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[Battle: FE9] Refa vs PKL

General Horace

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However Boyd activates VANTAGE and WRATH!

23 damage, 78% hit, 50% crit

(78, 38, 99 lol)

Ike takes 23 damage maybe!


Nope. Ike takes 8 damage! (9/59)

Ike counters!

23 damage, 100% hit, 29% crit, 27% aether


Ike activates Aether!


Boyd takes 11 damage!

or does he?


Yep. Boyd takes 11 damage and is KO'd!

Ike heals 11 hp (20/59)

Refa's turn, and gg more or less

  REFA               PKL
IKE     20/59       ROLF      00/52
BOYD    00/60       BOYD      00/60
BROM    00/55       OSCAR     00/56
MIST    01/53       SHINON    00/53
GIFFCA  27/68 [20]  GIFFCA    40/68 [20]
Edited by General Horace
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I guess I should explain why it was closer than it seemed. Had Ike been killed (it was only 24% so i figured 2 times in a row was too much but Ike is Ike, if u dont know, Ike has trolled me in every single Link Arena match I've done in one way or another), then Boyd wouldve been a real threat to Refa with Vantage. If, say, his Giffca had attakced Boyd, he had a chance of getting blicked right there and then. And if not, he was gonna be weakened to low enough hp so my Giffca could kill him. Then it all came down to Mist's blick/hit on Giffca. If she hit but didnt crit, I had less chance at it since Id have to attack throuh Vantage again and hope for a miss but if she didnt hit, i obviously wouldve won then. Mist's 52 hit is pretty shaky.

Edited by PKL
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Mist Runeswords Giffca!

Mist's WRATH activates! Nothing like the RAGE of a little girl.

22 damage, 52% hit, 50% crit

(7, 98)

Mist Mist!

Giffca counters!

17 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Mist potentially dies!


She tanks it like a champ! I think Refa is cheating.

PKL's turn.

IKE 20/59 ROLF 00/52
BOYD 00/60 BOYD 00/60
BROM 00/55 OSCAR 00/56
MIST 01/53 SHINON 00/53
GIFFCA 27/68 [20] GIFFCA 40/68 [20]
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Yeah, but if it's the same number (the RN was actually 52 which is like THANKS RANDOM.ORG) then it's a miss.

Edited by Refa
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I think Im used to having bad RNG constantly troll me in Link Arena. I dont feel mad, but I should be.

Man, whatever, Giffca attack his Ike. I at least want to take down that chump!

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Giffca chomps on Ike @Vague Katti!

11 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Ike takes 11 damage! (09/59)

Ike counters!

8 damage, 83% hit, 0% crit, 27% Aether


(77, 77)

Giffca takes 8 damage! (32/68)

Refa's turn.

IKE 09/59 ROLF 00/52
BOYD 00/60 BOYD 00/60
BROM 00/55 OSCAR 00/56
MIST 01/53 SHINON 00/53
GIFFCA 27/68 [20] GIFFCA 32/68 [20]
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I dunno, Ike stab Giffca with your SILVER SWORD OF HEROES.

Edited by Refa
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Ike Silver Swords Giffca

Man that new post function is fantastic.

14 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit, 27% Aether


Giffca takes 14 damage! (18/68)

Giffca tries to kill Ike finally!


lol no miracle here

regardless of what PKL does Refa kills PKL's giffca with his giffca on his turn, and wins!

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I guess all of my repressed good luck from those last few tournament rounds came into play here!

It was fun although that may be because I'm usually not the one who gets the hax, or it hasn't been that way for quite a while.

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