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Would character death work in fanfics?


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I'm not talking about oneshot AU or AC fics. I'm thinking of retelling/self-insert fics that actually have playable units die at random points.

Has anyone ever seen a fic like that? If not, do you think it could be interesting? Because I myself can see plenty of options in a fic like that, and it kinda gets boring when you know every FE7/13 fic is gonna be a Zero Casualties run.

EDIT: Also, is this the right thread to be posting this in? If not, could you ask for it to be moved?

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Could be interesting if done randomly. If I were to do it, I would go to an online dice rolling program and roll for percentages. If say you roll a 10% or below, someone will die. Cause heck, to me almost every character death I get in the games comes from some dumb lucky crit the enemy gets on me. So yeah, making it legitimately random will in my eyes make it feel more like how deaths happen in the games.

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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A user on gamefaqs named distant_rainbow did this for FE7. It was a CYOA and they had users vote on various strategies for maps and he wrote up a chapter. Some choices had deaths but you didn't know until you read the chapter so in a sense it was semi-random as the users didn't know the outcome of their vote until they made it. Last time I checked it was around chapter 14.

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Well, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Hell, it'd probably make it more interesting. Adds drama and whatnot.

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