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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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Lanos was a bit... weirded out that Cedric knew what he knew if he was addressing what Lanos thought he was. Mainly because he'd have no reason to research it after he was four or literally last night. He decided to not comment on it, instead focusing on yet another surprise hug and his parent's subsequent departure. "Yeah... See you later," he said, giving a small wave.

His parent's gone he wondered what do next. Or he did until his stomach growled and he realized he hadn't eaten anything after breakfast yesterday. He shouldn't have been surprised considering how eventful it had been but he was really shocked, growing up in the slums should've cemented that not eating sucked. Incredibly hungry after that realization he walked over and took some ham, probably more than he should've to be completely honest but he was hungry dammit, and sat down next to Valha; not inbetween her or Ingverd or anything, that would've been incredibly rude and uncalled for. Food and seat acquired he began his meal, not really stuffing his face but all the same not wasting any time.

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"Ooh, nice. So strong!" Valha teased. "Well, I can't get shown up in my home city, so I'll have to do my best, too, in both of 'em! 'N don't worry, I play fair. Though, that is puzzling you forget... maybe you used to live a mysterious double life 'n blocked it from your memory! So spoooky!" She waved her wings around as if to illustrate a ghost, laughing after she did so. "But yeah, that sounds good. It's a plan! What do you think, Lanos? Wanna go to the fist-fightin' place? I bet we could both win 'n get a neat prize or somethin', yeah?"
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Raith's own mouth was (ironically) agape, as he watched Makin perform her little spectacle. She was right, it was a bit unsettling, but he dare not admit that to her. "Uh, well it's nothing to be ashamed about," he said, noticing how flustered Makin was about showing it to him. In fact, she seemed to be getting flustered about a lot of things. It was like this weird flip-flopping between flustered, and commanding. He didn't mind though. The first one was cute, and the second one was alluring. He picked at the egg on his plate, debating whether or not he should try putting the whole thing in his mouth like Makin did. Though, after giving it some though, he instead opted not to test his limits, and cut it in half to make it more manageable. "Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy," he smiled, but shortly thereafter he furrowed his brows. "Listen, I wish I didn't have to bring this up right now, but I think it's best if I get this out of the way, rather than later. It's about what I needed to tell you last night before we uh," he paused, "before we got sidetracked."

"Right, so, I'm sure you haven't forgotten Ertel? The leader of that band of thieves Vriska had been a part of, and the one Valha had stolen from? Well, as it turns out, he's followed us here--and I met him last night. Fortunately, he let me leave without much issue, but he told me to tell you that he's watching and that he's quite keen on taking his revenge. There was also something about a 'potion' of sorts, that has allegedly increased his fighting potential, but we didn't fight last night so I can't comment on the credibility of that. Though, he did seem rather confident, so there might be some merit to it. Also, and this is just me commenting on a gut feeling, but that night, I felt like there was someone else watching us. I did my best to take a few detours on the way to the inn, just so that if anyone was following me, they wouldn't know where I was staying, but regardless--I'm just saying I wouldn't put it past this guy to have recruited (or "recruited" in Vriska's case) some more people, in which case, we might have a bit of a problem on our hands," he shrugged. "Honestly, after last night, I'm actually kind of worried about Alicia," he said, biting his lip. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go check up on her sooner rather than later. Just to see if she's alright..."

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Tristram walked around the store, not really seeing anything as he tried to figure out how to handle this. "I... No, never mind. I'm sorry to have wasted your time." He exited the store and headed towards the inn, barely paying attention to his surroundings.

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"Alright!" Maja cheerfuly answered, happy to be closer to getting new clothes. From outside, they could already see some colorful pieces on display, which made the girl think it'd be the right place! She quickly entered the shop with Vriska following her.

