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Weapons and Tomes you'd like to see


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Simple as the title says. Is there any creative idea you've ever had for a weapon or spell that could mix up gameplay? If so then let's hear about it.

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Has the "Devil" Effect from the GBA games: 50-Luck%(Yes I realize limit breaker/pair up bonuses negate this)

Rank: D Swords

Uses: 15

Mt: 20

Hit: 60

Crit: 5

Rng: 1-2

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I created a Cymbeline-equivalent wind tome for my fic. It's called Hurricane. It's basically a more powerful version of the Tornado tome, except it also hits any units on squares adjacent to the target (except for the user, obviously). Though they don't take as much damage as the target itself. At first, an NPC has this tome, but he gives it up so the player's mages can use it.

Just imagine Soren with this thing! lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I would like to see some earth or water-based spells and Nosferatu being split into both Light and Dark variants. As far as weapons go I'd like to see an axe with high crit or innate Lethality called "Guillotine".

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I'd like to see cannons, with different shot types (cannonballs, grapeshot, explosive cannonballs, Bullet Bills).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I would like to see some earth or water-based spells and Nosferatu being split into both Light and Dark variants. As far as weapons go I'd like to see an axe with high crit or innate Lethality called "Guillotine".

In my many many notes for game ideas I have a light a dark split for Nosferatu too. Leaving Nosferatu as the light kind and having a less accurate but more powerful Blutsauger as the dark kind. I'd also like to see a Dark Tome that really powerful and accurate but saps energy from the user. Not like a devil weapon, a more guaranteed health loss that you have to contend with. Maybe 30% of every attack dealt or a little bit at the start of your turn. I just think it would fit the style of dark users very well and actually given them something good in battle since they're so damn inaccurate in the games where they're not OP.

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Brave tomes, I know Tactics Universe had a hero flare. Which I greatly enjoyed.

Pikes, maybe. 2 range only? or halved accuracy at 1-range maybe. Cannot be countered at 2 range.

Wyvern mages. From a tactical standpoint, for an army, those would be brilliant. I know that they would be a little too good from a game-play perspective.

Beyond that....not sure.

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Brave tomes, I know Tactics Universe had a hero flare. Which I greatly enjoyed.

Pikes, maybe. 2 range only? or halved accuracy at 1-range maybe. Cannot be countered at 2 range.

Wyvern mages. From a tactical standpoint, for an army, those would be brilliant. I know that they would be a little too good from a game-play perspective.

Beyond that....not sure.

Check out the branching class tree I have linked in my signature. Wyvern Mages are a thing.

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Ana's idea of an Onager tome sounds interesting.

Er...Onager tome? I didn't say it summoned and catapulted rocks. lol It's a wind tome. :P

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I would love having a bow that used magic instead of strength. Maybe with flaming arrows, or arrows imbued with Wind magic?

Also, Awakening should have kept more of FE12's dragonstones, such as the Firestone, Icestone, Wyvernstone and Magicstone. I don't care if they suck, all I want is a Nowi able to turn into a Magic Dragon :3

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Here are my suggestions:

- devil bow

- crossbow (but it has to work like other weapons)

- brave tomes like Celica´s gale or waste in FE13 for all magic types (the might should not be that high, maybe like "el-magic" and the hit rate should be at least 90% for light and 75% for thunder)

- wind magic should be effective against flying units, thunder against dragons and dracoknights (like FE10), fire against beasts (like FE9 + 10), light against monsters and dark against ballistacians

- bring back ballistacians and add shipcanons

I'd like to see cannons, with different shot types (cannonballs, grapeshot, explosive cannonballs, Bullet Bills).

They canons would be good on ships. Explosive cannonsballs could do effective damage like fire magic.

I would love having a bow that used magic instead of strength. Maybe with flaming arrows, or arrows imbued with Wind magic?

Magic bows would be a great add.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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Area effect spells like in TRS would be nice. Given that PoR did introduce area effect damage into the actual Fire Emblem series, I am actually surprised we still don't have any of those.

The Crossbows from TRS would also be a neat addition. They were very heavy but the increased power and accuracy over bows often mean the world when dealing with speedy enemies like Harpies or Gargoyles. Plus, crossbows are cool so I welcome any excuse to bring them back.

The Gatling crossbow was also interesting. Four arrows in a row but there was no way that anyone could double attack with such a heavy weapon.

Also, weapons that inflict status effect like stun or all kinds of debuffs. Especially for bows since that would immensely increase their utility. In general, bows should get weapons for just about any possible effective damage so that Archers can be proper offensive specialists.

If staffs also count, I would say there should be a few more buff staffs. (not as OP as in TRS though.) i would also like to see summoning spells from Gaiden be put into staffs or tomes. A few meatshields often come in handy.

Edited by BrightBow
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It would be nice if they had made a version of the swordreaver, lancereaver, and axereaver, except for tomes instead. If the weapon triangle for tomes came back, this would be really useful for mages who specialize in a certain tome and are facing a mage who specializes in the tome tat goes against their tome.

I would also like some more variety for light tomes. With Nosferatu being dark magic now, Bringing back the resire tome would be nice

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Another thing I'd like to see is something like Training weapons. Weapons that are weaker than iron with about as many uses as steal weapons but give a huge amount of weapon exp when used so you can get those weapon ranks up easier.

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I'd like to see a mashup of the likes of Legend of Galactic Heroes and fe4, where there are holy capital ships, each jealously guarded by feudal lords dynasties in space

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I'd like to see a mashup of the likes of Legend of Galactic Heroes and fe4, where there are holy capital ships, each jealously guarded by feudal lords dynasties in space

It warms my heart whenever I see someone mention Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a Fire type tome maybe C rank that has a bonus against cavalry? Or maybe Fire tomes get a 1-3 range maybe? Wind's got flying and Thunder has high crit rate, I dunno I always thought Fire always needed kind of a buff. Or maybe bring back the Thief Staff or Stone status condition.. Fun stuff to think about.

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  • 7 months later...

Ice and Earth magic tomes. more Elemental type weapons that also has a ranged attack (kinda like the Bolt axe and Light brand) and stronger but very less accurate versions of Lance and Axes (Like the iron,steel and silver blade)

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