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What is the glitchiest mess you have ever played?


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly for Gamecube.

It was rushed and boy does it show.

I don't remember where I read it, but I believe Universal Interactive cut the development time from 2 years to 1 year, and they did this after 9 months or something like that, giving the developers almost no time to finish it.

The game was originally going to be about Gnasty Gnorc coming back and teaming up with Ripto so that the two could steal all of the dragonflies from the dragon realm. The game was to contain around 120 dragonflies to collect, over 25 levels, a framerate of 60 frames per second and fast loading times. However, Universal Interactive forced the developers to rush on developing the game in order to be available by Winter 2002 (with this being the only title that both studios ever produced), and therefore it suffers from an inconsistent framerate, long loading times, graphical glitches, sound issues and lock-ups. Additionally, Gnasty Gnorc does not appear anywhere in the game at all (but is mentioned by Ripto in the intro), there are only nine levels for the player to explore (all of which are in one hubworld) and only 90 dragonflies for the player to collect. Also, the popular characters Moneybags and Bianca appear just once each in the whole game; Bianca at the very beginning (where she mysteriously disappears afterwards and does not return until the player finishes the game) and Moneybags in the Dragonfly Dojo level where he charges Spyro gems for his assistance.- Wikipedia

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If you bring up a point and say "I have proof!" then the burden of proof is on you. I'm not sifting through your youtube channel when you can easily embed it on your post.

I literally just pointed out that the whole reason we're on this tangent is because someone had a problem with my contribution to the topic. There is no "burden of proof", except maybe for you to prove why I can't respond to the thread in peace without however many people complaining about my post demanding proof. If you want it so bad, get it yourself.

You can always buy it third party for like 5 bucks. Why would you complain about a game with easy to fix controls? In which case, it's not glitchy, you just don't want to fix the issue and instead want to take a stand against Nintendo for motion controls.

You're justifying a company charging more for something not working the way it was promised to work at its original price. There is not a market for that. Not to mention that is glitchy because it shouldn't have to be fixed in the first place. Recommending a third party fix is even more absurd.

A better question is why would you complain about a valid complaint and then side with the people who screwed up? Should I have to pay extra for my hospital bill because when I paid for a surgical operation, I had to have it done over again to have the utensil dropped into my chest cavity during the operation removed?

Read before you post?

Edited by Kaname
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I literally just pointed out that the whole reason we're on this tangent is because someone had a problem with my contribution to the topic. There is no "burden of proof", except maybe for you to prove why I can't respond to the thread in peace without however many people complaining about my post demanding proof. If you want it so bad, get it yourself.

What in the hell do you have against posting it yourself? As I said I'm not sifting through your youtube vids to find an issue that you, yourself, brought up. You'd avoid time having this conversation if you took 30 seconds to do it in the first place. As I said, you brought up the point and you said you have proof, so the burden is on you if you're going to respond to me with that kind of attitude. I have never heard of these issues until you brought them up either.

I sincerely wanted to not only see the videos but hear your take on it some more. Quite frankly, you have no intention of doing either and instead act like everyone should have had these issues when they didn't. From my understanding it's a hardware issue, not an issue with the game. I'm shocked I'm even having this debate, because the video itself probably wouldn't give me a good idea of what's going on. Is it really preventing you from posting in peace if someone wants to hear specifically what you're trying to say? I'm not trivializing your experience, I'm asking you to share your experience in more detail.

When I said "I don't care" I meant that I overall wouldn't care too much if you didn't post it, but I also didn't expect such a snide remark. I care to hear your opinion, but no skin off my back if you don't share it.

You're justifying a company charging more for something not working the way it was promised to work at its original price. There is not a market for that. Not to mention that is glitchy because it shouldn't have to be fixed in the first place. Recommending a third party fix is even more absurd.

A better question is why would you complain about a valid complaint and then side with the people who screwed up? Should I have to pay extra for my hospital bill because when I paid for a surgical operation, I had to have it done over again to have the utensil dropped into my chest cavity during the operation removed?

So you are comparing my suggesting a $5 fix to a faulty hospital bill? I'd rather have the $5-$10 fix than a bad hospital bill, and if the bad hospital bill required me to pay only 5-10 extra then I'll be alright with it. I don't quite see what point you're trying to make in that case. Is it really siding with them when you're giving them like 5-10 bucks for a new case?

I also meant literally the rubber case because I had no idea how WMP was actually packaged like (I only had one wiimote at the time so I spent the extra 20 for the golden one). I thought it was just the dongle and then you'd have to get the case separately. So the issue wasn't what I was thinking it was, because the dongle and the case come with one another. I have no idea what this issue is because you're seriously unwilling to not only find a relevant video but you also refuse to explain yourself.

Read before you post?

I did read. Maybe you should chill? I have no idea why you're making such a snide remark over a small issue.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Anyone played the unanimous GOTY 2013?

That is, Ride to Hell : Retribution 1%?

I saw a video of that mess, but I couldn't post it 'cause I never played it (and never intend to). But yeah. . .random scene skips and flying trucks, man!

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The PS2 version (at least) of Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal. That game doesn't even work, it crashes every five minutes. I had two copies, they both did it.

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