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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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"Ah, yes I'm part of the group too. The name's Ferdinand Coulpere, one of the archers in this group. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Meredith! I take it you'll be joining us in our next mission?"

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Instead of a shop, Sonia came across a group of familiar faces that would probably have stood out even if they weren't armed to the teeth and so, rather than spend another day mostly alone, she approached them, noticing a decidedly unfamiliar individual this time. One that looked somewhat guard-ish at a second glance. Instinct told her to hide (even if she probably didn't have any reason to appear thief-ish), but that wouldn't have made a particularly good impression. "Hey. Another new person?"

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"I really hope he's here. With the trouble getting in and all that... I'd feel bad taking you to the slums." Maja confessed, a bit of a sheepish smile, much smaller thanks to her memories of the place. Right, Marius said something about Kadin wanting to poison the slums... but that sounds so horrible! That... that can't be right, no way! She soon caught up with Vriska's pace. "A really big source of magic, though? I wonder what that is..."

Kadin brought a bittersweet smile to his ethereal face. The meeting brought back sweet memories, but it contrasted so starkly with reality --there he was talking to his good old friend, as a ghost. He tried to reach his hand out, however Iuliana's questions brought some dread to his mood. "I... I was brought back by a desire for revenge. That, I am sure of." At this point, he was hesitant himself. Kadin still didn't know what had truly happened, and the accusations of poisoning weighed heavily in his mind. Always hammering themselves. "I... I don't remember a thing about it. I remember that... Sophia and I died of a drink, but..." His gaze turned to the floor. "I spoke to Marius yesterday. He was enraged to see me. What he said I planned to do to the lower rung caught me off-guard. ... It still is." He slowly brought his sight up to meet eyes with Iuliana. "Iuliana... I don't know what to do. I must need revenge for a reason. It can't be revenge for taking my own life, that makes no sense. There is just... so much that escapes my memory." Kadin let his hopes up that Iuliana would still lend her ear to him. After so much time searching for the truth about him... the thought of a familiar soul to trust and believe in was something beyond any relief he could sigh.

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Lanos watched Valha's matches intently, even cheering for her from time to time. "Hmm, I don't really know. I've never really paid that much attention to anyone other than Valha or myself while we've been fighting bandits or whatever. But I think she's definitely one of the best fighters in this group," he told Trist as he waited for Marius to descend from his perch.

Edited by Oersted
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"Eep, another member of the group? Just how many of you are there?" Meredith said in surprise as yet another unfamiliar face walked up. "Can we get everyone together so I don't have to introduce myself every time I see a a new face?" she whined.
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Makin smirked at Raith and scoffed at his comment. "I'm just joking around~ But Angus is a nice guy, it'd be a shame if he died alone. Alas, I have my own matchmaking problems to worry about, don't I, Raith?" She cocked an eyebrow at him, before tossing the expression away and looking back at the amassing group. Ferdinand had just trotted over, and before Makin could get a word in, Sonia showed up as well. So many people... Makin was starting to get overwhelmed, herself! "Right, I'll leave you all to get acquainted. Have to finish our shopping, and all that. It was nice meeting you, Meredith. And, right, Meredith, this is Sonia; Sonia, this is Meredith. Meredith," Makin said again, pausing to let her head get over the confusion of having said so many names, "we'll have the entire group ready to go tomorrow, so you can do a meet and greet, or whatever you'd like to do. I think there's almost twenty of us...? Oh well. Have fun! Don't kill each other!" Like a concerned mother, she made sure to look at everyone as she said that, giving them a tiny wave and moving back over to Raith. She took his hand in hers, entwined their fingers, and started leading him away from the rest of them.

"That was fun, huh? Looks like we're getting to be a pretty big group. But, let's get those coats out of the way. I don't want to be an icicle after this." She joked, but it was a serious concern, for most of her body. She'd have to get something to cover her entire upper half, and maybe keep Ken or Vriska around, for the occasional fire spell. Keeping warm was going to suck...

