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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I've never bullied anyone, and I'm pretty seperate from anyone who would bully. Any time they try I make a big scene so they get emberassed and never try again. 100% works guaranteed.

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Nah, I never really was on either end of bullying. I guess it's because I didn't need to prove my natural superiority!

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I've never bullied anyone, and I'm pretty seperate from anyone who would bully. Any time they try I make a big scene so they get emberassed and never try again. 100% works guaranteed.

how do you make a big scene so that it is they and not you that gets embarrassed

like i

literally can't think of how

do you just dack them there and then or some shit

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Well i've smoked some of that Shisha stuff that lots of arabs have, if that counts (i'm pretty sure its legal for me to do so)

It tastes quite nice as its flavoured, but i hear that it takes quite the toll on your lungs

Edited by Patriot
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"I'm pretty sure it's legal"

that's a new one

I personally have not heard that before in the context of drugs

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Given that I've been sent to the hospital for stuff my doctor prescribed, I refuse to try my luck on anything other than low doses of caffeine (too much will put me to sleep).

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Well i've smoked some of that Shisha stuff that lots of arabs have, if that counts (i'm pretty sure its legal for me to do so)
It tastes quite nice as its flavoured, but i hear that it takes quite the toll on your lungs

Yeah, it should be legal if you're over 18, it's very big around my area in general because of the large population of arabs, it's sort of a monthly social thing we do with a particular circle of friends and some of their parents. My favourite tobacco flavour is watermelon for the argileh (aka Shisha/Hookah). Apparently one hit of it is something like a whole pack of cigarettes at one time, obviously changing on how big you take your hit.

Marijuana has always resulted in a positive reaction for me, apart from the first month of my initial exposure to it I have cut it down to a couple of times a month because I don't want to become reliant on it (anything can be addictive)

A few of my friends do ecstasy and it's pretty common to be around but I've stayed away from it, I already have to drink a decent amount of water without feeling dehydrated and I think I have enough fun at parties/clubs/concerts anyway. My friends seem to be in a great mood while on it, but the sweat is just horrible.

I tried LSD once, apparently a small dose, but it left me completely tripping, the music definitely enhanced the experience as I was at a friends house. My body felt very warm, similar to being buzzed on alcohol, but I could also feel/see the pulse of the music rippling on different surfaces, whatever was around me left me with a childish level of curiosity, the objects were almost like living entities, according to my friend I was just siting there staring at them though, with small laughs as if I was in conversation. Thankfully I didn't reach the part where things start to get scary. I would attempt it again if I knew it was safe to take, obviously it's never going to be 100% assured but if someone i know can attest to it, I may give it a go. It wasn't necessarily a life changing experience like most, but it certainly put things in a new positive perspective, a small example would be how I now try to see the appeal in things now and will give it a go, rather than just dismiss it and label it as stupid

Pretty much everyone in my family is addicted to coffee except me, sometimes i'll take it if i'm stressing hard for an exam/project but when I do it leaves me with a mild pulsing headache and a horrible crash with a groggy wake up. I took it every day for 2 weeks in Japan and I got to a point where my mood was just in a spiteful mode and I could not take walking for ages to see temples anymore, from then on I felt bad for my brother/cousins who had to deal with me and stayed off it.

I'm horrible with alcohol, I get a very red face (asian glow i think it's called) unless I take a zantac/heartburn pill. My first shot will usually leave me feeling drowsy and sleepy and it takes around 6 shots to get me to vomit, sometimes it's a risk to take that nap after the first shot if it's a big party because i'll get violated one way or another if I do, however for whatever reason I can take much more alcohol afterwards if i do nap. I also get a headache if I lie my head down and attempt to sleep after i've drank a decent amount of beer, though I will usually be fine with anything else.

Edited by Alb
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I'll be honest, I've never done drugs.

I have fairly good reasons, in fairness. But I'm still unreasonably averse to the idea of trying weed.

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Yeah, it should be legal if you're over 18, it's very big around my area in general because of the large population of arabs, it's sort of a monthly social thing we do with a particular circle of friends and some of their parents. My favourite tobacco flavour is watermelon for the argileh (aka Shisha/Hookah). Apparently one hit of it is something like a whole pack of cigarettes at one time, obviously changing on how big you take your hit.