They were greeted by the visage of plenty light-textured, easy-to-wear clothes and dresses, which fit how the summer season was just starting. A corpulent, finely dressed man distracted himself with the floor and his thoughts on the other side counter, but quickly regained the composure of a merchant as the two girls showed up. "Good morning, and welcome to Faust's Fashions! What can I help you with?" The man was well in his 40s, in both appearance and rasp voice. "There are far more than what's in display! Warmer clothes are in the back, but I don't think winter is coming anytime soon, hmm?" The merchant gave a sheepish smile.

"Oh! Alright, I'll take a look here first, though!" Maja replied dismissively, alreadylooking some clothes for herself. "Oh, are there any you want, Vriska?" Maja asked, the girl did bring up the idea to go shopping first, after all!

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"The same amount? Alright then." Angus took out his pouch and completed his purchase, taking back his bow. He examined the man's handiwork for a few moments and smiled. "Yeah, this seems better now. Cheers!" He called to the shopkeeper, as made his way outside. I'll have time to test this out later on, I suppose. Along with the one Cedric gave me. By some stroke of luck, he managed to find his way to the punch arena fairly quickly this time, spotting Kendeall and Meredith once he went inside. "Sorry, I got kind of lost." he said, as he rejoined the duo. "Have you two done your fights yet?"

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Right. The owner. I've come too far to stop now. Considering how smoothly the other matches had gone, Sonia honestly felt that she could win this, even if it came down to pure dumb luck. "Of course." This time whatever confidence she was displaying wasn't faked.


That was anticlimactic. She didn't even remember the fight, just one brief flash of light (one of her own attacks, maybe?) and then a downright unreasonable amount of pain. At least it was over quickly (which, if anything, made the defeat even more humiliating) and, perhaps more importantly, losing to the owner didn't cost her anything. That part was certainly welcome, at least. Even if a lot of it is going to go toward fixing all the stuff I brought in with me...

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Makin noticed Raith getting a bit unsettled; it was written plainly on his face, even if he didn't say anything, and she reminded herself to never, ever do that again. There's no point to it, why can we even do that? It's just some, stupid, left over part of our physiology... Geez. Whoever made us sure had a sense of humor, huh? She sighed that away, because there were more pressing matters-- she dropped her fork and stared incredulously at Raith. "Wh... What? What!?" She was a bit freaked out. Not only was Ertel alive-- who knows how he survived all that blood loss --but he had tracked them here, across the plains, and was now in better shape than apparently ever. This kind of lunacy was a bit much for her to handle. She leaned into her elbow, placing her head in her hand, staring at the table.

A few thoughts ran through her head. One of them being that they shouldn't have bothered intervening in what was going on, but she shot that thought down right away. As long as Ertel was only after them, it was fine-- he'd leave Ward along. Unless he kills us, and then goes back. Gods, what have we gotten into? "Then, let's just... Let's just hurry along and meet this Alicia. I'm not hungry anymore." She fiddled around in her sack and pulled out enough gold to pay for the breakfast, uncoiling her tail off of the chair. Without any time wasting, she started to slither off, waving for Raith to come along. He'd catch up and start leading her, and he'd do it fast, otherwise she'd set off on her own to try and find any store with Alicia in the title. Worry was not an emotion Makin dealt well with.

The Past is Just That

"Best of luck, then. I'm sure we'll be squaring off to go first in the regular arena, though... I want a chance to fight that man Maja beat. Don't want him to have a daily quota, or something, to who he fights." He grinned, wondering what sort of fighter he was. Maja said she'd won a lance off of him, meaning if he was still swinging one around, Ingverd would be at a pretty big disadvantage. Maybe he'll be using an axe today, hah... What luck that'd be.

For some reason, Valha kept bringing up the forgetting, and it was seriously starting to bother him. He didn't bother responding to it, both because he'd have been curt, and because he didn't want to entertain the thought. He couldn't remember it, and if that was the reason, it was best not to go near it. Lanos sat down next to them, so at least he could focus his energies on a different topic. "Lanos, keep her safe, alright? Make sure to sock anyone that socks her-- if they're still standing when she's done, haha. Have a good one. I'll meet you both at the arena." He winked, and quickly leaned in to give Valha a light kiss, before walking out of the inn. He wouldn't mind watching a few fights while he waited for the birds to catch up.