Fly By

Ingverd smiled at Valha was practically already there to greet him after his matches, but his excitement turned itself down as she rushed on past him to fight, with nothing but a pat on the shoulder and a passing comment. He didn't get sad about it; he laughed, really. "Geez, like a kid... So excited to fight. Ah, no problem. I'll go cheer her on." He made his way into the stands, and gave a small wave to Lanos-- and to Tristram, who he hadn't expected to see here. "All of us? I'd say Valha's a bit of an exception, Tristram. Lanos and I'd probably lose to her if we gave it a go, haha." He patted the bird man on the back as he said that, smirking. "Otherwise, I'd say we're all just pretty good fighters. You'll be just fine. Glad to see you're starting to socialize, though!" he added at random. "We rescued a woman, Sonia, from some bandit fort, and she decided to tag along, but I can never seem to get a word out of her... And I haven't seen Quincy since we left for Felson. Keep it up! Er, not trying to sound like a dad, though..." He tried his best to offer a slightly concerned, but friendly smile, turning his attention back to Valha and cheering her on, as she tore through the fighters like they were nothing.

The Search Continues

"That makes two of us. I don't want to pass back through there until we leave... A-And I don't want you down there either, of course." Compassion was a confusing emotion for Vriska, as she tended to associate it with weakness, so she fumbled over her words and muttered her last words a bit, not really sure how to say that without sound like a bit of a tool. She cleared her throat back onto the topic at hand. "Yeah, a big source of magic-- it's actually right over-- hey!" she blurted out, immediately quieting herself. She snatched Maja's hand and shoved her into an alley, peeking only her head out after. Right over there, there was their ghost, but he was talking to someone. "That someone's the source of magic around here, and there's your ghost. Wonder what they're talking about..."


Isabelle had slept for most of the day, yawning and carrying a towel off towards the sauna, as she nearly ran into the tiny horse. "Oh, sorry," she said, in her tired and dazed state (she wouldn't have apologized otherwise). She shook her head and blinked a few times to wake herself up. "Hmm. Were you with the rest of the group? I don't think I saw you traipsing across those plains. Who are you supposed to be?" she asked, as she walked alongside the tiny horse towards the door to the sauna. I've certainly never seen a centaur so small... It's almost cute. How odd.


"Revenge, but... That doesn't make any sense." She almost found herself laughing at that. Revenge. It almost sounded ridiculous. From what she'd read of ghosts and the afterlife, people would remain on this plane until some great misdeed or purpose had been corrected or fulfilled. "So, does that mean you were..." She didn't want to say it. Who would want to kill him? No one hated him... The city's people adored Kadin, above all the others of the council, because he cared so much about everyone, not just the fortunate one. That's why his apparent plans, the ones he'd made while still alive, were so shocking, but no evidence had been found to the contrary... "This... I don't really know what to say. But I'm not surprised Marius acted like that... You were his best friend-- to hear what you had been planning to do destroyed everything he held about you. When the investigation turned up nothing to the contrary that cemented it for him, but... But I..." When Kadin tried to reach out to her, after she'd done the same, she couldn't help herself anymore, and threw herself at him... And managed to hug him. He felt real. There was something there, physically. She immediately teared up and held him tighter, holding herself back from turning into a bawling mess. "I can't believe you're back... E-Even if you're dead, you're still... Kadin..." She shivered. "I believe you. I do. I'll do anything I can to help you, I promise."

Meanwhile, Vriska couldn't help but smirk to herself. "Looks like he wanted to be alone for a reason~"

Still More Fighting

"Another harpy?" Marius asked, having hopped off his so called perch already, stretching his arms and getting ready for another fight. "You wouldn't happen to be friends with that Lanos from yesterday, would you? I find it hard to believe that two random harpies would manage to do this well without knowing each other. No matter, let's have a good fight, eh?" He smirked, and walked over, taking his stance and waiting for her to attack. She was fast. Not as fast as the elf had been, but still, it'd be tricky. And he seemed to have a weird sword on her. Hmm...

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With so many people amassing in one spot, Raith couldn't help but wonder, how many of the people gathered did he actually know? Beyond exchanging pleasantries, he hadn't really gotten to know anyone, beyond maybe Sonia (and that itself was a stretch), and with what little he did know about Sonia, he wasn't exactly yearning to know more. With that in mind, perhaps ignorance was the best way to handle things. After all, these were, at least for the time being, his comrades in arms, and he didn't want any biases coloring his decisions on the battlefield. He had a job to keep everyone alive, something that every healer could identify with. He wasn't keen on failing that task, especially since that's what he was getting paid to do. He couldn't exactly fault anyone for not being forthcoming, but even so, not for the first time, he was starting to feel a little homesick.

