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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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To clarify I don't go dumpster diving in the hopes of getting stuff but I just keep things after i've purchased them minus rubbish

yeah basically this.

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I only really feel this way for Lego, otherwise no.

lego's are pretty awesome

To clarify I don't go dumpster diving in the hopes of getting stuff but I just keep things after i've purchased them minus rubbish

i dont know why you thought this clarification was needed but i like that you did

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*looks around desk at the envelopes, unconnected+wired electronic doodads, empty plastic bags, scraps of paper, books of all sorts, the odd pile of 2-or-more-years-old magazines, old newspapers, handheld consoles, expired debit cards, pens, CDs, paper towels, 2 small unopened boxes of chocolates, a sample ballot for last week's local elections, and other assorted rubbish*

*looks over at top bunk bed, covered with even more magazines, newspapers, books, broken pants hangers, untouched free samples of 5-hour energy drink, and even more forms of assorted rubbish*

*looks back to monitor*

*pinches fingers* Maybe a little

please send help

I think it's at least as much that I'm a procrastinator who's loathe to admit that I won't actually use some of these things (or that it would take a huge effort to actually go through every single one of them and do so), and am quite comfortable letting things pile up as long as I can find the things I'm in the middle of using, as it is that I place actual sentimental value on much of my stuff. Also I might not actually know where it's best to dispose of some of em

Then again, I own like 2 years of Game Informers from like 6+ years ago

And the above is probably pretty close to the regular definition of hoarder anyway

It's like a real-life version of that "but what if I need it later" syndrome I have in video games, except it's also "but that Economist/Editorial session has some articles I really wanted to read"

Edited by Rehab
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You have no idea how shocked i am when i find out people dont do this.

Two of my cousins collect shoes but don't wear most of them. I bet they have 50 pairs between them. It's a disease.

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Two of my cousins collect shoes but don't wear most of them. I bet they have 50 pairs between them. It's a disease.

I have a lot shoes too, but i wear them quite a bit. Im also one of those people who insist on buying second-hand if i have a choice. Wastefulness is something i detest.

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My large collection of figures based on characters from comic books, video games, and wresting are telling me yes

this sounds a lot more like "collecting" than "hoarding"

stop pretending you understand our problems non-hoarding scum :(:

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this sounds a lot more like "collecting" than "hoarding"

stop pretending you understand our problems non-hoarding scum :(:

wow r00d

i'm hurt

now that i think about it, yeah that sounds more it

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You have no idea how shocked i am when i find out people dont do this.

I tend to donate a lot of my stuff. Specifically, if the school library doesn't have a book I want to read I'll go buy it and donate it afterwards. But, I do have a small collection of the books I just couldn't let go

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Let me say it this way: My room is half the size of my boyfriend's, and I have over twice times as much stuff as he has.

I hoard everything. Clothing, make-up, information pamphlets from various universities, books, plushies, three year old math notes I'll never have any use for again, everything I can get my grabby hands on.

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I camped once. I dont remember much. That weekend was debauchery incarnate.

I kinda wanna go camping again, but i want a particular kind of tent to do so. (and they are not easy to make....)

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I've gone camping a few times...I always enjoyed it, but there were definitely bad parts too. Probably the best camping trip I ever went on was a ~3-4 week canoe trip in Canada. I just can't remember what the name of the place we were canoeing in was...apparently it is not a Canadian national park.

I also went on a ~6 day dogsledding expedition in Ely, Minnesota. That was the toughest camping trip I've ever been on. Frankly, I was barely up to snuff. I didn't really know what I was getting into. There were still some great parts.

Edit-Besides this I had 1 more camping session that was about a week, and then a few 1-2 day camping expeditions.

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