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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Jesse "The Body" Ventura, followed closely by MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE.

I'll go with this in the opposite order
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Stephen Colbert, no contest.

this ^

Jon Stewart is pretty good as well.

Edited by BANRYU
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A name I saw written on the back of a street sign once

(in the form of this same question)

Edited by Rehab
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porting over this True Story #KeepinItReal from the skypecall chat

[10:54:59 AM] Parrhesia: the answer incidentally is one i took from people in the pub
[10:55:07 AM] Parrhesia: sometimes you'll see WHO IS JOHN GALT chalked up on the walls
[10:55:13 AM] Parrhesia: and A CUNT is the most popular answer
[10:55:16 AM] Parrhesia: and accurate tbh
[10:55:21 AM] Parrhesia: in beer there is truth

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There was steamin' semen trickling from his balony pony and I was wetter than an Italian cruise ship. We were ready for more. I awoke the next morning with my sperm socket still leaching. I thought it was over but his eight inches of throbbing pink jesus had other ideas. Hours of fucking like this would leave any girl's spam castanets looking like a hippo's yawn, and I was no different! Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his stilton sword probed deeper into my turd cutter. Now, I've been shot over more times than Sarajevo, but the sight of his skin flute made my shrimp sap trickle like a rabid dog.

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There was steamin' semen trickling from his balony pony and I was wetter than an Italian cruise ship. We were ready for more. I awoke the next morning with my sperm socket still leaching. I thought it was over but his eight inches of throbbing pink jesus had other ideas. Hours of fucking like this would leave any girl's spam castanets looking like a hippo's yawn, and I was no different! Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his stilton sword probed deeper into my turd cutter. Now, I've been shot over more times than Sarajevo, but the sight of his skin flute made my shrimp sap trickle like a rabid dog.

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Probably some politician, aka someone I don't give a fuck about.

There was steamin' semen trickling from his balony pony and I was wetter than an Italian cruise ship. We were ready for more. I awoke the next morning with my sperm socket still leaching. I thought it was over but his eight inches of throbbing pink jesus had other ideas. Hours of fucking like this would leave any girl's spam castanets looking like a hippo's yawn, and I was no different! Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his stilton sword probed deeper into my turd cutter. Now, I've been shot over more times than Sarajevo, but the sight of his skin flute made my shrimp sap trickle like a rabid dog.

FFtF never change

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usually i don't envy ignorance

okay yeah i never envy ignorance

but a life free of ayn rand is a better one

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There was steamin' semen trickling from his balony pony and I was wetter than an Italian cruise ship. We were ready for more. I awoke the next morning with my sperm socket still leaching. I thought it was over but his eight inches of throbbing pink jesus had other ideas. Hours of fucking like this would leave any girl's spam castanets looking like a hippo's yawn, and I was no different! Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his stilton sword probed deeper into my turd cutter. Now, I've been shot over more times than Sarajevo, but the sight of his skin flute made my shrimp sap trickle like a rabid dog.

– John Galt

...anyways to actually answer the question - from everything I've heard about the character Parrhesia's answer is probably the best.

Also I keep on wondering if I should read Atlas Shrugged so that I can better mock it, and then I remember the steaming pile of shit that was Anthem. Not worth it imo.

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