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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I feel like more often people make their own bad luck

and some of it is coincidence

but I don't think people are naturally unlucky (what does that even mean?)

(or lucky)

why am I typing like I would over IMs / in a chatroom wtf

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(what does that even mean?)

Like, luck is already something that's unnatural (or natural) and trying to make a distinction between "natural luck" and "unnatural luck" is completely pointless and makes you look like you don't have any idea what you're talking about and I sound like a fucking pedant caught up with fucking semantics and I hate it

blaming you for this

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Natural as in born with it

Nothing else to it

This is for people who believe in luck though~

I don't really think that some are more lucky than others, but some are more fortunate than others

Although now that I think about it if we're talking about overall, like throughout their whole life, well idk I don't know many people's entire lives to know how much situations can change or remain the same over such a long span

Edited by Freohr Datia
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nah some people are just stupid/not stupid


A friend of mine once ordered something on ebay from a guy with 100% positive feedback. The item never arrived. I'd consider that bad luck. Even in matters of career, it is connected with luck (at least slightly), since your connections and the status you were born in influence that too.

I don't like the term becazmuse of its un-scientific description (Quantum randomness makes it better, but meh). Still, something akin to 'bad luck' and 'good luck' does exist

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i think of luck more like alb does--"luck of the draw" when you're born. genetics is a luck/chanced based game that will thankfully be changeable in the future (and let's assume used for good not for evil k?)

but as you get older poor events happen more as a consequence of your own actions than as happenstance. (also, don't think i'm making that statement apply broadly. day-by-day stuff is what i'm talking about here.)

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Yes. People born with sub-human abilities have it really bad. People born with super-human abilities have it great.

If you mean someone for whom everything happens to turn out badly or well, yes. It's a statistical inevitability. Someone like that will exist at some point.

Can't say that you'll be able to predict bad luck before the fact, though.

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i think of luck more like alb does--"luck of the draw" when you're born. genetics is a luck/chanced based game that will thankfully be changeable in the future (and let's assume used for good not for evil k?)

I wish I could see how funky society gets when eugenics becomes cheap and widely used, preferably in the far future when humanity has expanded into the far reaches of space

we won't even have to find aliens to have sex with, thank you based genetic modifications

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That's always how I thought of it as... then suddenly I come across people talking about how it's supposed to be an actual thing or something and I just figured it was something I hadn't heard of before because I'm so very often uninformed

But whenever I talk about luck it's always based on that idea, even after hearing it's some "supernatural" thing... I guess I can't really help the way I think about it

Edited by Freohr Datia
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