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[FE9: Averages] Refa (nihil limit) VS. Horace


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Alright, as this is my first time hosting, three things shall insue! Hilarity, jokes, and sheer, undeniable incompetence.

Team Horace:
Your standard nihil abusers...and Largo.


Unit    HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Res Acc Avo Crt
Makalov 58 26  08  26  27  15  27  15  67  69 13
Calill  54 12  30  27  28  20  16  22  74  76 13
Largo   60 30  05  24  27  20  13  06  68  74 27
Ike     52 26  11  27  28  20  24  18  74  76 13
Nasir   60 25  11  25  27  19  26  28  --  73 --

Add a little gauge and...

Unit        HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Red Acc Avo Crt
Demi Nasir: 60  30 11  28  29  19  29  31  75  77  14
Full Nasir: 60  35 11  30  30  19  31  33  79  79  15

Team Refa:
Your standard army of bricks...and swords people.

[spoiler=Other Stats]

Unit   HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Res Acc Avo Crt
Zihark 52 24  8   29  30  22  18  8   76  78  29
Boyd   60 30  3   27  27  17  16  15  67  65  16
Brom   55 29  6   27  18  10  30  13  64  46  13
Mist   53 19  26  19  26  29  15  25  59  79  7
Jill   48 26  14  26  27  14  24  12  66  64  13

Alright then, God help us all.

And the starting roll is...

Well, according to the rules of alphabetics, Horace goes first! Ready, set...GO!

Horace's Nasir activates shade! Good luck fighting this secluded dragon for the next 2 rounds of battle!

Refa's Brom activates provoke! What an asshole that guy can be when he tries, drawing fire to him for 2 turns!

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Boyd has 27Skl and 15Res.

Mist has 15Def.

Everything else is fine on my end.

EDIT You changed Boyd's Def to 15, not his Res...Now his Def is somehow below his averages.

Edited by Refa
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ill go with the standard makalov tries to vague katti hax boyd

also i could have made a better team if i had tibarn or giffca instead of Largo but OH WELL

Edited by General Horace
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Yeah, well I have one more redhead on my team than you do so moral victory HA.

You have the only red-haired person on either team. And how does that relate to mor-Block, what are you doing here? HEY! STOP DROOLING ON MY KEYBOARD! I SWEAR YOU-GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT BEFORE I TAKE A BASEBALL BAT AN-


Ahem, alright, with that all cleared up, I declare these FE games...OPEN! *catches on fire* Gya dang it.



Horace's Calill (bolting) vs. Refa's Brom (Silver Lance)

Calill activates Nihil! Alliteration power!

28+0-2 (26) x2 damage / 93-10 (83) hit / 8+10 (18) Crit

(65+57)/2 = (61), (28)

It actually works! Brom takes a lightning bolt to the face! (29/55)

Brom's stubby fat guy legs are to slow to counter!

(9+59)/2= (34), (8)

Full on critical! Brom takes 78 damage!

Poor, poor Brom (0/55)

Refa may now act.

[spoiler=Status Quo]

Horace                Refa
Makalov (58/58)       Zihark (52/52)
Calill (54/54)        Boyd (60/60)
Largo (60/60)         Brom (0/55)
Nasir (60/60)         Mist (53/53)
Ike (52/52)           Jill (48/48)
Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Calill doubles and Im pretty sure her hit must be better than that. Gimme a sec to calc the hit. Yeah, Calill's hit with Bolting is 139 and +7 = 146 - Brom's 49 Avo = 97. The damage is I think 43+1 from Largo support = 44 -16-2 if Knight Ward = 26x2.

Edited by PKL
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Calill doubles and Im pretty sure her hit must be better than that. Gimme a sec to calc the hit. Yeah, Calill's hit with Bolting is 139 and +7 = 146 - Brom's 49 Avo = 97. The damage is I think 43+1 from Largo support = 44 -16-2 if Knight Ward = 26x2.

Largo isn't a support, it's just a bond. Making moar edits.

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No no, you're calc'ing damage wrong again.

30 Mag Calill +13 Bolting MT = 43 Atk

Brom's Base Res = 13 + 1 from Boyd support = 14 +1 from Zihark support = 15 + 2 if Knight ward = 17 Res

43 Atk -17 Res = 26x2 dmg

The hit Im unsure about, but its 93 (now that I know Largo isnt a Calill support) before Zihark B or A whatever it is. So take that into account.

Edited by PKL
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No no, you're calc'ing damage wrong again.

30 Mag Calill +13 Bolting MT = 43 Atk

Brom's Base Res = 13 + 1 from Boyd support = 14 +1 from Zihark support = 15 + 2 if Knight ward = 17 Res

43 Atk -17 Res = 26x2 dmg

The hit Im unsure about, but its 93 (now that I know Largo isnt a Calill support) before Zihark B or A whatever it is. So take that into account.

No no, you're calc'ing damage wrong again.

30 Mag Calill +13 Bolting MT = 43 Atk

Brom's Base Res = 13 + 1 from Boyd support = 14 +1 from Zihark support = 15 + 2 if Knight ward = 17 Res

43 Atk -17 Res = 26x2 dmg

The hit Im unsure about, but its 93 (now that I know Largo isnt a Calill support) before Zihark B or A whatever it is. So take that into account.

There, I was using an incorrect source for weapon stats, but it should be all good now.

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Seems correct now. I know the damage didnt matter in this round since he got crit anyway. But just making sure you get better before the other turns. Don't worry, the first 3 turns or so are always tough for hosts.

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Seems correct now. I know the damage didnt matter in this round since he got crit anyway. But just making sure you get better before the other turns. Don't worry, the first 3 turns or so are always tough for hosts.

Great! Really gruesome when you realize that a significantly powerful electric discharge can instantly boil all the water in your body, which...is bad.

And thanks, I think I'm starting to get the hang of what to do.

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also I'll be away until late tomorrow unfourtunately so i'll leave an action here once I think about it.

actually its way too early in the afternoon to think about these things i'll sort it out tomorrow.

Edited by General Horace
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