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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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"Uh... I never bothered to count." Angus replied, pausing for a moment. "There's about 15 of us, I think? Maybe a few more. I guess that's kind of a lot compared to how many we had when I joined up. It's kind of weird to think that it was only a few months ago, huh?" he said to Kendeall, thinking back to their recruitment.

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Kendeall couldn't help but laugh a bit at the new girl's bluntness; she was definitely not one to waste time or words. Angus, meanwhile, seemed like he was reminiscing about when the group first came together, to which Kendeall let out another chuckle. "Yeah, seriously. Only a couple months and we've dealt with a big group of bandits, a bunch of monsters, and a big-ass centaur patrol. Man... never a dull moment with this group, that's for sure. Especially with how big we've gotten... Shit, I think we only had about eight of us when we started, didn't we Angus?"

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Maja gained a soft after Vriska's comment. Yeah, I'll be out of this outfit soon... and then find Kadin, and then everything will be fine again. She found some comfort in the wishful thinking.

She was quite surprised, though, when the harpy introduced herself as Lanos' mom. She realized she had little idea of the harpies' family. Hm, harpies' live in the slums, right? Would that mean Valha and Lanos' families are there? Have they ever gone to meet them since we came? Oh, probably, Lanos was down there with me... Wait, then what does his mom mean by escaping from Cedric? Common knowledge failed Maja as she kept on listening, but soon enough she'd understood what it meant. "Wha-? Lanos, your father is a noble?" It was news for her, at least.

Not everything had sunk in yet from the morality of Cedric and Taryn's relationship, but the girl already had a question from what she listened. "Hey, Lanos, you found your parents, right? What are you going to do now? You have the guild, but you have a nice home to stay at, too." She wasn't that fond of the idea of staying home herself, but this was Lanos. He always seemed cautious in battle, and his parents looked nice, too!

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"Hey, don't laugh. I see that smile creeping up, there," she said with a smile of her own, resting her elbows onto the table. "It's really not uncomfortable at all. I know it might look it, but, coiling my tail around something actually helps me be comfortable... The bones in my tail are incredibly flexible, after all. Kinda like how I coiled up last night..." she smirked and raised an eyebrow-- but before any more coy expressions could be made, a plate of toast was placed down on the middle of their table, a waiter smiling at them.

"Morning~ What can I get the two of you?" their happy server asked.

Makin held her smile. "We'll take two orders of steak and eggs. I'll take my eggs hard boiled. How do you like them Raith?"

Sleeping Late

Ingverd yawned and stared at his face in his room's mirror. He'd slept magnificently, and he was ready to face this morning with a smile... After he picked out the best clothes to wear, and combed his hair. The inn had a bathing room, perhaps he should make use of that, as well. Y'know, I think I will. I could use a good soak. He pulled a nice, white bath robe over his ebony skin, whistling his way out of his room. He would've went straight to showering, but there seemed to be a conversation going on downstairs, with a voice he couldn't quite place. Must be someone new... He leaned over the railing, and couldn't help his laughter. Poor Lanos! "Comfortable?" he asked, as he stared directly at the bird.


"Well, Valha... It's silly, but, I got into a huge fight with my family. Some feathers may have been torn out, and I fled. After a few hours of flying, I spotted Felson, and... Landing was both the worst and best decision I have ever made. That's the long and short of it. And yes, Lanos, it does look it. Hmhmhm..." The piano girl made a surprising suggestion, though, once that Taryn wasn't entirely against. "Well... Cedric's asked you to do something for him, all of you, so I don't think he will be right now, but... Lanos, if you ever want to come and live with us, you know you're more than welcome to. You should only be nineteen; Cedric would have no problem taking you in. Valha, Vriska, you two. The manse is large, and, well... I don't think I'd want to take you away from him. Look at you three." Taryn smiled, but Vriska groaned a little, inside.

I don't think I want to share Lanos with Valha, in that way. I just... Ugh. She sighed, and rested her head back against his chest. That was when Ingverd's voice came down, and she turned a bit red. "You bet he's comfortable, grandpa. Now go put some actual clothes on, geez." Even if she couldn't see anything, as his robes were shut tight, it was still a little awkward.

