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Why can't Chrom pair with Miriel and Tharja


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Lucina should've had unique mother conversations too, considering she only has five potential mothers as well.

While we're at it, Cynthia could have had unique father supports since she only have 5 potential fathers (I mean, she doesn't even reference pega-pony princess in her support with Chrom)

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As much as Cynthia is my third favorite Second Gen, she's not a guaranteed character like Lucina is. Lucina should take priority and has no excuse for generic dialogue.

True. She could maybe have a slightly different for Chrom(though a unique support à la Future Past for each parent-children except morgan would have been great)

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Are you Daft?

There's a difference between bashing a pairing and bashing shippers.

And that's why you do the following: http://dekodomo.tumblr.com/post/70814237135/airshipcanon-i-gazed-so-someone-posts-a You saw someone happily gushing over your Notp and you couldn't just let her enjoy it. You spat all over the pairing in her own thread and as a result indirectly bashed the shipper.

You also said the following about streetpass: I smelled NOTP so I went full power (or not, I'm down 5 rallies, not using tonics either) vs. this team. [i was right, go figure. Burn wench. If I encounter again, I change the messages on my team. Bolded for your personal attack on someone who likes Gerome/Lucina. You deliberately change your team messages to antagonize someone who likes your Notp. That's pretty much bashing a shipper for their choices. You look like a fanatic who can't leave other people who like the things you don't like alone.

Sangyul is right about my point: You're free to hate what you hate, you shouldn't go around crusading against people who like it or make people feel bad for liking thing or act as if they're bad for liking thing.Congrats, your efforts turn people away from the Robin/Lucina pairing. You must be proud.

But on topic, I would have loved some less generic parent child supports with the Exalted family. Especially something better suited for Brady and Chrom. Maybe a conversation that deals with Brady's frustration of not being a fighter worthy of the Exalted line. But I think that the Ingio/Chrom lines are perfect as is because of the Ingio/Lucina/Chrom/Olivia family dynamic.

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But on topic, I would have loved some less generic parent child supports with the Exalted family. Especially something better suited for Brady and Chrom. Maybe a conversation that deals with Brady's frustration of not being a fighter worthy of the Exalted line. But I think that the Ingio/Chrom lines are perfect as is because of the Ingio/Lucina/Chrom/Olivia family dynamic.

The family dynamic didn't stop it from being something even the most generic of soldiers could have said to their son. Chrom could have said a lot more about him trying to raise Inigo better, as he did Lucina, where as right now, it's more of, "Why did I get this child when Lucina." However, unlike Lucina, not only does Inigo have a much larger pool of potential fathers,he's not guaranteed to even be me at any time during the story, nor to exist in the first place. I can understand him being generic. Aside from Lucina or Cynthia, the two characters with the absolute least amount of potential parents, I would just chuck everyone else out the window tbh.

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The family dynamic didn't stop it from being something even the most generic of soldiers could have said to their son. Chrom could have said a lot more about him trying to raise Inigo better, as he did Lucina, where as right now, it's more of, "Why did I get this child when Lucina." However, unlike Lucina, not only does Inigo have a much larger pool of potential fathers,he's not guaranteed to even be me at any time during the story, nor to exist in the first place. I can understand him being generic. Aside from Lucina or Cynthia, the two characters with the absolute least amount of potential parents, I would just chuck everyone else out the window tbh.

Cynthia has less than Lucina. Generic maiden.

Personally, I found the non-unique nature of the supports jarring. It decreased replay value that could have been absolutely huge.

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As much as I hate to start another argument, I think the point is that while you're free to hate what you hate, you shouldn't go around crusading against people who like it or make people feel bad for liking thing or act as if they're bad for liking thing. While I usually avoid AC, I'm pretty sure there's a reason he made it onto the "Die for our Ship" page for Fire Emblem on TVTropes.

OMG. I havent checked that page in hella days and even longer before Awakening came out. THIS IS HILARIOUS! Oh mah gads, this actually happens...

*rolling around in a torrential fit of laughter*

Oh my afternoon entertainment~~

My headcanon is that Avatar gets incredibly jealous of Chrom if he marries the generic maiden.


Doing another run (Loki is now my permanent Male!Avatar Default from now on), i got a little sad that Miriel and Chrom cant be a thing. I mean, i get why they arent but Miriel would be kinda wiggy for a magic build Lucina. Cuz i think the only other way to get a good magical build Lucina is through either Maribelle (which sucks unless you grind) or Avatar. Oh well. I guess Maribelle renders Miriel possibility rather redundant, but Lucina can only go Sorc if shes Avatar's. Hoh well.

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OMG. I havent checked that page in hella days and even longer before Awakening came out. THIS IS HILARIOUS! Oh mah gads, this actually happens...

*rolling around in a torrential fit of laughter*

Oh my afternoon entertainment~~


Doing another run (Loki is now my permanent Male!Avatar Default from now on), i got a little sad that Miriel and Chrom cant be a thing. I mean, i get why they arent but Miriel would be kinda wiggy for a magic build Lucina. Cuz i think the only other way to get a good magical build Lucina is through either Maribelle (which sucks unless you grind) or Avatar. Oh well. I guess Maribelle renders Miriel possibility rather redundant, but Lucina can only go Sorc if shes Avatar's. Hoh well.

