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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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jesus fucking christ i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt once but holy shit your edge has become weaponized please never post again

double post fake edit: yes, you can take this as your victory at having successfully trolled a gullible theist by choosing the religion of parody and fucking satanism in the "best passage from religious text" qotd. congratulations.

From my perspective, I'm just not taking things very seriously. It's honestly baffling to me when people call me out like this. Makes me wonder what edgey is. My original posts are not made to rub people the wrong way, they just happen to.

I made the statement about Satanism because Parrhesia was pushing me and didn't like my version of religion. I don't like his because it is clearly dogmatic enough to exclude me. I do have some respect for Satanism even if I do not practice it. I had no intention of offending you.

I'm genuinely curious...do you get off on mocking and/or antagonizing Parrhesia wherever he goes or something?

No, but I do get a kick out of playing along when he calls me out.

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My favourite is from the book of Samuel L Jackson:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

(I believe it is a collection of lines from a particular verse of the bible, but not word-for-word.)

Edited by Tryhard
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Early it was | to evening come,
And forth was borne | the beer for the giants;
Thor alone ate an ox, | and eight salmon,
All the dainties as well | that were set for the women;
And drank Sif's mate | three tuns of mead.

Then loud spake Thrym, | the giants' leader:
"Who ever saw bride | more keenly bite?
I ne'er saw bride | with a broader bite,
Nor a maiden who drank | more mead than this!"

Hard by there sat | the serving-maid wise,
So well she answered | the giant's words:
"From food has Freyja | eight nights fasted,
So hot was her longing | for Jotunheim."

-Thrymskvitha, from Poetic Edda

Thor in a dress eating an entire ox and Loki making shitty excuses for him that the giants actually bought gives me strength

Edited by Thor Odinson
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My favourite is from the book of Samuel L Jackson:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

(I believe it is a collection of lines from a particular verse of the bible, but not word-for-word.)

The way that Samuel L Jackson says "I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd" always reminds me of that scene in Dawn of the Dead where the guy who's dying is like "I'm gonna try real hard not to come back" (or something like that) and then dies and then does come back as a zombie after all.

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Early it was | to evening come,

And forth was borne | the beer for the giants;

Thor alone ate an ox, | and eight salmon,

All the dainties as well | that were set for the women;

And drank Sif's mate | three tuns of mead.

Then loud spake Thrym, | the giants' leader:

"Who ever saw bride | more keenly bite?

I ne'er saw bride | with a broader bite,

Nor a maiden who drank | more mead than this!"

Hard by there sat | the serving-maid wise,

So well she answered | the giant's words:

"From food has Freyja | eight nights fasted,

So hot was her longing | for Jotunheim."

-Thrymskvitha, from Poetic Edda

Thor in a dress eating an entire ox and Loki making shitty excuses for him that the giants actually bought gives me strength

so basically it's the story of literally everyone at the staff christmas party

does thor throw up five times the next day at work because if so man #storyofmylife

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Early it was | to evening come,

And forth was borne | the beer for the giants;

Thor alone ate an ox, | and eight salmon,

All the dainties as well | that were set for the women;

And drank Sif's mate | three tuns of mead.

Then loud spake Thrym, | the giants' leader:

"Who ever saw bride | more keenly bite?

I ne'er saw bride | with a broader bite,

Nor a maiden who drank | more mead than this!"

Hard by there sat | the serving-maid wise,

So well she answered | the giant's words:

"From food has Freyja | eight nights fasted,

So hot was her longing | for Jotunheim."

-Thrymskvitha, from Poetic Edda

Thor in a dress eating an entire ox and Loki making shitty excuses for him that the giants actually bought gives me strength

Oh gods, I remember that from Norse History, it was awesome.

I am not that fond of religions myself, but I do like a lot of Buddhist proverbs.

"Do not think lightly of good, that nothing will come of it. A whole water pot will fill up from dripping drops of water." - Buddha.

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It'd take a lot more than 3 tankards of mead for Thor to even be mildly drunk let alone throw up

has thor ever drunk absinthe, chartreuse and curacao together

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jesus fucking christ i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt once but holy shit your edge has become weaponized please never post again

The quote is relevant and fair, though. The Devil is a construction of the Church and wasn't originally interpreted as a force of ultimate evil. The character's use as the representation of unholiness and debauchery has been a tool throughout its lifetime. You people are getting worked up over this shit for no reason, who cares

Anyways, I am not very well versed on religions outside of Christianity, and the Bible has so many impacting and insightful passages that picking a favorite is rather difficult. But one from Matthew was pretty representative of the model Christian I would have wanted to be earlier in life.

Matthew 5:44-45 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

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i thought i would trust sf with a sensible, non-controversial topic that dared to mention religion

and then fucking makaze posted

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I don't think I've really read any modernly accepted religious texts.

Does the poetic edda count for the purposes here? If so I can grab some from there, I know the stories well enough. Otherwise I'll probably have to skip out.

Yes it does. Asatru is a religion, just not exactly organized. Otherwise, i would be seriously boned in posting this time. :P:

Early it was | to evening come,

And forth was borne | the beer for the giants;

Thor alone ate an ox, | and eight salmon,

All the dainties as well | that were set for the women;

And drank Sif's mate | three tuns of mead.

Then loud spake Thrym, | the giants' leader:

"Who ever saw bride | more keenly bite?

I ne'er saw bride | with a broader bite,

Nor a maiden who drank | more mead than this!"