Taryn turned up to see him as well, turning back a bit quizzically. "Oh, who's that? Is he another mercenary?"

At that point, Cedric came back in. Seeing that Lanos wasn't finished speaking to his mother, he rested against the wall next to the door, waiting until he could have a moment to do so.

"Well, Lanos, I just wanted to ask you... Did you ever stop loving us? I don't blame you if you did, I just... Call it childish, but it's what I was worried about most, after we couldn't find you..." Taryn smiled that melancholic smile, again.

Food Call

"Oh, fantastic, Sonia. If you ever need work away from being a mercenary, stop by. I can always use extra hands." Sara smiled, glad that she had one less thing to do that morning. It even gave her enough free time to address the half elf sitting in front of her. "The councilman guy? He's, like, Lanos' father, or something. His mom's right over there, chatting that group up-- oh wow, I hadn't even noticed him getting covered in girls, haha. That's hilarious." Sara giggled like a madwoman at the sight. She couldn't laugh forever, though. "Alright, everyone, feel free to eat if you're hungry! Sonia just cooked you up some ham. Should be enough to fee everyone here right now~"

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" Ah right. the other half of the payment! Here it is." Ferdinand replied as he quickly exchanged another 98 gold for his newly forged axe. Then, he proceeded to go to the arena where he fought yesterday. He sorely needed more money.

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"Well, that's one thing to think over when you come back, then. Right?" Maja took a glance at Lanos, and realized how close the girls were clinging on him. ...Uh, am I supposed to do something too? The girl saw the two harpies more like siblings before, but perharps she thought wrong. Wait, what about Valha and Ingverd? Is this really okay? However, that was a line of thought that Maja didn't feel like going too deep in at the moment. Probably for the better.

Speak of the devil (well, in this case, think of), Ingverd just then came downstairs! ...Though he wasn't exactly dressed for the day yet. "Oh, yeah, that's Ingverd, he's with us. He's been in the group the longest with our boss!" Maja explained to Lanos' mom, and turned to wave at him. "Morning! Are you going to take a shower?"

With Sara announcing a meal was ready, Maja figured it was a good enough cue to leave the conversation. It seemed sort of personal, anyways. Vriska probably wants to stay with Lanos, too. I wonder if I can ask somebody else to help find Kadin... "Well, I'm going to eat then go shopping soon, you guys have a nice talk!" She left the group to the counter, getting some nice-looking ham. "Sonia made this? That's nice. I didn't know she cooked!"

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"Laughing? Whose laughing? Me? Don't be silly," he replied, trying to stifle the desire that was welling up inside him. Too little too late though. He tried to keep his lips pursed, but he burst out in laughter when Makin made mention of the prior night. Something about the parallel being drawn in terms of last night, and the chair of all things, struck him as absolutely hilarious. He tried placing a hand over his mouth, but that did little to disguise it. It wasn't until a few moments later, where he finally calmed down. "Haha, oh gods, I'm sorry," he wiped away a stray tear, trying to look a bit more composed for the waiter. "Aha, I'll take, uh, haha, I'll take whatever she's having. Yeah, hard boiled sounds fine," he nodded, "Ahhhhh man, that was good," he exhaled. As the last of the laughing finally died down, he picked up a piece of toast and tore into it, trying to avoid eye contact with Makin. "That's some uh, that's some pretty good toast..."

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Kendeall chuckled a bit as Meredith asked him his name, despite having said it already. Ah well. "The name's Kendeall Soderberg. And, yeah, I'm with the same group. Not quite as good of a fighter as Angus here, but I can throw fire, which is cool." Kendeall answered, turning to Angus. "Anyways, I think we may wanna hold off on finding the boss; something tells me she's out enjoying herself for once. Best to leave her have her time alone."

