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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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All these copycats.

I was UW before it was cool.

I mean, technically speaking, Kelsper was, but I was as well.

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Integrity, you're definitely blue/green.

I'd say I'm somewhere between Blue/White and Blue/Red. I used to be a lot more red, but I've been tending more white lately.

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I did one of those color analysis things and I got red/blue which I think is more fitting than red/green so


I also got black/red so yeah I'm pretty red

Edited by Ciarre
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Bothered some chumps to link me to the test.


Seems accurate to a good extend, I'd probably identify as some white/green/blue mess most of the time. Mostly green.

Alternatively consider white as yellow for maximum Brazil.

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The test said green/white for me. Ehhhh... I don't know.

You need someone dead. How do you do it?

Hide under my bed and hope the problem goes away.

Okay, everyone. Find a picture of your spirit animal and recolor it to match your MTG color(s).

This will create a SUPER accurate representation of your personality.

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