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Big NOCers - Game Over


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We have three (3) roleblockers.

getting jailed has the exact same effect as the item though

but fair enough, this is quite a clusterfuck

Strege, do you think any of the roleblockers are scum? because if you're town and all the blockers are town then we have four roles intended to fuck with each other

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because give it to the day vig without night actions and he's unkillable

people are saying this but they're forgetting how hard it is for me to actually get a dayvig. there's a reason i partial claimed d1 so i wouldnt be functional vanilla.

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Strege, do you think any of the roleblockers are scum? because if you're town and all the blockers are town then we have four roles intended to fuck with each other

Elie and eclipse, but not because of their role. I was freaked out about the me-Conq interaction for a while, but I figure he's probably not ITP (unless he has his own BVP which is ugh) and I don't think he's scum. I'm not inclined to go after any of the other roleblockers due to their roles because, well, because it's a Prims game and I've never been a setup expert to begin with. The similarity between Elie's and my role is a little much but not worth pushing imo.

"And the palace in which he was to live, set farther back, was similar in design. Solomon also made a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married." (At this point I'm just going to quote the whole Bible.)

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and give it to anyone else and they can self-protect but they lose the opportunity to use a useful ability. so it basically makes a useless townie into a bp. the most questionable part is probably the fact that he can give it out again after the bp dies off, but it makes more sense after thinking about it, plus I've already mentioned i think scum probably has a strongman/strongwilled.

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ah right you voted Elie too

honestly your Elie case is a lot of nitpicking on stuff he's done this phase, and I thought you dropped eclipse.

@Conq: it's still a really strong role, and while scum probably have strong roles too to counter this town, they've shown no indication of having extra killing roles. I'm also believing it's too good to be true.

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Strege's votals seem to be partially wrong, but it appears that at this point the only viable lynches are Strege and me, both at 3 votes, unless everyone suddenly changes their mind.


##Welcome: Strege

That should be L-1.

The only real issue I have with Strege is his random CLIPSEY! vote today, which isn't quite enough to form a scum read, so this is merely Not Me Over Me.

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Scarlet, you said you don't see how Strege is scum from his previous content, but you haven't said anything about his posts today, and considering the amount and it being new reads and defenses you should get something from it. Any comments?

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"My reads are bad"/"My play is terrible" seems to come up as an excuse/justification fairly often, but at this point I'd probably be somewhat of a hypocrite to blame him for that.

Aside from that, I can repeat what I said in early D3, namely that I don't really see the scum intent in his posts. He does seem to contradict himself now and then, but...

As for his roleclaim, giving an infinite BP vest to someone who doesn't have night actions anyway seems incredibly broken, but keep in mind Manix was also a scum backup. At this point I wouldn't rule out anything based on roles alone.

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eh, I find his cases somewhat desperate, so I don't agree on the no scum intent

but well, I think that's as far as we get today.

give a shout if anyone reading's got more to say, I'll be back and hammer in about 20 min.

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@Elie- What? I have never said even once that I thought Eclipse was scum. I think she's town, and I've said so since Day 1.

@j00- Your logic doesn't really make sense to mebecause I was one of the first people to call out both Strege and Raymond today. I don't see how either is an easy mislynch either. Besides, my Manix interactions make me a way easier lynch than either of the other two. As for my play on previous days; I've been busy with school.

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tbh technically the first one calling out you and strege was refa

it's more that everyone outside the Manix wagon was an easy lynch today, which is what makes me think at least one scum would've bussed since we all gained massive town cred for it

admit it was flawed statement since heavy wifom, but if strege's town then I have to dismiss my entire thought process from this phase, his claim and Conq confirming it threw everything off

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+ = townie

- = scummy


+His Day 1 content overall was pretty good, like I said before I was reading him as townie enough to sheep his Elieson vote on D2.

+Voted Manix over Paperblade.

+This might just be my personal opinion, but I don't see why he'd feign not knowing Manix's roleclaim before as his scumbuddy. Where's the scum benefit, he could've defended Manix earlier with that.

-Hard defended flipped scum.

+I feel like it'd be easier for him to wagon me than Elieson as scum.

+His D3 posts are pretty good overall?

Overall: II think I overreacted because he was hard defending flipped scum, but like everything else is pointing towards him being town. So either he's the best scum ever...or he's town.


-Expresses suspicion of Manix in D1 but never votes him for it. Yeah, he later explained this, but I don't see why people doing things (me and SB) would be a better reason to vote them over someone who isn't (Manix).

+Votes Manix D2 and pushes his read throughout the day.

+His role seems more like a townie role than a scum role IMO.

-His D3 content as a whole is a lot more defensive, although this could be because a lot more people have expressed suspicions of him.

Overall: Yeah, I know I have way less points than I did for BBM, but less of his scumhunting in general stood out. I think for the most part he's been cycling his vote between 3 people; me, SB, and Manix. That's not scummy in and of itself but I dunno...just bothers me.


+I feel like he put a lot of effort into his D1 despite the late start.

-He was around for at least the end of D1 and didn't vote Manix or do anything which strikes me as odd.

+Someone made a point about scum!Strege having an easier time pushing BBM instead of eclipse and Elieson and I totally agree.

-On the other hand, I feel like his eclipse/Elieson cases are poorly made overall.

-His role. Enough said about it already.

+He's putting more effort than I'd expect of wagoned scum? I dunno, this bothers me more than anything WRT voting him.

Overall: I think all in all he's the most likely to flip scum, but it's like. The whole effort thing is really bothering me. Welp, putting faith in my read at the beginning of this day and say go for the hammer.

Strege > Scarlet >> BBM

(if Strege isn't scum, I'm going to have to reread everyone else because I think BBM is town at this point so I really hope he flips scum for that alone)

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Strege has been townreading me rather consistently; even with the Manix flip it would have been kind of weird to 180 and vote me.

Also I am the best scum ever, just not in this game.

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I dunno, I'd been townreading you consistently too and I flipped there (kind of like during D2 w/Elieson). I don't think anyone would have called him out for it? Speaking of things I don't know, why am I defending the person I want lynched lol. Someone hammer.

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