Vriska groaned audibly at the corpulent man standing behind the counter, doing her best to hide her disgust. She had nothing against people who were overweight, but when it went that far... She shuddered. At least the clothes looked alright. Alright enough to wear? She wondered so... And then Maja offered-- or at least, sounded like she was offering. "You're willing to buy me something?" Vriska asked, almost surprised. "Well... I dunno. I like my shirt, kinda. It's tight; leaves little to the imagination. I've got nice curves, y'know?" she casually said, looking along the shelves. "But, I like baggy clothes too, like... Hmm... Mmmmmaybe this sweaterrrr?" she said, extending the words as she reached up to the rack it was on, and took it down. It was grey, but speckled with black dots along the design, and the fabric was rather comfortable to the touch; nothing like Hilda's wool presents. "If you're offering, I'll take this. We're going to a tundra, after all." She quickly wondered if everyone had remembered to buy something to wear in the harsh weather, and would definitely laugh if no one had.

No Sale!

Drogan watched as his potential customer left without a single question about anything, and sighed. Well! At least I don't have to worry about that damned lance, anymore! I'm not even going to continue looking at this list~


Marius couldn't believe how quickly that went-- had this woman simply been lucky, fighting his men, or was his sword arm stronger than he remembered? Either way, he lent a hand down to help her back onto her feel, as the arena healers did their work. "Well, I... Can't say the outcome was favorable for you, but you certainly have a handle on your magic. Even if I took you down, you hit me fairly hard. Best of luck next time." He smirked, and then waved to the cheering crowd.

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Trist finally reached the inn and quietly entered just as Ingverd was exiting. "Oh, uh... hi and bye apparently." He headed in, figuring the man was going somewhere, before noticing two harpies, at least one of whom he vaguely recalled being a part of the group. "Uh... Hi, are you two with Makin's mercenary group?"

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"Makin wait, hold on!" he called out, but to no avail. She'd already made great distance between herself and the table. Damn it, I should have just waited to tell her. He looked at Makin, and back at his unfinished plate, and back at Makin, and then back at his plate once more. He stuffed the remaining egg and steak (or at least, the remaining that he could fit) into his mouth and hurried over to her. He made to speak, but instead started to choke. His mad fit of coughing and gagging ultimately resulted with all the food he had stuffed into his mouth, onto the ground in front of him. Suddenly, he wasn't that hungry anymore either. "Ahe--ahem, well uh, yeah I'm fine....we should uh, we should get going then," he said, trying to play things off, though he knew there was no hiding what had just happened.

By now, he had all but memorized the route to Alicia's store (whether that was a good or bad thing was up for debate). He led Makin through the city swiftly, stopping just short of the door to her store. He knocked twice, and then opened the door and stepped inside. Why did I knock? This isn't her house... "Alicia, are you here? It's me Raith. I brought someone to see you," he called out.

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"You, uh, didn't miss much," Meredith said, words tumbling out of her mouth far faster than she'd anticipated. "Kendeall here seems to be content with watching right now." She silently hoped Angus wouldn't notice the quaver in her voice. Edited by eclipse
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"Um, alright." Angus replied, wondering why the half-elf seemed so flustered. "I guess I'll try then." He left Meredith to... whatever she was doing, and walked up to the gentleman behind the counter. "Hey, can I go next?" If Kendeall wasn't up for it at the moment, there was no point waiting.