I can has link?

Anyway, do keep in mind that Miriel won't pass Lucina Galeforce, effectively wrecking her. No Vantage either.

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I can has link?

Anyway, do keep in mind that Miriel won't pass Lucina Galeforce, effectively wrecking her. No Vantage either.

Here you go.

I am seriously fighting back the urge to dredge that argument back up and "slap" someone repeatedly in the face...

On topic, I'm honestly have a really hard time figuring out what supports between Chrom and either Miriel or Tharja would even be about. For as little chemistry that either of them have with some of their other potential husbands, there's at least something to go off of. But for Chrom...well, neither of them actually seem to care about anything that he does. Tharja doesn't give two shits about who's side she's on as long as she gets to curse whoever she wants, and Miriel's more interested in her books and theories than in fighting for any higher purpose. As much as I'd like Chrom's marriage pool to be a little wider, I can understand why these two weren't in it.

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Chrom could probably ask Tharja about Plegia and its people. Actually, that'd be pretty nice since if done right it'd give a lot more, well, dimension to the Plegian people. All we really know about them is that they opposed Gangrel after Emmeryn died and then they got killed later when Validar took over the country. Basically, an earlier version of Gangrel and maMU's support except more focused on Plegia, I guess.

As for Miriel, I can imagine her asking Chrom about the "properties" of Naga's bloodline and its descendants, or Chrom just checking up on her to see how she's doing or something.

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As for Miriel, I can imagine her asking Chrom about the "properties" of Naga's bloodline and its descendants, or Chrom just checking up on her to see how she's doing or something.

I would actually prefer them supporting over Chrom's ancestors, and Miriel examining him to see why the Exalted Bloodline get to wield Falchion, etc. Lots of possibilities wasted if you ask me.

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Chrom could probably ask Tharja about Plegia and its people. Actually, that'd be pretty nice since if done right it'd give a lot more, well, dimension to the Plegian people. All we really know about them is that they opposed Gangrel after Emmeryn died and then they got killed later when Validar took over the country. Basically, an earlier version of Gangrel and maMU's support except more focused on Plegia, I guess.

As for Miriel, I can imagine her asking Chrom about the "properties" of Naga's bloodline and its descendants, or Chrom just checking up on her to see how she's doing or something.

I wonder if Tharja is really the best person to go to for that, though. Like I said, she just doesn't even really seem to care about Chrom's cause or even being a part of the Shepherds (aside from the fact that she doesn't think Chrom railroads her talents like Gangrel did), so I don't think she'd even be particularly open to discussing intricacies of her home nation's culture. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to learn a bit more about the place, I just don't think Tharja would really be a good vessel for that kind of exposition. If she and Chrom were to have a support, my best guess would be that it would be something along the lines of him trying to get her to agree to not curse the whole camp whenever she feels like it, since that affects their ability to fight and could get them all killed and so on and so forth. Maybe build on that line about trust that happened when she was recruited? I dunno.

Hm...that is an interesting idea for Miriel's support, though I think the whole breadth of how Naga's bloodline works might be a tad too exposition-heavy for one three (or four) part support. Besides, her trying to examine or run tests on him to figure out what makes him tick comes dangerously close to being a complete rehash of her support with Stahl. I dunno, to be honest, all of Miriel's supports are kind of...odd. Personally, the only person I think she really has anything resembling chemistry with is -

*glances nervously around* ok good she's not here

- anyway, she only really seems to form something resembling a connection with Frederick, and even that's kind of stretching it a bit. I guess there's a case to be argued for Ricken, Donnel, and to a lesser extent Henry, but for the most part, Fred's the only support in which she directly expresses a desire for friendship (and then later feelings of love, albeit in her normal clinical manner). With Chrom...I dunno, I just see it as, if she did have a support with him, it'd be just as awkward as most of her other ones.

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I wonder if Tharja is really the best person to go to for that, though. Like I said, she just doesn't even really seem to care about Chrom's cause or even being a part of the Shepherds (aside from the fact that she doesn't think Chrom railroads her talents like Gangrel did), so I don't think she'd even be particularly open to discussing intricacies of her home nation's culture. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to learn a bit more about the place, I just don't think Tharja would really be a good vessel for that kind of exposition. If she and Chrom were to have a support, my best guess would be that it would be something along the lines of him trying to get her to agree to not curse the whole camp whenever she feels like it, since that affects their ability to fight and could get them all killed and so on and so forth. Maybe build on that line about trust that happened when she was recruited? I dunno.

Well, until Henry shows up Tharja is the only Plegian in the party. Both male and female avatar talked about Chon'sin in their supports with Say'ri, so I don't see why Chrom can't approach Tharja and ask her about Plegia. I mean … they are in a war with Plegia and Tharja defected. She's the perfect person to at least ask about the country that they're fighting against, right?

As for the Miriel stuff, I'm not really gonna touch that one, other than "awkward love leading to support" isn't necessary a bad thing. With the way the game is written, Miriel and Chrom really don't go well together, but if they could support I assume the developers would've found a way to make them support.