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"That's not silly at all, Miss Taryn," Valha responded seriously. "Family issues can be the hardest ones to deal with. I'm a brood parasite, so I left my home not that long before meeting Lanos, 'n never ended up even knowin' my real parents. Maybe I'll meet 'em some day, but I don't have my hopes up." She looked up at the familiar elven voice, waving. "How's it goin', Ingverd? Just wakin' up now, huh?"
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"Yeah, Cedric. One of the councilmen," he answered Maja's first question easily enough, but little did he know it was only just the beginning of the hard questions.The next question got to him. He'd told himself he'd stay with the guild, but he hadn't actually thought about it before. What would he do and why would he do it? And then before he could even decide, let alone answer, his mother offered him a life of luxury. No more fighting, no more work, just an easy life. But did Vriska, did Valha, did he want that? Valha wanted to change Felson, he wanted to help her change it. That life wouldn't change Felson. I don't know. That was his answer, but was it acceptable? To him... no, it wasn't. It was wrong. He wasn't being honest with himself. He knew what he'd do, but could he- No. Stop. He was doing it again. He was worrying himself over nothing again. There wasn't even a good reason this time. "I'll go where Valha goes, that hasn't changed." And it might not ever.

And then, as if by magic, Ingverd appeared and asked: 'comfortable?'. Of course he was. He was 'covered' in women, the couch was comfy, people would kill to have this kind of life so how could he not be comfortable right now? But he wasn't actually. In fact, he felt kind of trapped with all the attention that he was getting, especially with Vriska on top of him. There was a reason he preferred to stay in the background after all. He could feel his instincts starting to kick in and they were telling him to move, escape. So he did. He wrapped his free arm around Vriska, so she wouldn't fall, and stood up. He felt a little better after that and looked up at Ingverd. "Not with all this attention on me, no" he answered honestly. There wasn't any reason to lie to the elf. If anything, he should be apologizing to him like Vriska had done to Valha and then thanking him for saving Valha's life. That could wait though.

There was his mother's question after all. It was hard to answer, possibly for both the right and wrong reasons. He'd admitted to Valha that he'd hated his mother for leaving him in the slums, but had he really? Did he even know what it was like to hate someone? And even then, that wasn't the question, it was whether or not he had stopped loving them. What even was 'love'? If he'd known what it was when he was younger he certainly didn't know anymore. So by that logic... had he? Maybe. "I... guess so." It hurt him to say that. But why? He barely knew this woman. So why did it hurt him so much to know that what he'd just said would make her sad? Was it because she was his mother... or was that 'love'? For the first time in weeks he could honestly answer: 'I don't know.' "But... you never stopped loving me, right? And we're here now, talking to each other without screaming or yelling. That has to count for something, right?"

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Who is Laughing?

Raith's burst of laughter got Makin to smile a bit and laugh herself. Was it that funny? Geez... But it made her start thinking, and as their water left with their orders, she sighed. "Raith, hey... Was... Did I make the right choice, last night?" she asked, still trying to smile. "I... I normally, really don't think relationships between mercenaries is a good idea. I won't stop anyone in the group, I mean, I'm their boss, not their mother, but... I'm just... Just wondering if I should've done that, or waited, or not done anything at all." She smiled at him, and then proceeded to play the same game he was, avoiding all eye contact. "It didn't work out so well the last time it happened, so you'd think I'd have learned my lesson, but I suppose not..." To keep herself quiet, she picked up one of the pieces of toasts and stuff it into her mouth, trying to calm herself with food.

Inn Situation

Ingverd wasn't entirely surprised to hear Lanos say that, but the way he'd said it was quite surprising. It wasn't that same, meek tone, but a serious expression. Maybe these days here are doing him some good... Nevertheless, Ingverd waved at Valha and Maja. "Yeah, needed my beauty sleep. And no way, Maja, I just love bathrobes, never a better piece of clothing," he laughed, taking a playful jab at her for an obvious question. Not that he meant any malice, of course. Her own attire was a bit confusing, but seeing how many people were there, she'd probably gotten enough comments on it already. "Have fun with breakfast, I need to go wake up, entirely. The shower awaits~" and Ingverd disappeared into the washing room, wondering what he could do, that day. Perhaps the arena...

Sara smiled as Maja came over, offering her the platter of ham. "Yes, she sure did. I'm glad to get the help... It isn't making up for yesterday with your snake," she said, almost growling, "but it's a start. I should be charging that boss of yours hazard pay, honestly..." Sara sighed, and continued to wash some dishes, switching between that and checking over papers.

