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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Also I'd like the aura of someone who can just causally punch holes in metal even though I obviously can't

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Someone they'd want to bang

Seriously though, a cool dude who they can depend on and trust. And is hilarious. And fucking awesome.


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Depends on the person. It's different for a lot of people. Also depends on the relationship. I don't want teachers nterpreting me the same way as a friend for instance. Also if I'm forced to be with someone I try to complement their personality. Also, a lot of times if I want something from someone I'll act a specific way to get what I want.

I sound pretty awful in this post woops

Also, this. I didn't think of it like this.

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Well... I wasn't very sure at first but I think my answer would be something like Night's. That I'd be somebody that people want to actually be around even if I'm such a quiet person (in person or in one-on-one conversations or sometimes group conversations even). Like whether they see me as kind or goofy or reliable or patient or giving or whatever people find desirable... Or if people want to be around me even if they view me as annoying or whiny or too goofy or too quiet or impatient or emotionless/emotional or too sensitive or too shy or too strange

I guess I'm just happiest when people can accept me despite the way I am~

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hmmm. i want people to like and accept me for who i really am. not what they perceive from my appearance. which i seem to get a lot

I dress really plainly for this reason. Ofcourse, people will sitll get a first impression form this, but it's really easy to shatter.

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I want to be seen as not a shit-head. I want to be known as someone who is sincere and not a cynical jackass.

i like this, op

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It was getting so spicy too. Though most of the answers would probably have been none.

and this could probably hit some bad spots for people

Edited by Fluorspar
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shhh it'll be tomorrow's question

Question 291. What colour/s are you on the Magic: the Gathering wheel?


By birthday request which is a thing now

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