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"I --huh, sure." Maja was moreso asking if anything caught Vriska's eye, but she wasn't opposed to buy Vriska something --she got quite a bit of money at the arena, after all--. She was surprised when Vriska so casually commented on her own form, mostly just not expecting that to be brought up. Maja gave her an once over while Vriska picked up the sweater, but quickly turned her attention back to the clothes, the slightest bit red in the face. Awkward. "...Right! That sweater looks comfy." She turned back to Vriska when she showed the sweater, trying to play off anything that just happened. "Right, boss said we were going there, right? I'll pick some warm clothes too." Maja turned her attention to another rack, picking up a moderately heavy, long-sleeved, blue leather shirt. It had quite a few star-and-moon details, and the sleeves opened up wider at the ends. "Oooh! This one looks nice. I think I'll take it." She picked up maroon, tough leather pants following, which would probably help her in combat too. Red socks, and dark green boots as well! "This should be good for something like the tundra! Do you think I should pick any accessories?" She asked Vriska.

Still at the counter, Faust, the shopkeeper, was somewhat taken aback when the younger girl audibly groaned at him. He was fairly used to comments on his body, and even made light and fun of it himself to help his mood, but it was hard when the reaction was... that. He just stood at the counter, counting the nothing while the girls looked through his wares. At least they were interested, and that brought the man's mood up quick enough. "Look no further than the summer selection for form-fitting clothes for fine lasses and lads proud of their bodies!" He couldn't help but overhear their conversation, they weren't too quiet, and it was his shop, anyways! "From shirts to shorts, we have plenty designs that are simple and slightly minimalistic, but hey! Your body will be thanking you when you're not sweating under heavy robes next month --that's when the sun really hits home--. We have all sorts of light colors, I might add! Why not give yourself a nice gift for when you come back from wherever you're going?" Short pause. "Or perhaps a gift to a nice lad you fancy, hmm?" For a moment, Faust was proud of his bartering skills.

Edited by Xinnidy
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"Daily quota? Sounds pretty silly, unless you're sayin' he thinks he's too good to fight against too many people or whatever. 'N hey, you don't have to worry about me," Valha insisted, flushing a bit at how close Ingverd was in front of Lanos. "See you there, Ingverd. Well, we'd better be off. You ready, Lanos?" She nearly started off before a vaguely familiar elf greeted them. "Hmm, did I see you yesterday? But yeah, we are! I'm Valha, 'n this is Lanos, 'n we're the strongest harpies around. You lookin' for the boss? I think she's out for right now, 'n we were gonna get goin', too. Maybe we'll run into her 'n we can tell her we saw you, yeah?"
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Trist shook his head. "Not looking for her specifically. Just... looking for the group I suppose. Tried my hand at one of the arenas this morning and, well, didn't do so well. So I figured I'd come join up with the rest of the group. Though it seems most people aren't around..." He shrugged. "Oh, er, right. I'm Tristram, though you may call me Trist if you'd prefer."

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Makin slowed her rushing as she heard Raith choking, wondering if he'd be alright. Should've waited a moment... Geez... But, that news, I just... Makin stopped to let him catch up, and shivered a bit. "Sorry, Raith. I just, uh... Got a bit paranoid. Lead on, I suppose." She didn't say much else as he lead them to this Alicia's shop, wondering how he knew how to get there so quickly. Maybe it was his own worry, or maybe he'd memorized how to get there. Both were cute, in a way, though one was a tad worrisome. She didn't bother to voice that, though-- it was a petty concern, at this point. Even so, she followed him in a bit closer than she normally would've.

"Huh!?" Alicia spun around with a hand over her right eye, and that same knife clutched firmly in her hand, not in a surprised manner this time. She was ready to strike, if necessary. But she lowered that guard almost instantly, as she saw that it was just Raith, and who she presumed to be his boss. Unless he was traveling with a group of Nagas. How odd that would be. "S-Sorry, Raith. Just a bit jumpy, after last night..." She kept her hand up over her eye.

"This is Alicia?" Makin asked, moving in front of Raith. She seemed like an able person, and the weapons in the store looked fine. She'd definitely be an asset to the group...