Vriska was a bit surprised to suddenly have an arm around her, and was about to relax, but when Lanos said that he wasn't comfortable and proceeded to help her off of his lap, she wondered if she'd done something-- something more --to bother him. She didn't ask, because he was still having a moment with his mother, but... Well, if she didn't ask at all that day, it'd probably eat at her. But noticing Cedric walk in, it didn't seem like she'd be getting the chance to do so any time soon. She sighed, and took Valha by the arm, starting to drag her towards Maja. "We need to talk," was all she said to the bird woman, with a bit of a serious tone, before turning bubbly on for Maja. "Hey, Maja! Okay, so, we need to get you some new Clothes. We can't have you walking around in that, no way. So let's have a time of it, some girl time, with all three of us. How does that sound, Valha?" She smiled back and forth between the two of them, realizing something. "Oh, where's Kadin? Did you lose him again? I can find him, if you want. Shouldn't be that tough... Well, okay, if he's up here, it might be harder..." There were plenty of magical sources in the upper rung.

"That's terrible, Valha," Taryn said, frowning and covering her mouth. Suddenly, her own fight all those years ago didn't seem as bad. "Well, I hope you find your family. Or at least something about them. Closure is definitely a wonderful thing. It's better than having those wonders eat at you, even if the answer to the question is something sad." She offered a sympathetic smile, as she understood that sort of situation well, but Valha was suddenly pulled away by the other girl. Huh. Maybe they have something to go do. Lanos didn't seem all that comfortable, anyway...

Finally, Taryn bit her lip as Lanos said he had stopped loving her at some point. She'd said she wouldn't blame him-- and she didn't --but it still hurt to hear. She jumped up and smothered him in a motherly hug as he was finally let go by everyone else. "That's fine, Lanos... I never stopped, and you're right. We're all here now, so... We can start, again." She was fine with him wanting to go with Valha wherever; they seemed almost inseparable, honestly. And, she'd taken care of him in place of her, for almost his entire life. Even if Taryn was his mother, Valha almost took that place, in a sense. "You're welcome to see us any time you want, alright? Well... I don't know how long it'll be before you can waltz into the manse, but... If you've ever coming back to visit Felson, you're free to speak to any of Cedric's guards, and they'll bring you up. It's a bit... Clunky, but it's better than nothing, after all." She let him go, and patted his wings calmly, trying to get herself to not cry again. She was still far too happy.

Cedric then cleared his throat at the conversation, and Taryn looked over at him. "Oh, yes... You should probably talk to him, some. Even if you can't remember him, he helped a lot with raising you, before we lost you... I'm sure he has plenty he wants to say."

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"Huh, really?" Maja took Ingverd seriously for a moment, but then he went to the showers. Oh, wait, was he messing with me? She was then unsure. Boy, she'd feel dumb if he was just kidding.

Nonetheless, Maja gladly took her breakfast, listening to Sara's comments and... feeling sort of bad after her complaints. "Oh... well, if there's anything else you need help later, maybe we could help too..." I... yikes, today isn't starting that well. Maybe I should have gone back to sleep. Maja wished she could smile despite all this but... those weren't rainbow times, not after the Kadin incident.

Thankfully enough, Vriska had come after her, and she looked so cheerful! "Wha- yeah, sure! That sounds wonderful! I should buy lots to be safe, with the money I got from the arena!" The invitation was warming, and Maja had all the intention to hold onto that right now. She smiled, though Vriska's next question quickly shot the smile down. That seemed a recurring thing now. "Oh, well..." Maja turned to look at her plate of ham. "Kadin left again, yeah. It's complicated." She turned to Vriska again. "You'd really help again? Thanks, really." Maja brought herself to smile again, even if half-hearted.

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"Hmmm, I've honestly never thought too much about my real parents... I never knew 'em, so they just didn't seem that important to me at any point. I'll think about what you said, though... maybe I've been in their thoughts, even though it's been so long. That'd be nice to know, I guess," Valha mused before being brusquely dragged along by Vriska. "Hey, watch it, my wings are fragile!" she whined, listening to her lay out her plans for the day. "Huh, but I was gonna go fightin' in fist-fight place 'n then give the arena a try..."
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Lanos hoped he hadn't upset Vriska by saying he was uncomfortable. He hadn't really minded being used as a chair, or headrest for that matter, it was being the center of attention that bothered him the most. Having been caught up in his thoughts he was once again caught off guard by the sudden hug but still hugged back. The thought of starting anew with his parents was comforting and he could finally feel his anxiety about meeting them vanish completely. "Yeah, I'd like that. And I'll make sure to visit whenever I'm in Felson, we still have a lot to catch up on." He let his mother go and gave her a smile. "I've got some things I want to tell him too."

