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Greetings my fellow brethrens, my name is Santouryu3. I’ll keep my sanity intact, and say Ko… Stupid dreaded blue screen of death! My computer crashed, and I’ve lost all the work when I was typing everything out discussing and explaining my brainstorming… It’s like someone’s preventing me from making this project a dream come true… So if you aren't aware of my skills, I don't have any hacking experience or have an artistic genes in me. I'm basically a creative writer with creative thoughts and ideas. I just give characters a punchline with something out witty to say just to read out some of the irony quotes based on my knowledge I already got on me.

This is going to be like Blizzard Entertainment’s Starcraft 2 races being butchered and cut off into separate race expansions…, which by the way I hate them. So there’s going to be like three main characters with their own side story based on where they're going at. So any who, I had a dream where the entire Jugdral Continent was overrun by WALKERS I mean zombies. It’s bad enough that there’s a drought after the Holy War ended alongside Leaf finally liberated his homeland and unified.

So what’s next? Exactly how all of this caused by? Plagued? Its obvious that rats were involved, and they were the cause by plague, so I assumed it was a biological weapon made by a mad scientist who had a leading command and probably had a chat with King Leaf about food shortage and the current drought going on for the past year. The reason is because someone knew the realistic sight of the population growth would be an issue in the future alongside with the drought being another cause to the entire continent to go through havoc anarchy of starvation. Luckily, the Grandmaster Warlock who has the ability to call down heavy rain allowing the crops to get the water they need in their roots. A rain maker giving the children a wet dream by running and screaming for rain to arrive. At this point on, I’m not going to spoil your crops and show how all of this began, but this is a good starting point on how everything went down under. Rumors spread of the GM Warlock calling down heavy rain while crops get the nutrition they need from their soil. Hopefully this project won't soil down into my toilet, so I'll be more happily to spoil the story of this project by doing a writing later on today when I have time that is.

I’m also going to use the characters from the game called Battle Realms because a couple of antagonist characters didn’t perish from the horde of hordelings alongside, I’m gonna add C.C. and the nun from Code Geass where they made a pact during the time when the antagonist/protagonist arrived and met them. The reason is because he’s going to obtain a Geass ability. Furthermore, the entire story will be made up by me, so all the characters will have their own personalities. Besides, I wanna make it as dark and evil as possible for the antagonist/protagonist. He’s going through tough changes and decisions based on his moral conscious or Yin or Yang. Did I mention that he’s an atheist? That blew me off right there. He'll have bad and sad endings based on his own selfish goals by either having a choice to do the right way or the wrong way by brutally murdering his so called friends because who wants to be an evil Sith Lord who has nothing to lose or to gain. The protagonists saw this coming by the way, so they knew they had this coming their way just like the Zerg/Serpent player who wants a dark ending. Also, did I fail to mention that Serpent Kenji is by far ten times worse than Shagaal. Just saying.

Furthermore, there will be three main characters. Two of which are protagonists, and the other one is an antagonist/protagonist. The antagonist/protagonist’s side story is going to have firearms such as the BADASS blunderbuss along with flintlock pistol, musket rifles, cannoneers, and mortars. How will they stand against their foe’s advanced technology? Are they gonna use the forbidden tomes during the Holy War such as Meteor Tomes and etc? Either way, humanity will decide their fate. Also, this will be a fan fiction made by me, so you probably already knew that by now? HONOR & PRIDE, TRUTH & HIDDEN SECRETS, & lastly GUILT & ATONEMENT for the SINS.