Edited by Sangyul
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Sheesh, that was ugly. Thanks, Bal~! If you guys have personal problems, can you please resolve them in a not-public-SF setting, if at all possible? I'm available on mafia IRC, if you guys REALLY need to rant.

Anyway. . .I can see why Chrom wouldn't marry Tharja or Miriel. In Tharja's case, his nation just ended a war with hers, and it would probably create some unrest if he married a former enemy. Miriel is not one to open up to people readily, and in a leadership position, this is extremely detrimental (imagine the administrative meetings with Miriel acting like how she does in her C supports). Sumia may be shy, but she's also willing to talk to others and help out in whatever way she thinks she can. Though Olivia is also shy, she's a dancer, and has experience with being front and center.

tl;dr - Administrative nonsense disqualifies certain individuals (did I just type that?!)

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. I dunno, to be honest, all of Miriel's supports are kind of...odd. Personally, the only person I think she really has anything resembling chemistry with is -

*glances nervously around* ok good she's not here

- anyway, she only really seems to form something resembling a connection with Frederick.

Made my night right there.

Miriel has, hands down, the most emotionless and downright tasteless supports, to the point where even her friendship convos are bad.

While I'd like to see what kind of support she would have with Chrom, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be mindblowingly different from her other supports

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Well, until Henry shows up Tharja is the only Plegian in the party. Both male and female avatar talked about Chon'sin in their supports with Say'ri, so I don't see why Chrom can't approach Tharja and ask her about Plegia. I mean … they are in a war with Plegia and Tharja defected. She's the perfect person to at least ask about the country that they're fighting against, right?

As for the Miriel stuff, I'm not really gonna touch that one, other than "awkward love leading to support" isn't necessary a bad thing. With the way the game is written, Miriel and Chrom really don't go well together, but if they could support I assume the developers would've found a way to make them support.

I'm not saying it wouldn't make sense for him to, just that I don't think that, as a character, Tharja is a particularly good vehicle for expositing about Plegia. Say'ri and Cordelia are fundamentally very different in terms of personality than Tharja - while they both express a vested interest in both Ylisse and fighting for its goals, Tharja honestly does not seem to care less about countries or causes at all, and that doesn't lend itself to a person who would happily respond when asked about them. Now, a support where Chrom does try to pry her for information about (at least) the Plegian military and she refuses could be very interesting, but the exposition about Plegian culture and customs should probably come from someone else.

Well, that's the thing, isn't it? The devs didn't want them to support, and so they didn't. I wasn't trying to say that Miriel's supports are bad, just that...well, I only really buy a couple of them.

Made my night right there.

Miriel has, hands down, the most emotionless and downright tasteless supports, to the point where even her friendship convos are bad.

While I'd like to see what kind of support she would have with Chrom, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be mindblowingly different from her other supports

I wouldn't call them emotionless or tasteless, just...very, very stiff. Miriel is, fundamentally, very formal and methodical, and I, at least, got the impression that she didn't exactly have the opportunity to make very many friends when she was young, and so never developed the necessary social skills to interact with people or see them as individuals. Rather, I saw her attempts to see them as subjects of study as her attempt to try and connect with the other Shepherds, though whether or not that actually succeeded is hit or miss depending on your personal tastes. I agree that her support with Chrom probably wouldn't have been terribly different from most of her other supports, though.
Edited by Emerald Ink
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Did AC get banned from Miiverse? It won't display his user profile.

On topic, to those saying Chrom/Miriel and Chrom/Tharja wouldn' have much to talk about, since when did not having much in common stop Awakening from trying to write 4 levels of supports?

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On topic, to those saying Chrom/Miriel and Chrom/Tharja wouldn' have much to talk about, since when did not having much in common stop Awakening from trying to write 4 levels of supports?

Since Chrom and Sumia decided to have 5 S supports

I'm not saying it wouldn't work out. Some pairings are so outrageous that it's not even remotely believable. But it's pretty obvious why IS didn't give them more supports.

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That's not really fair to say at all. All the other supports among all the other characters exist because the devs wanted those two characters to be able to support, and so they came up with things that those characters could reasonably have in common or bond over. Just because some characters have less in common with each other at first glance doesn't mean that you should piss and moan about how the support between them is awful. Then again, you seem pretty resigned to hate everything regarding this game, so I'm probably just wasting your time.

And how, exactly, is it off-topic to talk about what kind of support Chrom would have with Miriel or Tharja if he could support with them? Since the question of the thread can be answered in one response - the dev team didn't want him to be able to support with them - and we're obviously still going on about it, then why should we not discuss possible reasons for these characters to act the way they do or speculate on how they would act in a different scenario?

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Then again, you seem pretty resigned to hate everything regarding this game, so I'm probably just wasting your time.

Way to put words in my mouth. Just because I find certain features in the game lacking doesn't mean I hate the game as a whole. I'm just saying that it is inexcusable for them to slack on the main character's supports.

As for my personal opinion as to what their supports could center around, Ive already provided my 2 cents.

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