He wasn't anxious anymore, but he didn't know how to talk to Cedr- his father. He'd forgotten everything about him other than what he sounded like and roughly what looked like. Unlike his mother, almost nothing told him Cedric was his father, the lack of wings really didn't help that. At least he wasn't much taller than Lanos so he didn't have to look up to talk to him. "Uh, hi... dad." Not the best greeting but better than remaining silent at least.

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Vesta grunted as she entered the smithy, hauling her sorry self into the store, thankful for the relative dimness of the cool interior.

"G'morning friend", she greeted the blacksmith a little too loudly, "Are you finished with the axe I left here yesterday? I've come to collect and finish the payment procedurals."

"Wow, I am in desperate need of cash..." Vesta thought with a sigh. Her tummy rumbled, reproaching her for not paying attention to it. "... and grub too."

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"Did you make the right choice? What, you mean the choice you made to drag me into bed? Yeah, I'd say it was a pretty good choice," he said in a hushed voice, grinning all the while. But then his face grew a little more serious, "But jokes aside, I don't really have a clear answer for that." He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "The answer really depends on how you feel about me. And I'd also go as far as to say it also depends on how you'll feel about me in the coming days, weeks, and months. Maybe if you waited, we wouldn't be sitting here right now. Maybe if you never did anything, someone else would have come along who would have," he said.

He looked down at the table, smiling wistfully. It took him a bit of time to gather his thoughts before speaking again. "I think it's important that I tell you this. . .The thing is, I've been dealing with a bit of a problem, you could say--for a while now. This is going to sound a bit crazy, but I've had a really difficult time getting close to people. Flirting? Sure, fine, that's easy. But, that's about all I've been doing for a while now," he said, looking up at Makin. "I flirt with one girl, get a little close to her, and then back off and move on to the next one," he frowned. "Because I can't handle taking the next step. Every time I feel that there's a chance for things to progress beyond frivolity, that there's a chance I might have to invest myself, mentally and emotionally, in someone else, I start to get scared," he said. "I get scared," he repeated, "because I don't want to deal with this feeling again," he placed a hand over his heart. "I get more scared by that, than I do by stepping onto a battlefield, funny right? But I guarantee you; you'll never find a staff that can heal something like this."

He reached over the table, and placed his hand on Makin's. "But, as it turns out, yesterday I think I might have found something, or perhaps, someone, a bit better than any staff," he smiled. "I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but, I'm glad I made you cry," he chuckled. "I'm glad last night happened, I really am. I don't know how things will turn out, and I don't know whether this time will be any different from 'last time', but..." he shrugged. "It's probably too late for either of us to be thinking about that..."

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Kendeall shrugged his shoulders; he hadn't really thought of an answer to that question. Of course, considering where they were, it wasn't a hard question to answer. "Just kill some time. I'm sure that the boss will be done with whatever she's doing soon, and then we can go from there. Hey, why don't you come with me and Angus to the arena? Could do entertaining." The axeman responded, hoping that was a good enough response. For now, anyway.

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"The arena? Eh, sure, I'll tag along. Never really been there, though. Boss would've fired me if I wound up being too injured to work." Meredith rambled. In truth, she hated crowds, needless fighting, and needless work.
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Kendeall nodded; he figured that was understandable. After all, it was never any good to be injured in a brawl before a big job. "Fair enough. I'm gonna try and run the gauntlet, so if you want, you can just watch for the time being and see if you're gonna end up changing your mind."

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A joke wasn't what she had been hoping for, so she was glad he got serious quick. Although, it turned out he didn't really have an answer-- were you honestly expecting him to have some straight answer for you, Makin? Geez... But he had an opinion, and she listened to it, attentively. Would she feel the same way about him in the days to come? She'd felt the same for the last month, or so... She didn't think that would just go away, not withing some drastic happening, and he didn't seem like the kind to be drastic. She didn't expect to hear what he had to say, though-- after inhaling that piece of toast.

