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Help me overcome my RNG paranoia?


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Hey guys, I've been a long time fire emblem player. I've been a fan of the series since it first came out in america, and I've played all of the games in the series up until Awakening, and I've beaten 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

During the days when I played the advance games (I was a bit young), I really didn't pay attention to stats at all, and I also didn't pay the random stat gains much mind. I didn't consult the internet and generally assumed that a unit's power was inversely proportional to how powerful it is for its class when it's recruited. I didn't really understand growth rates at all until some time around fire emblem 10 or so. It just wasn't something I gave much thought.

But then I learned about them. And then that meant I noticed when the RNG screwed me over big time.

Lately I've had a few instances of horrible luck with the RNG when it comes to stats, and maybe it's an OCD thing, but the resulting paranoia makes it harder to enjoy the games. I'm about to get my 3DS, and I want to make sure that my enjoyment of this awesome game isn't ruined by my fear of the RNG.

Do any of you have methods of coping with the RNG? Ways of dealing when it gives you a horrible hand? Or ways that you avoid the issue entirely? I'd really appreciate some advice here.

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Don't worry about the RNG in Awakening; with Second Seals, you can Level Up an infinite amount of times ; )

In FE9, you can use Fixed Mode too, so your characters stick close to their average stats.

Otherwise, I sadly dump RNG-screwed characters, even if they're favourites. Typically I play each FE multiple times, so there'll be a chance for me to use every character properly... eventually.

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Don't worry about the RNG in Awakening; with Second Seals, you can Level Up an infinite amount of times ; )

In FE9, you can use Fixed Mode too, so your characters stick close to their average stats.

Otherwise, I sadly dump RNG-screwed characters, even if they're favourites. Typically I play each FE multiple times, so there'll be a chance for me to use every character properly... eventually.

So basically use a wide pool of characters I like to make sure I can compensate for screwed ones?

Thanks for reminding me about the infinite level ups though, one of my friends told me about that but had forgotten.

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Would somebody mind explaining to me what 0% growths means in this context? Is it a hack that reduces everyone's growths to 0?

it's impossible for the characters to gain stats. just use nightmare to make everybody's growths 0.

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