Hard by there sat | the serving-maid wise,

So well she answered | the giant's words:

"From food has Freyja | eight nights fasted,

So hot was her longing | for Jotunheim."

-Thrymskvitha, from Poetic Edda

Thor in a dress eating an entire ox and Loki making shitty excuses for him that the giants actually bought gives me strength

Loki making shitty excuses and getting away with it gives me a lot of fucking strength. Not even joking around.

has thor ever drunk absinthe, chartreuse and curacao together

Defender of Midgard, inevitable slayer of the serpent Jormungand, wielder of Mjolnir, and god of thunder can handle his liquor. lol absinthe hangovers are the bloody worst!

As for me, i have to quote the Havamal stanza 26.

Ósnotr maðr

þykkisk alt vita

ef hann á sér í vá veru

hitki hann veit

hvat hann skal við kveða

ef hans freista firar

which translates to:

The unwise man weens[expects/believes] he knows all,

if from harm he is far at home;

but knows not ever what answer to make

when others ask him aught.

Basically, its saying only a fucking moron thinks he knows everything if he believes himself safe in his little bubble. But when tested or called out on the carpet, he doesnt know squat and cannot answer cuz hes a fucken moron.

Allfather, Bamf out.

I made the statement about Satanism because Parrhesia was pushing me and didn't like my version of religion.

I dunno, mate, looked to me like you were proving the quote i just posted. In other words, you tried too goddamn hard and cant answer sufficiently. So next time, maybe not try so goddamn hard to be ironic.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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has thor ever drunk absinthe, chartreuse and curacao together

I don't really think mortal alcohol does much to him tbh

I mean he still likes the taste but

When a god wants to get drunk they have god booze for that

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I don't really think mortal alcohol does much to him tbh

I mean he still likes the taste but

When a god wants to get drunk they have god booze for that

Thor sneaking too much Mead of Suttungr:


And hes singing about it.

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Honestly Parrhesia and Integrity you guys are so rude. Even if you feel like the sole purpose of discordianism is to be mocking does not mean Makaze was attempting to mock you. All he did was post a quote from the religion that he liked, and you just automatically assume he's trying to mock you and hurl insults and all sorts of despicable things.

And then he posts something from the satanic bible and hes "just trying to mock Parrhesia" Is this still not a good enough religion for the topic? Doesn't go with your views enough so it shouldn't be included? How in the world is this mocking him?

jesus fucking christ i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt once but holy shit your edge has become weaponized please never post again

You honestly think you can say stuff like this? You're being so horrible.

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You honestly think you can say stuff like this? You're being so horrible.

trust me, far worse has been said. by any standards, this is tame and far from "rude".

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trust me, far worse has been said. by any standards, this is tame and far from "rude".

Just because there are worse things than this does not make this less insulting.

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I dunno, mate, looked to me like you were proving the quote i just posted. In other words, you tried too goddamn hard and cant answer sufficiently. So next time, maybe not try so goddamn hard to be ironic.

What? How did I try to be ironic, of all things? I un-ironically respect both Discordianism and LaVeyan Satanism, though the former more than the latter. Robert Anton Wilson is one of my favourite people to have lived.

@Fluorspar: They were actually somewhat right about the second one. I knew it would get under Parrhesia's skin.

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What? How did I try to be ironic, of all things? I un-ironically respect both Discordianism and LaVeyan Satanism, though the former more than the latter. Robert Anton Wilson is one of my favourite people to have lived.

@Fluorspar: They were actually somewhat right about the second one. I knew it would get under Parrhesia's skin.

I can understand that, but I really don't think you would post something like for the sole intention of annoying him. It was more like a side effect of something you wanted to put (probably a cherry on top type thing.) and the annoyance wasn't the main goal.

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makaze and furet have a history lel

it's not like furet's gonna insult someone randomly without previous provocation

Edited by Tryhard
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Honestly Parrhesia and Integrity you guys are so rude. Even if you feel like the sole purpose of discordianism is to be mocking does not mean Makaze was attempting to mock you. All he did was post a quote from the religion that he liked, and you just automatically assume he's trying to mock you and hurl insults and all sorts of despicable things.

And then he posts something from the satanic bible and hes "just trying to mock Parrhesia" Is this still not a good enough religion for the topic? Doesn't go with your views enough so it shouldn't be included? How in the world is this mocking him?

You honestly think you can say stuff like this? You're being so horrible.

The Question of the Day is 'quote a passage from a religious text'

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I can understand that, but I really don't think you would post something like for the sole intention of annoying him. It was more like a side effect of something you wanted to put (probably a cherry on top type thing.) and the annoyance wasn't the main goal.

You think too highly of me.

I really do like that quote, but I chose the Discordian one first because I prefer something lighter hearted and less offensive to that.

I chose that quote when I did specifically because Parrhesia was telling me my religion was not real.

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trust me, far worse has been said. by any standards, this is tame and far from "rude".

And needed to be said.

What? How did I try to be ironic, of all things? I un-ironically respect both Discordianism and LaVeyan Satanism, though the former more than the latter. Robert Anton Wilson is one of my favourite people to have lived.

@Fluorspar: They were actually somewhat right about the second one. I knew it would get under Parrhesia's skin.

I really have a hard time believing that you werent trying to be cheeky, ser. And people call me smug.

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Just because there are worse things than this does not make this less insulting.

You're being so horrible.

Are you really getting insulted over some pixels on the internet bruh just look away from the screen lmao

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