"You? You have trouble getting close to people? Come on, Raith, I wanted you to be serious..." She pouted for a moment, but it seemed like he was being serious. Serious enough to say it made him scared. She tensed up, remembering how she'd felt when she saw him with that woman the previous night; how she'd been scared, in that moment. Was it something like that? She didn't know. But...

"I made you feel that way, huh?" She half smiled, wondering if that really was a good thing. She didn't recoil at his hand, or anything like that. It was a nice touch; a nice feeling. "Too late... Well... I guess I can't go around lecturing anyone in the group about getting together, then." She managed a chuckle. She'd actually been planning on talking to Ingverd, but... Not anymore. Not after this. But, then she bit her lip. "For me... For me, the worry is... Well, you know what happened to Gerrod. I felt the same way for him as I did for you, but I never said, or did anything. I just let it sit there for years... And, he..." She couldn't say it. She knew that if she did, she'd tear up, and neither of them needed that.

"That's part of why I'm so worried on if this was the right idea or not. I never said anything to him, so yeah, it hurt, but... I've taken that extra step now, so if something happens to you..."


Burke had been expecting more company; he'd gotten a lot of weapons, so when the tiny centaur came in, he didn't bat an eye, and held her axe out to her. "There y'go. Bigger'n stronger'n before. Need the other half o' yer charge, an' yer free t'go." Burke hurried through his talk, slurring his words more than usual, as he figured that he'd be getting some more visitors soon...

Ingverd is Currently in Shower Land and is Thinking About His Day

Day Plans

"Don't worry about it," Sara told Maja. "I need to be able to handle this stuff if I'm working here, right? I'm just glad I haven't yelled at anyone, yet. You enjoy your day." Back to dishes land.

Vriska sighed at Valha, returning to the mostly happy land of Maja for a moment. "Sure, I don't mind helping you find him, just don't blame me if it takes a while. As for you, Valha," she said, turning to face the bird, "we need to talk. About Lanos. So you don't have to come shopping with us or finding Kadin or whatever, if you have plans, but..." She sighed, and took a serious expression, much unlike the scowl she had held moment before. "I just... Don't want to fight over him, so... I need to talk it out. Maybe we can come to a compromise, or, something." She almost pouted, hoping that Valha would agree to that much. And hoping that Maja wouldn't interject too badly, if she had an opinion.


Cedric cleared his throat and went to say something, but ended up closing his mouth again. Lanos had said hi; he heard him, but he didn't exactly know how to respond to that. Without knowing what to say, he figured that a hug would convey his emotions well enough, pulling his son into a slightly awkward but loving embrace, as he finally put together what to say to him. "I, eh... I didn't think you'd still be alive, son... That, uh, Valha girl, right? She's the one who helped you survive?" Cedric hadn't fully smiled since he'd arrived, but he was beaming, now. "I'm sorry for the state the city's in, in regards to your people... I'm doing all that I can upstairs to fix things, but... Well, it's not that easy." He breached the topic with such ease, even with how heavy it was.

"But, you know, once I have, you'll be next in line for my spot on the council. You're my son; I wouldn't have it any other way... If that sounds appealing, of course. And it wouldn't be for another ten or so years... Hey, this... This might be a bit of an odd question, but, do you... Still have that book we gave you, when you were younger?" It was odd, but it was on his mind. "I just, well, wanted to know. Don't mind your old man."

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"Uh, alright..." Maja was a bit reluctant about Sara still, but it was better not to press it after what she said. Just hope your mood gets lifted soon... just like I hope for me. She sighed, but Vriska quickly helped lighten her mood by reassuring her offer. "That would still be great, thanks!"

Then the topic quickly changed to the awkward one Maja tried not to think of. Right, so there *is* something between the two and Lanos... that looks complicated. She'd given it some thought, but it was frustrating for the wrong reasons. Vriska is younger than me... Bah, don't think about it, Maja. She turned to her ham, almost taking another bite as she thought of something relevant to say. "What does Lanos think about this, anyways?"

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