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Opinions on Jarod?

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Well, besides the general poor writing in part 1, i would say his biggest problem is that his later presentation as a cruel but proud soldier is kinda underscored by the fact that he kills his own men the first time we see him.

You kinda loose the right to make inspirational speeches to your men when you treat them like that. And for somebody who is supposedly tempted by the challenge as he claims to be, he sure is a sore looser.

He is a pretty cool guy later on, though. I like how he deals with Micaiah and her patriotic speeches. And then there is his cocky attitude against the Black Knight. The fact that he maintains it even after witnessing his power firsthand shows how badass Jarod is.

Edited by BrightBow
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Jarod is not really that douchebag like the senators. He is a cruel and proud soldier, who has to just follow the orders of them. Even after he was betraied by Numida, Jarod fought to the bitter end.

I really like the character design of a cruel, proud and brave soldier, who fights for the honor.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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I thought of him as a total scumbag not much better then the senators he works for. He gives one good speech and shows a bit of care for one of his soldiers, but that doesn't count for much when you stab your own soldiers to death. He also seemed perfectly fine with doing the senate's bidding, until they used him as a scapegoat.

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Jarod is, in a sense, the exact same as Numida; he's completely subservient to the Senate until they turn their backs on him. Other than that, he's completely complacent to the sacrifices of his men, as we see in the ending scene of Chapter 1-9, where he chews out his second-in-command Alder after Alder saves him from death at the hands of the Black Knight.

That makes him ten times better than Reidrich in FE5, but that's not saying much...

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He's a good EXP dispenser for the poor EXP-starved Brigade

More seriously, I just disliked him and was pretty glad the BK Eclipsed him in my first playthrough(RD was my first game and I deployed the BK and Nailah in part 1 Endgame because 'OMG OP units so cool!')

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I think a lot of people seem to over look that, aside from killing his own soldiers, he massacred innocents in the capital for no god damn reason other than to piss Micaiah off. At least the senators had something to gain from all their assholeishness.

Edited by Jotari
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I think he was just too bland but that primarily because of the short length of part 1.

But he serves his purpose as a villain so guess that's okay.

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I have no problem in Jarod killing his own soldiers for their own incompetence, but I do take issue with him killing civilians. So, I crack a small smile every time it comes to give him his comeuppance.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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He urks me for reasons stated above . Although I wish they developed his character a little more. There must have been a soft, vulnerable side in there somewhere. Other than that lol take my sword Jarod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decent at being the villian in part 1 I guess. Much like General Lang where your just like "oooh I HATE you" so he fills his role as best as he can with what little screen time he gets I guess. Kind of an after thought in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's really nothing 'noble' or 'honorable' about Jarod. His actions at the end of Part 1 border on sociopathic.

He does however, make for an eminently hateable villain.

Edited by Siuloir
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