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Have your opinion of awakeing changed?


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I don't mind the marriage as long as it's done well. It's not as though Fire Emblem games haven't successfully pulled off marriage and inheritance mechanics before. *looks at Duke Dozel's sig* *cough*

It needs to be well-implemented, though.

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EDIT: Just realized you were talking about the DLC, not the game as a whole. Yeah, spending more on DLC than on the base game isn't really my idea of a fun time either. Not that I didn't buy every last DLC chapter like the sucker I am.

If doubling the price tag of the game doubles it's replay value, I call it a good deal, and DLC more than tripled Awakening's replay value for me by the time they finished releasing it, I have no idea how much extra time I've gotten out of it since then. If you want to talk about a shameless cash grab, look at the OST which also costs more than the game itself. Why buy that when I can just listen to it in the game?

Then again, this is coming from a guy who poured 70% of his 2013 gaming budget into FE13 and it's regalia...

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Maybe im weird and actually had something resembling a disposable income last year, but i didnt think the DLC cost a bunch. I also got the Champions of Yore first map for nothing. I didnt get every single DLC though. (i skipped the Challenge pack but i have all the others.) I had a pretty good time with that DLC and i still need to take on Apotheosis.

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^ Yeah I was smilar; I picked up a discount $40-50 e-shop card back when Best Buy was having the sale and got just about everything except Apo and the Challenge pack. I guess that's pretty steep, but they're not so bad in the packs...

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well was it fair to call something like Naruto or Bleach overhyped back in the day when it first came out? i say so.

and while it still is a fairly decent game, that mindset of "well as long as it has the title of the franchise on it, its still deserves praise and your money" is very dangerous territory.

i mean lets look at Metriod other M, which its gameplay along with its questionable story split the fanbase apart and the series is on life support, not having another game within 4 years or so.

lets also look at DmC: Devil May Cry, which might as well been devil may cry in name only, the few returning characters didn't act like how they normally did, along with an offensive and disgusting story, less complexed game play that also ran at 30 frames per second when the previous games ran at 60 frames per second and a director that insulted the older fans of the series, this resulted in the fans not buying the game, the game failing, the future of an actual DMC game is questionable, and the director is now stuck making phone games and capcom announced they won't outsource their products anymore.

the only difference between these games and Awakening is that Awakening actually sold well, better then the both of the those other two games combined i'm sure of, i guaranteed you if this game had sold horrible, it would've been treated like DmC and Other M.

what my point is, that fans shouldn't blindly follow anything, less they want their franchise to become the next 'we'll release a game that's barely different then the last one" like CoD or Guitar Hero, the latter actually did die because of the fast production.

What meant by it being a Fire Emblem game is that it delivers what the other games have for me, a fun gameplay experience. The concept of Fire Emblem and how it works and what you do is a lot of fun to me. Even if it's has or has not gone downhill from the other games, to me it's still a game that deserves high praise. Yes, its upsetting to not have the same quality for certain things (for me supports) and we tell Nintendo that, but it's not like they completely threw the entire series out the window and stepped on it. I'ts still is a solid Fire Emblem game to me.

Edited by n00srac
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^ Yeah I was smilar; I picked up a discount $40-50 e-shop card back when Best Buy was having the sale and got just about everything except Apo and the Challenge pack. I guess that's pretty steep, but they're not so bad in the packs...

Hmm ok. I added it up. The price tag for everything in the DLC if you bought them in packs (plus Apotheosis) comes to about $41. It would be like, up to 70 bucks for all of the DLC if you bought them all separately. (not in packs) Thats really something. For me, the DLC total was 32 big ones. I got CoY1 for free cuz promo thingdeal and i didnt buy the Challenge pack. Given that i paid about 40 bucks for the game, plus buying the DLC, i spent a total of around 72 bucks on it.


Well isnt that....something?

Doesnt really bother me cuz i got the DLC in increments but that is kinda high...Just imagine if Nintendo didnt offer the pack deal.

Yes, its upsetting to not have the same quality for certain things (for me supports) and we tell Nintendo that, but it's not like they completely threw the entire series out the window and stepped on it. It still is a solid Fire Emblem game.

This game probably saved the franchise. Regardless of what i personally think about its story, Awakening ensured that Nintendo will try to make another game in the series. I gotta respect that.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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i'll give awakening respect once the sequel proves its not going to be waifu simulator: hurt feelings edition.

I'm hoping that they don't focus on that, but if it helped save the series then I can't complain about it. I dont actually know if it was necessary or not, but at least the series will continue.

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yeah, but at what cost? we don't know the cost yet, and we won't until the next game proves what direction the series will go in.

you either live long enough to see your favorite shows and games stop being made, or they become a rotting corpse of what they use to be, that still goes on because it makes money, a hollow shell of what it use to be, sure it might still kinda look like your loved one on the outside, but on the inside its organs are rotting, falling apart, with holes in them, or not even there.

i would rather bury fire emblem with its identity intacted then watch it rise from the dead as a zombie and eat me.

i am being bit over dramatic i will admit, but I've felt like this for a year now, i just can't say "well even though my best friend's in a coma with both his arms and legs removed, at least he's alive"

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I'm hoping that they don't focus on that, but if it helped save the series then I can't complain about it. I dont actually know if it was necessary or not, but at least the series will continue.

Most of the new fans started with Awakening, so I'll pretty sure FE14 will be more or less the same.

Unless IS realizes that waifus don't an FE game make.

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Most of the new fans started with Awakening, so I'll pretty sure FE14 will be more or less the same.

Unless IS realizes that waifus don't an FE game make.

