifting the focus back onto Ingverd. "S'okay makes it more fun when there's a bit of competition. And plus, think of it this way. Those guys have known each other for at least a while, right? At least, I think? But anyway, if they haven't gotten together yet then you've still got a chance, right?" he said, following Ingverd over to Maja. He had gotten so swept up he forgot that he actually wanted to see the prisoner. Whoops.

They found Maja soon enough, and she immediately asked if they needed anything. She was pretty diligent about her job, which was pretty admirable. "Ah no, I'm just a bit scratched up, but it's nothing I can't fix up myself," sidestepping away, he then pointed to Ingverd, "he's got a bit of a something something that needs to be taken care of though, if you don't mind taking a look."

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Kendeall, meanwhile, was just a little tired. He hadn't managed much in that last fight, and his mind kept drifting off to that strange dream he's been having lately about the Ice Cave... What did that fortune that he got before even mean? He didn't quite get it.

Flexing his left arm and glancing at his Fire tome, he wondered if perhaps he could use that to help him out here. After all, he had a feeling that it would be well worth his time if he did figure this whole thing out...

His hand then instinctively went to the axes on his back. He then remembered that new axeman having stolen his Halberd earlier, and decided to get it back from him. Somehow. Probably not by force, but whatever.

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Angus was ready to crawl into the nearest bed at this point (which unfortunately seemed to be a good distance away), but it looked like there was still work to be done. He was amazed they hadn't suffered any casualties during the fight, considering all of the bodies scattered around them. The enemy leader didn't seem to be dead however, just left unconscious by Lanos' attack. He walked over to the shaman in order to check something.

"Thought so." he muttered, grabbing her tome. If she woke up, leaving her armed seemed like a bad idea. He didn't know what to do with it, but at the very least it was some more gold, so he pocketed it.

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"You chose a rather poor group to practice archery with... No matter. You proved yourself well enough, so feel free to tag along. Hope some noble in Felson's willing to pay for us, because my pocket change isn't going to last with how big we're getting..." Makin sighed, and rested herself back on her tail. "Alright, go socialize, or something. Still need to relax a bit before I start dragging everyone off through the plains again. And I'm sure they do too." Makin severely just wanted something to eat or play with, to keep herself from thinking too much.


Perhaps Ingverd could see some of why Makin was into him; he was pretty good at this whole cheering up business. "Childhood friends and all, but I guess you're right... Hmmm. I'm sure there're a few things I can do in Felson to up my chances, but let's not talk about this anymore. I don't like talking about Valha like she's some... Trophy. It doesn't feel right." He shook his head, and went over to Maja with Raith, hoping their little healer extraordinaire could do something to ease his arm's woes.

"Evening, Maja. Lovely weather we're having," he joked, rolling his sleeve up. "Think you could just give my arm a quick look over with your magic? It still hurts from that encounter with Ertel. I don't expect you to fix it entirely, no worries there. But maybe you can stop the stinging for a while." He laughed a little, but his arm really was hurting.

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Sonia found a soft (and, more importantly, clean) patch of grass to rest in, and idly looked over the trinket she stole. It's just a shield, right? A nice one. Probably worth something. Except it's kind of heavy and we're still a few days from Felson... Better to see if it'll be useful to someone, especially if this happens again. Conveniently enough, she looked up and saw the axe-mage pass by.

"Hey, Kendeall, right? Can you use this?"

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Kendeall turned around and saw that little thief from before, the one that he gave the tome to before. "Yeah, that's me. Whatcha need, kid?" he asked as he slipped his Fire tome back into his bag. Then he noticed the strange looking shield I her hands, and cocked an eyebrow. "Um... what's a thief like you doing with a big shield like that? I'd think you'd wanna keep yourself light as possible for quickness of thieving and all that."

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"Very well... Commander." Ferdinand replied as he walked over to where some one was looking at a particular shield. He eyed it carefully... yes it was of familiar material to Ferdinand, for he had sold quiet a few of these shields earlier. This one would go well in the market.

" You may want to sell that one. It'd sell for a pretty good amount on the market." Ferdinand commented, walking closer to the two mercenaries.

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Kendeall raised another eyebrow at his and Sonia's new company. He... didn't quite remember the group taking on a centaur. "And... uh, who exactly are you? I don't remember us having a centaur with us before." he asked assertively, as if to take offense to the centaur's presence. Though he didn't have any personal gripe with him, he could well be an enemy, so best not to take chances.

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"My apologies, first introductions! I'm Ferdinand Coulpere... the centaur that you captured earlier. But, the commander has allowed me to be part of this group so... you could say I'm a new recruit of sorts." Ferdinand replied calmly, even though he was slightly intimidated by the young man's reply. He figured he'd need to put up with some hostility towards him for a while.

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Kendeall relaxed a bit. So, the boss let him stick around? That worked for him. For now, at any rate. "Alright, that works for me. Name's Kendeall Soderberg. I've been around since we started this little band, I guess, so I'm a bit... leery of newcomers. But you seem like a decent enough guy." Then, he extended his hand towards Ferdinand, hoping to get a good handshake.

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Hah, so he's one of thsoe people who like confidence...perhaps to the point of arrogance. Very well, he'll be a fun customer.

Ferdinand responded by stretching his hand outward too, giving a firm handshake. "Well met, Kendeall Soderberg." Ferdinand glanced at the shield for a moment, and continued, " How old is this group? You all seem to be a well knit bunch when it comes to fighting."

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"One of the centaurs had it, and he... wasn't using it, so to speak. Anyway, want it? Like you said, if I held on to it, it'd just get in the way." And maybe it was just tiredness catching up with her, but she wasn't too happy about dragging it around until they made it to Felson.

Following the centaur's appearance, she waited until the situation defused a bit before speaking up again. "Good to meet you, Ferdinand. You're not the only new recruit, I haven't been here that long, myself." Right. Introductions "Er, Sonia, by the way."

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"Hmm... Well, maybe I'll use it, then. Couldn't hurt, right?" Kendeall replied as he took the shield in his hands. He already felt a bit... sturdier, so to speak, and he figured that the shield would help him out in the battles to come.

"We've been a proper band of mercenaries for... hmm... not too long, really. But we've gotten a fair bit of practice already, considering how little time we've been together. Between zombies and a rather nasty batch of thugs, we've already got a fair few battles - and bodies - under each of our belts." Ken clapped Ferdinand on the back and chuckled. Boy, this guy doesn't know what he's in for with this lot.

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