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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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There is only one answer. Marthipan.

There is only one answer. Marthipan.

you can't have BOTH given him the name!

ZM confirmed as Refa's alt

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Oh come on, Euk, that LP was golden. XD

Besides, I already call a user Marthipan here.

and that user keeps your company?

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sadly since I only have sf friends I can only give those~


Also Mr. Wizard and The King (he didn't appreciate the name though sadface ;n;) and Red Driver and Azure Dragon (th-that name was more difficult to come up with and I don't think it really worked out~)

I seem to make these names a lot in ipchat~ I'm pretty sure every single one of those were names I made while in ipchat

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I'm Captain Basch!

EDIT-Specta did you finish ffxii? Just curious.

nope, not this playthrough :( I ran out of steam when school started up

I might get back to it soon though!

I could always use more balthier

Edited by Specta
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