Well in my mind what makes a fire Emblem game is the gameplay, but that can be overshadowed if other elements get ridiculous. I believe that a really engaging story would be well accepted by new and old fans alike, and I feel the "waifu system" could be fine with deeper characters. Even if this means less characters, the reclassing system adds enough flexibility that it doesn't hurt.(assuming they keep it) I'm just hoping the company strives to reach these things (I don't know why they wouldn't be unless they'd consider it inefficient).

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i'm with you there n00.

i just felt like awakening at its core gameplay, wasn't balanced or designed very well, it removed several features that made the games lot more complexed and creative, its the only FE to date that i have never beaten three times. More or less, the gameplay i feel isn't on par with the rest of the franchise.

and am i wrong to say that i don't want another entry like that? nobody should be forced to accept something they dislike and pretend to enjoy it.

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Doesnt really bother me cuz i got the DLC in increments but that is kinda high...Just imagine if Nintendo didnt offer the pack deal.

...I'm pretty sure they don't in Japan. Ask SoC.

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...I'm pretty sure they don't in Japan. Ask SoC.

Yeah. I heard. Plus i heard Rey talking about the amount of dough he laid out for this game in general. O.o

i'm with you there n00.

i just felt like awakening at its core gameplay, wasn't balanced or designed very well, it removed several features that made the games lot more complexed and creative, its the only FE to date that i have never beaten three times. More or less, the gameplay i feel isn't on par with the rest of the franchise.

and am i wrong to say that i don't want another entry like that? nobody should be forced to accept something they dislike and pretend to enjoy it.

Nah yer not wrong, cuz thats your opinion. My opinion is, that despite the crap story, i enjoyed the hell out of the game cuz it is/was fun. I felt the gameplay to be pretty great and it worked for this entry. Knowing IS and Nintendo, they will probably spice up the gameplay or change something or add something in the next installment.

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yeah, i'm hoping they will do that too, they tend to have a good track record with that, most of the time not selling out or being lazy with the games.

before anyone says something, awakening was not a lazy game, there's a boatload of content and lot of attention to details in the DLC's.

if anyone also wants in on a secret, i bought all the dlc except the fan service ones for this game, and i loved it, its not a terrible game, just one i didn't enjoy main story missions wise, i am looking forward to hopefully a game that'll be more like the DLC i bought.

EDIT; i just realized this was my first actual positive comment about awakening, well there's a first for everything.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I don't mind the marriage as long as it's done well. It's not as though Fire Emblem games haven't successfully pulled off marriage and inheritance mechanics before. *looks at Duke Dozel's sig* *cough*

It needs to be well-implemented, though.

Even then, the whole love system was lacking in actual conversations. I'd like to get more support wise if they ever plan on a remake of some sort (gotta dream big)

Awakenings problem is that they are rushed to an insane amount. For one, you don't propose to your friend/crush the moment you confess. If they had implemented that between the 2 year gap, then it would make sense. Even fe4 had year long divisions in time.

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I miss the days when FE was a turn-based strategy RPG and not a poor man's dating sim.

The period from 2008 to present where the games released had tougher modes that actually required strategy (or grinding/exploits for bad players) to succeed(excluding low turn/ranking)?

Or before that where you could bumble through chapters for the most part taking as many turns as you wanted?(I considered myself a bad player before being able to beat Shadow Dragon and New Mystery's Lunatic)

Edited by arvilino
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Plus i heard Rey talking about the amount of dough he laid out for this game in general. O.o

I regret nothing.

...but yes, having all of the DLC totaling twice the value of the game kinda sucks.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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When the DLC not only has more content but a higher price tag than the game itself, your doing something wrong.

Thanks to NoA for packs, though.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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I regret nothing.

...but yes, having all of the DLC totaling twice the value of the game kinda sucks.

... did it really cost that much in Japan? if so... holy crap.

if anyone also wants in on a secret, i bought all the dlc except the fan service ones for this game, and i loved it, its not a terrible game, just one i didn't enjoy main story missions wise, i am looking forward to hopefully a game that'll be more like the DLC i bought.

I don't think this is a plus for the game, that they show that they could have donr better but didn't in the main game but you have to buy the dlc to see some decent writing

Well in my mind what makes a fire Emblem game is the gameplay, but that can be overshadowed if other elements get ridiculous. I believe that a really engaging story would be well accepted by new and old fans alike, and I feel the "waifu system" could be fine with deeper characters. Even if this means less characters, the reclassing system adds enough flexibility that it doesn't hurt.(assuming they keep it) I'm just hoping the company strives to reach these things (I don't know why they wouldn't be unless they'd consider it inefficient).

I really hope your right, that they are going to change it up to keep it fresh like they've always done, and not simply take the "well if we repeat this we know it'll sell" route... I hope you know what I mean...

Honestly, if the next game is gonna be a close copy of awakening witha crappy story and (for me at least) uninteresting characters, I don't think I'll keep with this series.

And just to end it, I saw something that I very much agree with, but can't find the source, he was talking about the story and said "unlike the animations, you can't turn off the story", yeah, you can choose to ignore it, but it'll always be there, the animations can be completely turned off.

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And just to end it, I saw something that I very much agree with, but can't find the source, he was talking about the story and said "unlike the animations, you can't turn off the story", yeah, you can choose to ignore it, but it'll always be there, the animations can be completely turned off.

Actually, you can press Start and skip it all the story. :KnollRoll:

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The story might be a bit lackluster compared to older titles but as a piece of entertainment, it's pretty solid.

Love it or Hate it, the game still managed to save the Fire Emblem franchise, so people should at least credit it for that.

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