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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I read the first three inheritance cycle books a few years ago, and I think those would be the last shit books I read.

They weren't actually a particularly bad experience. Just... kind of ... ... yeah.

Probably the third one of those.

I stopped reading the fourth one like 50 pages from the end, so it doesn't count :newyears:

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not bad as much as disappointing but i read ben-hur some years ago, cover to cover, because the movie is so great

but the book is so dry

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that'd probably be elfshadow by elaine cunningham

really uninspiring in general and the main character had no charm :(

one dude was cool but he wasn't nearly enough to salvage the whole book

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probably some shit i read in 10th or 11th grade that i already forgot about

one of those required reading thingies

past that I only read shit i cared about (aka no bad shit beyond this point) and math text books

my memories of bad books don't go back that far

although let me say, the writing in some of those math textbooks are awful, far too many unnecessarily big words and complicated language and not enough actually teaching you how to math

it's like

I'm a fucking math major not an english major

I'd like to

you know


not decipher this paragraph of english before i can even math

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I read the first three inheritance cycle books a few years ago, and I think those would be the last shit books I read.

They weren't actually a particularly bad experience. Just... kind of ... ... yeah.

I can't think of anything else so I'll go with Eldest. Never read the third one.

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I have never read a bad book all the way to the end.

I have read some really bad fan fiction all the way to the end, though (the partaking of alcohol was required to numb the pain, both during and after reading).

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Dream of Red Mansions, it's my Chinese professor's favourite book, but as I learned, me and her have completely different tastes in literature. It's probably like a million times better in Chinese than it is in Engrish, granted.

With that, I have finished the Four Great Classics! ..Now to do it all over again with my rudimentary Chinese.

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Dream of Red Mansions, it's my Chinese professor's favourite book, but as I learned, me and her have completely different tastes in literature. It's probably like a million times better in Chinese than it is in Engrish, granted.

With that, I have finished the Four Great Classics! ..Now to do it all over again with my rudimentary Chinese.

Wow. You are worthy of being appointed to a position at court as a Confucian scholar.

EDIT-I read about 400 pgs of Red Mansions/Chambers before stopping. I was actually enjoying it, but I got completely demoralized when I realized I was reading an abridged version. (It wasn't even the kind of abridged version that goes for cutting out less necessary material. Instead, it just included the full story up to about pg 1000 and then cut off with no apparent second volume being sold anywhere.)

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Inheritance is probably the most recent, but I'm reluctant to call it bad since I liked the first book as a kid. Also, the Twilight books are much more deserving of the label "bad", so I'll lock in Breaking Dawn as my final answer.

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Question 319. Were you ever a bully back in school?

'bully' is a shit word and i hate using it but i like the question

also yes, though less often than the converse

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I was.

For a bit, when I was really little, I was a terrible little shit to one person.

and I still feel really awful about it

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of course

a low socioecnomic all boys school does that to you (not really)

but everyone was a bully, it was just our way of humoring and bonding

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uh sort of

there was this kid who was mean to me and i was mean back and then he grew up and got ripped and alpha and hot as fuck and he's actually a really nice and intelligent person.

there was this other kid i was mean to and then we became friends but then he whooped my ass for unrelated reasons.

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Nah. I was bullied often as a little kid, so by high school I was mostly quiet and kept to myself.

Although most of my best friends were people that I hated or was a huge dick towards when I was younger. Odd that.

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I was a little shit in middle school that hardly had any true friends.

Because of that crappy experience, I mellowed out going into high school and tried making friends, but people liked picking on me for being new. One day in PE, this kid who liked messing with me got on my nerves, so I stood up when he ran over to me to bother me, grabbed him, and threw him on the ground in front of everyone. I was quite well-known after that, and he and some others for the most part stopped picking on me. Sure, they called me out and tried to embarrass me whenever they could out of the blue, but at least I showed that I'm not someone you should mess with often.

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i was a bit of an asshole when i was younger but i never was like an actual bully. that being said, i did get bullied myself back in my secondary school days

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I was a little shit in middle school that hardly had any true friends.

Because of that crappy experience, I mellowed out going into high school and tried making friends, but people liked picking on me for being new. One day in PE, this kid who liked messing with me got on my nerves, so I stood up when he ran over to me to bother me, grabbed him, and threw him on the ground in front of everyone. I was quite well-known after that, and he and some others for the most part stopped picking on me. Sure, they called me out and tried to embarrass me whenever they could out of the blue, but at least I showed that I'm not someone you should mess with often.

ah yes, the classic moment in everyone's high school life where everyone else wouldn't fuck with them ever again.

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