"I'm not sure I would know anything about that," he lied. And as if to oppose his statement, Makin slithered over, and before he could protest, interlaced her fingers with his, and began to lead him away. So much for subtlety. At this rate, he wouldn't need to explain anything to Alicia, she'd just know. "Big is an understatement. The next time all of us walk through the city gate, the guards will probably think they're under attack," he muttered. It wasn't the biggest group he'd been with, but it was the biggest he'd been with for this long. And certainly, it was much bigger than his commander's group. "If I knew my way around magic, I'd have no qualms being your personal heater, but alas," he said, feigning remorse. He craned his neck back, to look back at the group they'd left behind, "Y'know, I think that Meredith was planning on coming with us for those clothes. Shouldn't we have brought her? Unless, of course, this was according to the matchmaker's plan?" he joked.

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Vesta almost collided with a taller elf-lady carrying a towel as she attempted to make her way to the warm and horrible embrace of the sauna. "It's alright," Vesta grunted, rubbing her still achy shoulder, "not a problem. I figured I was under your field of vision or somethin'..."

She looked at her new sauna companion, who looked vaguely sleepy but otherwise cute enough. Unfortunately, Vesta was feeling less than flirtatious at the moment. "I uh, got recruited a very short while ago. Stupid drunken decision making... anyway, the name's Vesta Halcyone. It's a dumb name if ya ask me but it's the only one I have..."

Vesta trotted alongside her new acquaintance. She had the oddest feeling that this woman was thinking that she was kinda cute. It was just a thought though.

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Trist nodded slightly. "Well, that's good and bad to hear I suppose. It's nice to know I don't need to live up to that, but on the other hand, I could have just sat back and relaxed while the rest of you fought for me. And I'll try to continue the whole talking to people thing." He chuckled, and glanced back at the arena. "Guess it's time for her to face the big guy, huh? Wanna bet if she can do as well as Rainbow Terror did yesterday?"

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"The boss has a CHARMING sense of humor," Meredith lamented. "And, uh, Sonia, right, nice to meet you," she added, certain that she'd forget everyone's name within the hour. "Right, warm clothes. I'm going to shop for some. It wouldn't do if I froze to death out there."
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"I guess she's's in a good mood today...? " Certainly a vast improvement over last night, though the speed at which it happened was strange... "Er, nice to meet you too, Meredith. Why would you be worried about freezing to death? It hasn't been that cold lately, has it?"

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"The weather's nice over here, but I heard we're going to somewhere a lot colder," Meredith explained. Did the boss not tell them where they were going? Or was she pulling my leg when she said we're going to somewhere frozen?
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"Did she say where, exactly? I must have missed whatever announcement she made about it." Hopefully that was the case, and the boss didn't just forget to tell half of the group or something.

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"You're right, I'm not just any random harpy," Valha boasted, circling Marius. "My name's Valha Nix, 'n Lanos has been my best friend for years. Back when we were little I saved him from bein' alone out in the lower quarter, 'n I've always wanted to come up here 'n see a place like this, feel what it's really all about... what wasn't around then. I'm a little bird, but I pack a big punch!"

She held the Slayer ready, continuing to circle around Marius. Unlike the other fighters, he seemed perfectly composed and difficult to even strike at, like he could block almost anything. A bad attack could cost me the whole fight, she mused, a far more cautious thought than her usual rushdown tactic. Huh... I gotta do everythin' perfect, 'n maybe get a bit lucky... She landed briefly and swung once to try and test her theory, and sure enough he blocked it rather simply. The red sword gleamed in the light, briefly catching her eye, and her hesitance gave Marius an opportunity to strike back, a swing she narrowly avoided. Valha backed off and snarled, readying herself once more. This time she rushed forward with a shout and swung with all her might, and to her surprise she managed to not only hit him, but he seemed to crumple to the ground instantly. "Wh-what?" she murmured, looking at the blade with wide eyes. "Are... you okay? Wait... were you really tryin' your hardest, or what?"

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"I don't think there was an announcement." Angus interjected. "I went with her to get the job, and considering how drunk she got last night, she probably forgot to say about it." He grimaced slightly at the memory of it. "And yeah, I probably need to pick up some clothes for the snow too." He probably should've picked them up when he got his new shirt yesterday, but whatever.

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Having sated his urges to go nowhere for no particular reason, Kendeall wandered back to the arena and went to the spectator's section. He noted that nobody in the arena was actually a member of his group - at least that he was paying attention to, anyway - but hey. Didn't hurt to watch, now did it? For that matter, he also didn't need to pay to do so, which was a plus.

Having decided to look closer, he noticed that one of the competitors was actually Valha, probably trying to get some more money for... whatever female harpies spent money on. Shiny things? Swords? Clothes? Shiny swords to cut through clothes? Whatever the case, Kendeall watched on intently. Maybe he would face the arena once more if she did well enough to inspire him.