Gag Me

Vriska had to turn and choke as the rotund man spoke of proud lasses; he was the last person she wanted thinking about her that way. She shook her head and did her best to ignore him, deciding to look it over, and... "Well. It's a rainbow. Again." She found herself smiling, despite the obviously bad selection of clothes. They just... Fit Maja. Really well. "I think you'll look just fine on those." And then the talk of warm clothes... She wanted to not say it, but whatever good had started to come out recently shone out over her mischievous ways. "We... Should probably remind everyone to get warm clothes, when we see them. I'm not sharing my sweater with someone because they forgot to take care of themselves. But, thanks for offering to buy this for me, Maja. Really nice of you." Vriska caught that silly smile before it got too wide, and turned it into a smirk. No one would catch her being that happy! "Accessories? Like, what? Gloves, necklaces? Uh... Well, you could get some gloves. Get them in pink, to complete that rainbow ensemble, haha." Vriska laughed just a bit, but then went serious. She might just do that. Hmm. Should I say I was joking, or not... She pondered over it, but didn't say anything, not yet.

Sizing Up

"Hmm. Go in, sir. Bet on the counter, please." The man seemed to think that Angus would do fairly well. Only time would tell, of course.

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Lanos hadn't really been paying attention yo Valha and Ingverd's conversation, his food far more interesting at the moment. "Yeah, I gotcha," he answered between bites. Ingverd's display didn't bother him, if he could like two girls Valha could like two guys, so much as made him wonder when they got that close. Rather than dwell on that he focused on what really mattered, his food. Oh yeah, he realized after Ingverd left and his ham was pretty much gone I still need to thank and apologize to him. I'll probably do it at the arena or something. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm ready," he answered, shoving the last bit of ham into his mouth. He didn't recognize the elf, and was preoccupied with chewing, so he let Valha handle it, raising his hand as if to say "hey" when Valha introduced him.

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Despite the knife that was pointed at him, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Alicia had made it back to the city proper, lifted a sizable burden off of his conscience. Though, it seemed as though she hadn't come out entirely unscathed, as it were. "Do you greet everyone with a knife, or is it just me?" he chuckled, but a serious expression soon colored his face thereafter. He noticed Alicia's poor attempt to conceal some sort of injury, and he wasn't about to let that go unchecked. "Yeah, this is Alicia," he said, brushing past Makin, walking up to Alicia. "I knew something was going to happen, dammit," he frowned. "Is it serious?" he further inquired. "You should have just asked me to walk you home last night. I mean, I would have done it regardless, but then you just ran off..." he frowned. He didn't mean to patronize her, but he felt it was a valid concern, especially given the resulting injury. Hopefully it wasn't something too serious. Though, at a cursory glance, it didn't seem like it, so that was good.

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"Nice to see you again, then, Tristram. Lanos 'n I were about to head out to the arena ourselves- the fist one first, then movin' on up to weapon fightin'! Hey, if you don't have any plans, you could come. Maybe you could go to the other one you haven't visited yet if you're up for it!" Valha stretched her arms overhead before pausing to think. "Oh, I should get my stuff for the weapons arena for when we go there. Can't do that without weapons very well, after all!" She darted up over the rails and grabbed the two heavier swords she had left behind before returning as quick as she could, bowing as she landed. "Alright, all set! Let's get goin', Lanos, 'n you too if you wanna come, Trist! Just make sure you can keep up, yeah?" Just as quickly as before, Valha made her exit from the inn and soared around before realizing her predicament. "Umm... don't really know how to find it," she reminded herself, landing and looking around a bit cluelessly. Edited by Reinfleche
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"You think so? Thanks!" Maja smiled brightly at the compliment. "I can't wait to try them out, then!" She gave some thought to Vriska's suggestion of warning the other members to buy warm clothing and quickly nodded. "Some of them might not have heard it from Makin, I think she only told us, when we were at that man's shop. Good thinking. It's no problem about your sweater, though!" Maja raised another smile. "I did pretty well in the arena yesterday, I even beat that guy... Marius! Though that was tough..." She let out a breath as she remembered how close it was, and inevitably of the events after. "I got quite a bit of prize money, though! Sure you don't want anything else?" Maja gave a boastful wink, talking about her victory did invite some confidence, she then gave thought to Vriska's accessory suggestion. "You think they'd look nice? Ooooh, I'm going to pick one, then... this one, ta-dah!" She picked out the pair she thought stood out the most... they were pink gloves alright, and fingerless. They would probably protect her hands if she were a pugilist, but not so much from cold.

