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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I don't care what you say about pineapple, but olives are heretical.

They're acceptable when you see some of the other crazy things people put on their pizza. Like nutella. The day I saw that on a sauce & cheese pizza was the day I learned true despair.

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none pizza with left beef

but really, margherita is amazing. combo pizza is pretty gr9 too, I like having vegetables on my pizza. pure pepperoni is too salty and usually extremely greasy

edit: I also love me some Hawaiian Luau, like damn son

Edited by Ciarre
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It's a matter for those with a more refined palate than I (I almost always take just cheese, so, uh, not really any toppings)

The couple of times I had margherita I did take a liking to it, though

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