Marijuana has always resulted in a positive reaction for me, apart from the first month of my initial exposure to it I have cut it down to a couple of times a month because I don't want to become reliant on it (anything can be addictive)

A few of my friends do ecstasy and it's pretty common to be around but I've stayed away from it, I already have to drink a decent amount of water without feeling dehydrated and I think I have enough fun at parties/clubs/concerts anyway. My friends seem to be in a great mood while on it, but the sweat is just horrible.

I tried LSD once, apparently a small dose, but it left me completely tripping, the music definitely enhanced the experience as I was at a friends house. My body felt very warm, similar to being buzzed on alcohol, but I could also feel/see the pulse of the music rippling on different surfaces, whatever was around me left me with a childish level of curiosity, the objects were almost like living entities, according to my friend I was just siting there staring at them though, with small laughs as if I was in conversation. Thankfully I didn't reach the part where things start to get scary. I would attempt it again if I knew it was safe to take, obviously it's never going to be 100% assured but if someone i know can attest to it, I may give it a go. It wasn't necessarily a life changing experience like most, but it certainly put things in a new positive perspective, a small example would be how I now try to see the appeal in things now and will give it a go, rather than just dismiss it and label it as stupid

Pretty much everyone in my family is addicted to coffee except me, sometimes i'll take it if i'm stressing hard for an exam/project but when I do it leaves me with a mild pulsing headache and a horrible crash with a groggy wake up. I took it every day for 2 weeks in Japan and I got to a point where my mood was just in a spiteful mode and I could not take walking for ages to see temples anymore, from then on I felt bad for my brother/cousins who had to deal with me and stayed off it.

I'm horrible with alcohol, I get a very red face (asian glow i think it's called) unless I take a zantac/heartburn pill. My first shot will usually leave me feeling drowsy and sleepy and it takes around 6 shots to get me to vomit, sometimes it's a risk to take that nap after the first shot if it's a big party because i'll get violated one way or another if I do, however for whatever reason I can take much more alcohol afterwards if i do nap. I also get a headache if I lie my head down and attempt to sleep after i've drank a decent amount of beer, though I will usually be fine with anything else.

Righto, it ws illegal then, but at least i was under supervision. And like how you have your area of arabic people, theres a strip of road in Melbourne called Sydney Road, which is full of Turkish/Lebanese/Afghan etc. shops, with these little Shisha shops, where you just take a hit and sit around watching Fox Sports

Now that i think about it, i've had beer and wine too, but they were only sips, and once again, under adult supervision (my parents this time)

And yea, i too have friends that partake regularly in drugs, Marijuana to be precise. but they dont end up wasted, just "buzzed" as they call it

Nice response Alb bruh

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Not a fan of anything that gets in my lungs... (Cigarette [Nicotine], Weeds [THC])

But I'm in favour of decriminalisation of cannabis.

I still find it weird that it's still illegal here... I guess it's because of the U.S. (Keeping a mostly unprotected border would be hard)

Edited by Naughx
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Righto, it ws illegal then, but at least i was under supervision. And like how you have your area of arabic people, theres a strip of road in Melbourne called Sydney Road, which is full of Turkish/Lebanese/Afghan etc. shops, with these little Shisha shops, where you just take a hit and sit around watching Fox Sports

Now that i think about it, i've had beer and wine too, but they were only sips, and once again, under adult supervision (my parents this time)

And yea, i too have friends that partake regularly in drugs, Marijuana to be precise. but they dont end up wasted, just "buzzed" as they call it

Nice response Alb bruh

Sydney road filled with middle easterners, how appropriate


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too much coffee makes me jittery. it also fucks with my teeth. all i need is 1 cup of coffee if i'm working in the morning

i did do weed one time, it wasn't that much different to drinking alcohol. from what i remember it made my face feel greasy and i think i felt stupider. but that might have been the alcohol as well.

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The topic of any drug makes me queasy so...

Recently, I overheard a couple of weed smokers talking to one another.

One was casually saying she had signs of mouth cancer.

It was disturbing.

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It was planned all along

Also, it it just western sydney that is full of non-white australians, or is that just an assumption made by me

you're spot on and the epidemic is spreading!!

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