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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I was gonna say Ravenclaw before so cool, but why does that house not have an exclamation mark?

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just get one of those darth vader voice changer I bet that'll solve everything

that's perfect!

heh, take that, NIGHTMARES!

i have had this dream many times

it is frustrating

I know, right?

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i used to spit more than i do now, as in, ever

also, being good at education, yeah that died around the 8th grade.

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I stopped biting my nails around 2nd gradeish, if that counts. Now I like my nails long and I wouldn't even think about biting them.

Doing work in a timely manner, last minute or bust

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I don't know if that's exactly a habit, but back in high school I was able to pay attention to all my classes (except portuguese grammar, but FUCK portuguese grammar)

Nowadays I can't follow them for more than 5 minutes.

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cracking my neck every 5 seconds

But now I have this habit to tense the muscles in my right arm every now and then

it's weird someone help me

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I used to have a routine I had to go through before I went to sleep but I managed to break myself of it in my teens

go specta \o/

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I used to have a habit of cracking my right ankle. Doing so would leave my ankle feeling uncomfortable unless I "fixed" it by cracking it again.

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i used to EDIT: scratch and peel, i have no idea why i said bite. i used my other nails. /EDIT the fuck out of my nails

it was horrible

i don't do that anymore

way back in the day i used to, instead of picking my nose, pick my butthole. ain't even joking. i brute forced that habit into picking my nose sometime before i turned about seven and have cut back on that since.

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