Catching the mage girl's reaction, Faust took a cue to stay a bit quiet for his sale's sake. Well, at least the piano girl is enjoying herself...

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Alicia kept her face covered as Raith spoke, unsure if she should let him see or not. "No, I... I just..." She wanted to make a joke at the knife comment, if only to lighten her own mood, but nothing came. Was it serious? "I guess... I guess you can be the judge," she said, as she finally lowered her hand to reveal the face long scar that now slid along her cheek, across her eye, and into her forehead. It tapered off there, luckily leaving her hair alone, but the color had left her eye, and a line quite clearly ran through it. "Maybe you should have," she admitted, with a nervous smile.

Makin didn't exactly know what to say at the revelation. She didn't know this woman, but could assume from what was being said that this scar had not been present the night before. "What happened?" she interjected, moving a bit closer, but not putting herself between Raith and Alicia (as much as she wanted to).

"The lower rung happened. I... Was careless, and I paid for it. I guess I'm lucky I'm alive, but... Well, in the middle of the night, finding a good healer was almost impossible. I got it fixed up, but... This is going to be here, until I can see a better one. Might be permanently blind, if the nerves are entirely shot... I think they are, 'cause I can't even see basic shapes. It's just black, Hah..."

"Sounds serious..." Makin said, offering a sympathetic glance. She had her own scars along her tail, but none as grave as that.


Good, the vendor had shut up. Vriska didn't need to worry about him, anymore. "Well, if they don't know, we'll have to tell them. It would suck to have them freeze. I can't have them all dying on me." Who will stand in front of me, if they do? Well... I guess I wouldn't mind that Ken freezing. Maybe I can steal his splash tome for a bit, and use it on him on the tundra. Hah. See how he likes getting wet... A sinister smile cross Vriska's face as she pondered evil thing, only breaking herself out of her trance when Maja mentioned beating Marius. "Wait, really? How?" she asked, more than surprised, but doing her best not to show it. "I-I mean, if you have that much, then, sure. I'll... Get another sweater, and my own pair of gloves." Vriska propped another sweater of a similar pattern down, this time in green, and got her own fingerless gloves, in black. "Need my fingers out to flip pages," she reasoned, as she knew that these sorts of gloves wouldn't protect her from the elements, either. "Have any idea on where you ghost went?" she suddenly asked, to make sure Maja was still thinking about that.

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As it turned out, Raith's cursory glance had fallen off the mark. There was a prominent scar running along the side of Alicia's face, cutting up from her cheekbone all the way to her forehead. Some of the scarring had been mitigated by the healing work, but the worst of the damage had been inflicted upon her eye. She was right, she was lucky that she was still alive, but still. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about how things might have turned out differently if he'd been there for her. He was infuriated, but for the sake of the two women around him, he kept himself composed. "Sorry," was all he managed to say to Alicia. "I need to step outside for a bit," he announced, and made a hasty exit thereafter. As much as he would have liked to introduce the two women to each-other, he just wasn't in the mood for that. In fact, 'not being in the mood' was a bit of an understatement. If Alicia had plans to join the group, then surely she'd be able to tell that to Makin herself. And if she had reconsidered, well, that was her prerogative.

