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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I also got white/blue but I'm making the assumption that's more the test than me, or that it has different definitions than I had in mind. Hated the combination of traits it gave me

green/blue imo

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The worst injury I can remember receiving during a fight was a bleeding cut slightly above one of my eyes (don't remember which). It was a fight between me and my brother. We still don't know how the cut got there. It is a mystery.

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I spar often, though I avoid actual fights because really, it's not worth physically harming another person for some slights and nobody did anything to me irl that really warrants me beating the shit out of them anyway. Live and let live, etc

I have lost my temper once and punched my sparring partner into a door over a sass, however, but I only punched him because I thought he would dodge it in the first place. I've been trying and succeeding in controlling my temper since.

Out of my spars, though, don't remember most specifics but there was one time where I shoved my partner into a wall when practicing knife disarms. Don't ask me how it happened. Not so much violent as I just find it kinda amusing.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I almost broke someone's arm when they attacked me over an insult. Forearm specifically.

That was a long time ago. Never been in anything life threatening.

Edited by Makaze
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I received the benefit of getting my ass kicked by girls in sparring starting very early in life, in elementary school. The worst I ever remember taking a spar was against one such- her fists were like fucking bricks, I seriously don't remember ever being hit as hard as that in all my other spars. I was a pretty wimpy kid for a martial arts student, but even I didn't cry after matches much (at least that my memory is choosing to produce for me), but that one did it. I think I was literally like, "she's punching too hard!" I got (rightly) told to get over that one (we had a shitload of protective gear on)

I've lost pretty badly numerous times, and ended up with the wind knocked out of me a little often enough, but they were never quite "brickfist"

The only "actual fight" that I've been in, if it could be called that, since it was totally onesided and dumb and filled me with literal shame at the time, is described here

At this point I count myself very lucky that I've never actually been under physical threat such that I had to, y'know, use what I learned

Which is probably for the best, because I was never much more than 110 pounds while 5'8'' and treated sparring more as an obligation than anything else

Edited by Rehab
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Probably some fight with my brothers which wasn't really particularly violent at all. Whoops.


AWESOME (now to work on my timing).

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Someone tried to rob me in the streets. He had a knife.

Instinct and training took over.

Ended up being reprimanded by the cops for "excessive self-defense" since I broke his arm in three places (Not counting dislocations) >_>;

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The worst injury I can remember receiving during a fight was a bleeding cut slightly above one of my eyes (don't remember which). It was a fight between me and my brother. We still don't know how the cut got there. It is a mystery.

You didnt get punched or kicked there? Very common spot to get cut there

Someone tried to rob me in the streets. He had a knife.

Instinct and training took over.

Ended up being reprimanded by the cops for "excessive self-defense" since I broke his arm in three places (Not counting dislocations) >_>;

Pretty similar to this except it was group vs group of 3v4. My friend also had a shank along with him as well as two of the other guys who tried to jump us, needless to say it was an intense experience that was both stupid and something I never want anybody to experience, leaving us to avoid quite a few suburbs for a few months due to knowing the attackers. Edited by Alb
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