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Persona 3 Mafia - Game Cancelled - Mass Destronktion


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Yeah, basically what SB said. Only reason you shouldn't lynch me ASAP is if the ability gets unredacted somehow.

Course, this still makes the game broken, just not with me winning. :(

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Yeah, basically what SB said. Only reason you shouldn't lynch me ASAP is if the ability gets unredacted somehow.

Course, this still makes the game broken, just not with me winning. :(

Well, Refa literally just admitted to being scum! That's more than enough for me.


##Vote: Refa

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I must be asleep and dreaming already.

SB...didn't actually say that he knew for sure Refa was scum but Refa then confirmed he was actually scum.

##vote Refa

I'll take a tiny slice of satisfaction that I unvoted SB before this heel face turn but now I'm just sigh goodnight folks.

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Real talk though, I feel like I chose the best course of action for my wincon (I remember saying something before about not being a good team player) especially after FFM got killed Day 1. I guess I could draw things out by going into a quote war with SB but honestly he's more townie than I was and it'd be a waste of everyone's time.

Also since I'm going to get lynched anyways, claimtome! I have a 1-Shot Watch/Track (OK, that's pretty cool), 2-Shot Restorer (With the only scum team member with any shots at all dead, wonderful), and 1-Shot Resurrect (I kill myself to resurrect someone, when would that ever come in handy as scum?).

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Real talk though, I feel like I chose the best course of action for my wincon (I remember saying something before about not being a good team player) especially after FFM got killed Day 1. I guess I could draw things out by going into a quote war with SB but honestly he's more townie than I was and it'd be a waste of everyone's time.

Also since I'm going to get lynched anyways, claimtome! I have a 1-Shot Watch/Track (OK, that's pretty cool), 2-Shot Restorer (With the only scum team member with any shots at all dead, wonderful), and 1-Shot Resurrect (I kill myself to resurrect someone, when would that ever come in handy as scum?).

You should vote Refa for President of Gallowstown.

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Clearly you should lynch someone else so that I can resurrect FFM and he can get day-vigged again.

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Clearly you should lynch someone else so that I can resurrect FFM and he can get day-vigged again.

If we have two shots of dayvig, I will cry bloody tears.

'sides, he'd just get lynched, and the dayvig would pick whoever they thought was SCUMMIEST to shoot.

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But that would waste the day phase! It'd be better to shoot confirmed scum and spend the day phase scumhunting, DUH.

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Also funfact, I was asking who the dayvig was so that I could restore their shot in the night, lol. I had a plan!

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Ah actually.

We still have a long time to go in this day phase. I hate to put the brakes on a sure thing; but since we have an impending scumflip, can we hold up on the lynch to see if we can get some interaction reads on Refa/FFM + ??? to help guide any other vigshots in the next night/day, before phase end/hammer.

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Everyone I voted for who isn't SB is obviously scum. Don't try to WIFOM me, I'm better than you!

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Wow, okay. I won't have time to fully read this for some hours, but Sky's walls definitely merit serious consideration, and I need to devote time later to sorting out this whole SB/Refa thing.


for now.

And Shinori needs to post more.

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##Vote: Junko


##Vote: BBM


##Vote: Marth


##Vote: Mitsuki


##Vote: Green Poet


##Vote: Refa


##Vote: Eurykins


##Vote: Shinori


##Vote: Sky_Paladin

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I heard you like spoilers.

[spoiler=Catch up]


next we'll be calling VT "vanillagers" or something.

I do this all the time tbf.

[spoiler =Sky_Paladin]

Ok I'm actually completely drunk. This is the best time to do mafia, yes.

I like you already.

You have a non-town win condition? SOOO I don't understand. Some kind of ITP?

Not sure if scum would pay this little attention.

SB, wanna add WIFOM to your list of crimes? You didn't scum hunt, you are voting me because I am voting you.

This is an oversimplification of SB's case.

Later walls look townie on skim but need thorough reread of them.


Based on when he comes into IP chat.

ED1 reasoning at it's best.

Hopefully that will convince him to talk. After all he was to survive to win.

Confirmed Prodvote.

Everything after this is newbie flipflopping. Pass.


Also why would they choose Breezy.

Also it might not be scum's choice to determine who gets wagoned/which votes are moved after using their ability.

I don't like it when people try to explain a mafioso's action. The votes on Breezy could be WIFOM, random, undetermined by the player etc so why rolespec like this at all? The suggestion itself doesn't seem well thought out either, why would scum even use this ability this early if this was the case instead of just waiting until phase end before randomly rotating the board? This is small but I think stuff like this is essentially padding.

Terrador did the same thing but I'm not as bothered by it because it was more questioning than an assertion.

I said that votes could be distributed randomly.

...cool, and? Why are you asking for credit on such a trivial point?

[spoiler=Green Poet]

I don't think one could say that his claim was very voluntary, or that it ensures much about the truth of his claim.

If this is referring to his wincon claim then he did it first post under no pressure so ???

Also 17 pages in and this makes SB your second biggest scumread? Why are you criticising Sky for being so confident then?


Also I have a request. Can we please not post tons of really small posts all over the place from like literally everyone. This is becoming a pain to read. I've already started skimming and that's not good cause then people will say I'm scum

Quoted for truth. Prims fite me walls are much better.

[spoiler=Wen Yang/Kopfjager]

This doesn't feel like a town reaction. Might be because it wouldn't be my reaction but it feels overacted.

He seems to vote me over my ISO being broken

Did you really think to yourself "classic scum BBM voting me over broken ISO link" and not rethink that thought process straight away?

Can you give a lynch priority please. Is sky your biggest scumread?


For one, there's already word of a mayor/double-voter.

That was after the mix-up though.


Yeah heads up Terrador's probably mafia if Sky flips town. He's trying to line up lynches.

This isn't scummy. Do you have any other major problems with Terrador aside from this?

This read was brief and lots of skimming happened. I haven't fully processed Sky's walls but I've put 2 hours into this post already and cba to do it again now.

Lynch Priority: Kopf > Mitsuki = Green Poet

Need to reread: All of the above + Refa + Terrador + Sky

##Vote: Kopfjager

pedit: lolRefa

Will keep my vote on kopf for now because it accomplishes more. Still want people to post their lynch priorities.

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the third scum is gonna be the persuader, so we need to look in kopf/sky/green/junko for that.

That's what you think! Of course, my thought processes are controlled by thousands of people so I guess I shouldn't be talking...

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G'morning guys~ and whoa, seems like a lot happened while I was asleep. Lol

@SB: Hahaha- dat fakeclaim. GG and wp, sir.

@Refa: Lol, Scum!Refa bites the dust yet again. Geez, what a scrub.

*Realtalk: Okay, so at least Sky sounds a bit better (despite SB having completely just messed around with us claiming ITP earlier) given his comments/walls (at least he took the time to fully explain his logic and these posts actually put forth a lot of effort and townie reaction/vibes to me) and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt atm.

Gonna be re-reading Shinori (due to Mitsuki's case), Mitsuki, and a few others I may have missed/who were less memorable so far this game.

##Unvote (Since I don't think Sky warrants said vote atm).

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Can someone tell me how many people have voted for Refa? I do not want to accidentally quickhammer. And the reason why I keep flipflopping back and forth between quickhammer and not quickhammering is that I know we still have to discuss things but I do not want to sit here for three days. And how I know what vigilante is that I did some research a few days before this game started on possible roles. I had probably forgotten some information though.

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