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Help with shifted tilesets in tiled?


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I'll start with the obvious;

Try removing and importing the tileset again

If that doesn't work, close tiled and reopen it

If those don't work, try redownloading the tileset itself

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Well, it looks like I should've read more carefully. I got the tilesets here:


Where Feaw clearly addresses my issue.

Should I looks for some different tilesets, or should I try to "fix them myself" as he explains? How would I go about doing the latter? I can't just do that in paint, can I? The other option would be to use Mappy, which he says makes the correction automatically. But I was around when Nintenlord first made the Tiled Map inserter, and based on the reactions it sounded like Tiled was a huge step forward from Mappy.

EDIT: Further reading has revealed to me that those tilesets can't even be imported into hacks. I'm just using the tilesets that came with the map inserter on FE Shrine now, which work fine.

If only someone could help me figure out how to map mountains now! It seems literally impossible.

Edited by Completely InShane
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If only someone could help me figure out how to map mountains now! It seems literally impossible.

Primefusion's mapping tutorial should help you quite a bit.

Also... refer to actual maps from the original games. FE8 map in Caer Pelyn from Eirika's route is my favorite, it has LOTS of mountains of many different forms (you can find the original maps in a strange website called serenesforest).

And finally... practice! Practice a lot! ;o

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Prime Fusion's tutorial is indeed helpful, but my issue lies in finding the actual tiles. PF's tut seems to only touch on this very briefly. The arrangement of the tiles in the tilesets doesn't seem to follow much rhyme or reason, at least when it comes to the mountains. Everything else seems to be somewhat more coherently organized than the damn mountains.

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