Edited by Blackhawk Stinger
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Meredith sighed. This boss seemed far too irresponsible. How could she forget to mention something like that?!

"She told me that we'd be going to some sort of frozen tundra. That's why I'm off to get some warmer clothes. You guys wanna come along?" I suppose I can learn more about them, and I think I'll need their help, if that slip-up by the boss was any indication.

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"Sure, I'll come along." Angus replied. Picking up his weapon and going back to the arena could wait until later, he supposed. "So Cedric didn't tell you much about the mission either? I thought that he would've done."

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"I'm coming too. I don't think I have anything warm enough for a tundra" Sonia added. Speaking of... "The only things out there are caves and Karstell, right? And I don't think we'll be going to Karstell."

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That stopped her dead in her tracks. "You're joking. Tell me you're joking." Angus's complete lack of mirth suggested that he was not. That, or he had the world's best poker face. "You're serious! That's incredible! I mean, there are stories, but to actually see it in person? Nobody's ever made it out alive, we could be the first! Gods, I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of things that might be in there! It's just..." Right. Normal people don't gush about ancient haunted castles in the middle of a crowded street. Oops. "Er, sorry. Still... Karstell. Amazing~"

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Maja had the tiniest of smirks when Vriska confessed she wanted neither going down to the slums --it was just nice to hear--, but they had no time for that topic now! Suddenly being taken by hand to the wall of an alley, Maja listened intently to Vriska's comments and was psyched --they found Kadin! They found Kadin!--, the magical source was a person, too! Who could it be? What could Kadin be doing there?! The moment made Maja increasingly curious! "I want to see..." She mumbled. Using her height to an advantage, she pushed her body over Vriska --with some surprising care not to push the mage girl out of hiding--, and peeked from the alley as well.

The sight was surprising, to say the least! Kadin and a woman were hugging, and it seemed and emotional moment. Was that his wife? Wait, no, I thought his memories said she also died? Is it a miracle? Misremembrance? Despite her thoughts, she was more amazed than anything. Whoever this woman was, she was close enough for Kadin to open up to. That was fantastic! Maja continued peeking with awe and interest.


Kadin blinked at the sudden, tight hug. Though hesitant, he reciprocated in turn. "...Iuliana? There. I'm glad you still believe me, I truly am.." Kadin was more than relieved to have found a close friend after so long. It finally made him feel right, closer to the world of the living than he ever felt. Calm, centered, all thanks to a dear friend. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt, but Kadin truly owed to Iuliana's faith.

"...There must be something wrong." He assures Iuliana. "I can't be here with such a strong feeling of being wronged if I was the culprit after all. At least, I think so." Kadin let go of her. "But to have no proof of the contrary... This is strange, very much so." He looked at Iuliana with hope in his eyes. "Though you've seen what I wasn't here for. How... how did you find me? What were the circumstances? And..." The man pondered his own words, it made sense, though any speculation hung a heavy implication.

"...Who took my place?"

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"Great, looks like I need to add another pair of boots to the shopping list," Meredith mumbled. "You guys ready to go? I think we'll make it out of this Kastell place alive." Or I will come back and haunt Cedric until he drops dead.
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Lanos caught Ingverd's wave out of the corner of his eye and waved back. He wanted to talk to the elf while Valha wasn't around but with Trist right there and the crowd, even if they weren't warrant for any attention given the current challenge, he was having seconds thoughts on telling him now. He wasn't expecting Ingverd to suddenly sling his arm over his shoulder and, partially from surprise but mostly because of what had happened with Makin, froze on the spot. It couldn't have lasted longer than fifteen seconds but there was no way it went unnoticed. "Uh, sorry about that Ingverd. It's just... something happened yesterday." He didn't ever really want to say that it was because Makin almost killed him because he tried to wake her up that he was like this now, especially not in front of either of the elves. "Ingverd, could I talk to you after my rematch with Marius? Alone preferably?" he asked, finally regaining his original reason for wanting to talk to the elf. He'd lost all his nerve to say it now.

Valha started her match after that and Lanos was blown away by how easy she made fighting Marius look, it was so quick there was barely anytime to cheer her on. She knocked him out in one swing (if you didn't count the blocked swing) and didn't even get scratched in the process. Ingverd was right, neither he nor him would be able to fight her and win, or at least that's what it felt like anyway.

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