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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Probably, most people drink alcohol (or have used an intoxicating substance) which basically rules it out automatically

That would be temperance though, surely?

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In the Christian tradition, chastity is synonymous with sexual purity. Chastity means not having any sexual relations before marriage. It also means fidelity to husband or wife during marriage. In Catholic morality, chastity is placed opposite the deadly sin of lust, and is classified as one of seven virtues. The moderation of sexual desires is required to be virtuous. Reason, will and desire can harmoniously work together to do what is good.

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I'm the hidden eighth virtue: Fine as hell.

But, no, really, I can't really decide which one I ascribe to the most.

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You might want to ask them what they meant by Chastity then. Either way, Temperance wouldn't apply to a zero-tolerance policy like that.

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You might want to ask them what they meant by Chastity then. Either way, Temperance wouldn't apply to a zero-tolerance policy like that.

temperance makes more sense for 'not drinking' than chastity, I never said I necessarily agreed with that specific definition, only that it made more sense

Question 282. What is the most beautiful object you've ever seen?

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I had watched a video of a musician playing this huge harp. I was mesmerized not only by the music that was being played but also by how magnificently crafted that instrument was. Ever since then I've always wanted to own a harp of my own.

Anyway, I'd definitely say that that particular harp is the most beautiful object I've ever seen.

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From up-close? I guess the ruins of Persepolis, probably one of the big lion man thing statues specifically. I don't really know though, I've seen many beautiful objects and I can't really choose or remember. :x

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the earth itself is the most beautiful thing we've seen thus far, in our whole 200,000 years of life. however, i don't think the earth counts, as it's too obvious an answer. so instead:


my favorite celestial body. it's not just aesthetically beautiful--neptune or saturn would more easily take that title--it's the combination of that with its physical properties and its history that make me almost giddy when i look at it.

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I dunno, I think people can be considered objects (do objects have to not move or something?)

But now that I know you don't want people to count...~

Integrity's hair

Tbh I think some of the most beautiful things I've seen were things I imagined up in my dreams... my mind just loves making up pretty things I guess~

Like this lovely looking ravine with lots of plant life and waterfalls/creeks everywhere and a giant pickle

Or two tall tall glaciers (I guess they were glaciers) that were more transparent than they needed to be that glowed rainbow colours from the sun and were split apart with a river going through the middle of them and I was in that river surrounded by rainbowy walls of ice.

Oh wait maybe technically none of those are objects either..... ;u; B-but if they were actually real I'd include them certainly~! I can't really come up with what are the most beautiful objects I've seen...

Besides Integrity's hair~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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im blind you ableist bastard

lel i love you, stolypin.

I actually cannot answer this one too well. Ive seen so many glorious things and will see more glorious things. So i think im going to have to go with the world itself. Its ugly at times, but stunningly beautiful. The duality there makes it even more beautiful.

I dunno. /shrug


this figurehead and the ship it belongs to comes close.

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I've seen some absolutely beautiful cloud formations and some of the most beautiful mountains in the world in Waterton National Park.

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Chris Hemsworth's right bicep

hey it's not him, it's just his bicep!

muscle is beauty

in all seriousness though, probably some of the art I've seen in my life. I can't pinpoint just one though, so many good art ;u;

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Aesthetically beautiful?

A very particular ray of sunlight. I have a picture, if I can be assed to dig it out.

Possibly a hunk of bismuth.

[spoiler=not my favorite image but meh]640px-Wismut_Kristall_und_1cm3_Wuerfel.j

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