Title: Fire Emblem: Mysterious Orb

Base: FE7 (If there’s a zombie mod) or FE8

Plot: Since this is going to be Raymond Soto’s side story aka MK404, I might as well make this project a Fire Emblem tradition of him. Kinda like Leon S Kennedy’s side story in Resident Evil 6… I hope Crapcom goes bankrupted... :\ He’s nothing more than an arrogant, prideful mediocre leader led by his mentor Captain Brenner. This seems weird that he named his group name Marimo Camo even though his sister wanted to name it Nuptup aka Vileplume from Projared Pokemon nickname. So basically, he’s a wannabe leader just idolizing his mentor by filling in his shoes once he mastered leadership. Geez, I idolize Lelouch because he’s hundred times better than Brenner. Despite, his sadistic taste for power, corruption, and ruining more lives under his oppression, I still love him as a saint. Moving on, his entire group was hired by Safy to find the Duchess of Tahra and rescue her from the renegade bandits. Ever since he first met Linoan back when the oppression was going on, he has the obsession to find his former friend named Viet and kill him for bringing forth brigands to pillage his homeland and hearing the echoing screams of innocents being slaughtered by a pack of hungry wolves. One of the bandits told him that his friend led them into a hen house full of goods to be hauled out. He vowed to seek vengeance on him and avenged his parents’, friends’, and innocents’ deaths by giving them justice for what they deserve.

Raymond's theme music will be Hope Never Dies. Linoan's theme music, I guess I'll use Dragon/Wolf Clan's theme music. Lastly, Viet's theme music will be from Code Lyoko theme based on XANA William if fighting against him. Along with that train wreck, he'll be also having the Serpent and Brood War Zerg theme musics with Irony of Fate DC as the battle theme. Oh, Mobile Suit Gundam Blood of Zeon Gihren's Greed music as well. Tell me what you think? ^~^

P.S. I'm sad to say this, but I don't think this will ever truly come out TRUE just because MK404 blocked me to every source known to website, and he has no interest whatsoever in this project. Either he's selfish, egotistic, and arrogant, or he's a jerk just like Harry Joyner from iCarly where even snobs like to rub someone's face with his butt.

Edited by Santouryu3
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I'm not even sure what this is meant to be. Like, is this a serious hack? A joke hack? A "fuck you Ray" hack?

Either way, this sounds bad and if you're never going to release it, then what's the point?

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@OP: You are the pushy and arrogant one. Not everyone has to conform to your ideas, and it's funny how mad you are over this. There's a reason he blocked you.

Edited by Tryhard
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snobs like to rub someone's face with his butt.


However, this seems like a rather ambitious crossover project, which I find are rather hit or miss. I'd recommend trying something original, that way you can develop a plot without it seeming forced. There's also the added requirements of being able to do the work, but that's for another day!

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Pretty sure we're looking at fairly mediocre trolling here, though the writing does read with the level of incoherence of a long time Chateau d'If resident.

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Implying that MK404 isn't arrogant or selfish.

...would anyone blame me if I suspected the OP was multi-accounting when I first read this?

If anyone on this community is arrogant, selfish, has a name similar sounding to MK404, and is a gigantic fucking weeaboo ROM hacker deserving of hate... it's yours truly.

Where the hell is the hate ROM hack for me?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Implying that MK404 isn't arrogant or selfish.

Like... MK seems like one of few cool peeps around here. There are plenty of more annoying/assy users here lol

...would anyone blame me if I suspected the OP was multi-accounting when I first read this?

If anyone on this community is arrogant, selfish, has a name similar sounding to MK404, and is a gigantic fucking weeaboo ROM hacker deserving of hate... it's yours truly.

Where the hell is the hate ROM hack for me?

Maybe he got you two guys mixed up? tee hee.

But seriously, what is this I don't even.

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...would anyone blame me if I suspected the OP was multi-accounting when I first read this?

If anyone on this community is arrogant, selfish, has a name similar sounding to MK404, and is a gigantic fucking weeaboo ROM hacker deserving of hate... it's yours truly.

Where the hell is the hate ROM hack for me?

Brb adding a "fuck rey" chapter to roguelike emblem

ill make it a gaiden with a ridiculous sidequest requirement

also this topic is garbage and i hope it dies

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Locked for the time being as this will not lead anywhere good (OP: this means that if you repost this topic because of the lock, you will be warned).

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