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Even with the healers, the help up was welcome. So I did manage to hit him? And not lightly either, if he was being honest. Quite an improvement for a couple of weeks worth of traveling, though compared to the others... It's a start, at least. The 'next time' might even go a bit differently... That was still a long while away, though. For now, she was content to quietly slip out of the arena and collect her winnings, offering a "Good luck!" to Ferdinand on the way out.

It wasn't too hard to find a blacksmith from there. Business first. "Hi. What would it cost to make both of these stronger?" she asked, offering both her sword and the Blight tome. Maybe I'll have enough for a notebook or something after this...

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"Alright then." he paid his way in, a grin forming on his face. Should be fun. He made his way into the ring, and waited for the first guy he was meant to challenge to come out.

Sadly, it didn't take Angus long to realise that the punch arena's combatants weren't all that tough. Carl was knocked off his balance by Angus' first punch and missed his retaliation, falling to a pair of follow up punches. Still, that was arguably better than Steven. The archer delivered a mighty punch that sent the man stumbling back, and Steven's was slow and sluggish. Angus evaded it with ease, and two punches later Steven was down on the floor.

The next opponent was the toughest so far. Dwayne, who the crowd was calling "The People's Elbow" for some reason, was actually able to land a couple of blows on Angus... but they didn't really hurt much, and he crumpled after taking four punches of Angus' punches. Are they all gonna be this easy? he wondered, as the arena staff healed him.

El Fisto didn't really put up much of a fight. He was practically a punching bag for the archer, who delivered a couple of light blows to the man while dodging his wild swings which left El Fisto wide open to a counterattack. Angus seized the opportunity and knocked his opponent down. There was only one more to go now.

It caught him by surprise, but Iron Sheikah was actually surprisingly competent. They were quick on their feet, and didn't crumple to a stiff breeze either like most of the others had done. They exchanged blows for a short period of time, before Sheikah pulled back, giving him a brief reprieve to think. Is she trying to recover? If she was, he couldn't give her that chance. The archer charged her, managing to dodge her incoming jabs, and then managed to deliver a devastating blow that sent his opponent to the floor.

As his body relaxed, he only just noticed that the crowd had been cheering the whole time. Wow. I guess I got really into it. He sort of waved at the crowd awkwardly for a few moments, before making his way out of the ring, and back towards the counter to claim his rewards. He was given a someone hefty sack of gold, along with a weird looking figurine. He shrugged and pocketed it, wondering what he was supposed to do with it. After that, he made his way back to Kendeall and Meredith. "I think I prefer fighting with weapons, but that wasn't too bad." In fact, he felt kind of bad for some of his opponents, but oh well.

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Ferdinand soon entered the arena just as Sonia left, trying to continue from where he left off.

Now with a stronger weapon, Ferdinand attempted to charge the heavily armoured opponent confidently. The knight parried the first strike before dealing a mighty blow to Ferdinand. Reeling in pain, Ferdinand strengthened his resolve and hit back, this time striking true. The Knight guarded the attack well before trying to strike Ferdinand again, but this time he parried the blow using the weight of the axehead, and then he swiftly struck the the knight with two hard blows before they could be guarded well. Immediately, he ran back a few steps before swiftly running around the knight and striking with a final blow that put an end to the round.

The next opponent was a frail mage who hit pretty hard, but it wasn't hard at all for Ferdinand to win with just two arrow shots. Such was his skill with the bow that he deftly handled the little mage.

With his next opponent being a wyvern rider, Ferdinand decided to switch back to using his axe, since he could parry blows from the lance if needed. However the match did not turn out as he had hoped- he struck the rider with a couple of blows before the rider turning at the last second from a final blow, evading it by luck, and, in one swoop, the rider hit Ferdinand's torso hard with the blunt end of his lance, knocking him out.

Ferdinand sighed later as he made his way out of the arena. That was extremely careless of him to be caught off guard in the last round. And now he was broke once again, searching for some other avenue to make money...

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