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Games you wish would get a sequel


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Radiata Stories 2 (Human Path ending was straightforward enough, but jeez, at least give me some follow up for that super ambiguous Non-Human Path ending; it's the path I prefer and yet the ending confuses me to no end. SEQUEL, PLZ!!!)

Tales of the Abyss 2 (Because next to Symphonia, its my favorite Tales and even though Symphonia's sequel bombed, I would hope they would do something better for Abyss; at the very least I want to see how the characters are doing...)

La Pucelle Tactics 2/Soul Nomad and the World Eaters 2 (Because why should Disgaea be the only one to get numbered sequels? As fun as Disgaea is, I prefer these sibling games more overall and would be happy to see any continuation for them.)

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I want more in the Ogre Battle series. 64 left on a huge cliff hanger.. also I'd rather not have another tactics ogre. I find Ogre Battles style more unique

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The World Ends With You

What happened to Sho?

and. . .

Baten Kaitos

An ocean appeared, and that HAS to have some ramifications. . .along with the lack of Soul Wings, IIRC.

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I want more in the Ogre Battle series. 64 left on a huge cliff hanger.. also I'd rather not have another tactics ogre. I find Ogre Battles style more unique

I know it's really early to ask for it, but a sequel to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn would be nice seeing as the ending was a big cliffhanger and who doesn't want to see the summons on Nintendo's newest handheld?

Baten Kaitos

An ocean appeared, and that HAS to have some ramifications. . .along with the lack of Soul Wings, IIRC.

Wow. Three people, one right after the other, posted the three series I was going to post.

One more major thing: The 20th Anniversary of Super Mario RPG is coming up in two years (Damn I'm old), and most of the bad blood between Square Enix and Nintendo is long gone (they're not on perfect terms, but the same can be said about Nintendo and most third party developers). I think it's time that the two of them got together and made a sequel to the game that made my childhood: Super Mario RPG and the Legend of the Seven Stars. Especially since the Paper Mario series was dealt a major blow by Sticker Star and the Mario & Luigi series, while very good, never really had an entry that could hold a candle to SMRPG or Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Pokemon Colosseum 3

Resonance of Fate 2

Metroid 5

Golden Sun 4

Super Mario Sunshine 2

NieR 2

Half Life 3 (HURRY UP VALVE)

The World Ends With You 2

Beyond Good & Evil 2

Zero Escape 3 (here's hoping)

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Live a Live 2, obviously.

Bahamuth Lagoon 2

The Magical Land of Wozz 2.

I would agree with a FFVI-2 too.

That and a remake. I thought the game was too clunky to play for many reasons, but it could use a remake - it was definitely very unique and fun for an SRPG. Basically an FE/FF hybrid.

Also, FE9 deserves a prequel and I'd love to see a sequel to Shadow Hearts: Covenant somehow. Maybe a game like SH2 that occurs if SH2 followed the good ending of SH1, or maybe a From The New World sequel. Hell, even a game set in World War 2 era that's unrelated to the previous games in terms of characters but takes place in the same world.

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I want a Metroid Fusion sequel.


Also, a Custom Robo sequel, a Chibi Robo sequel that is actually an open adventure game like the original, Age of Empires IV, Portal 3, Kirby Air Ride 2 and even though it was announced, I want to see something from that Star Wars Battlefront Sequel.

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Ass Creed 3. And I don't mean AC4, I mean a sequel for Connor. Technically the reason why I want a connor sequel isn't gameplay related so it doesn't /have/ to be a game, but it'd be nice.

I'll take anything that gives some closure to his story, though.

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So how about that BA-

Baten Kaitos

An ocean appeared, and that HAS to have some ramifications. . .along with the lack of Soul Wings, IIRC.

YES, THIS. WE SAW THE TEASER PICTURE, MAKE IT HAPPEN NINTENDO. I'd like either a sequel to EWatLO and or maybe a closer look at the

War of the Gods Also I thought they were called Wings of the Heart


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Yep, Wings of the Heart. I am a failure of a Baten Kaitos fan. :(:

If we're going by not-strict-gameplay sequels, I'd love to see one for Final Fantasy 6.

Namely, what happens to Terra.

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Yep, Wings of the Heart. I am a failure of a Baten Kaitos fan. :(:

If we're going by not-strict-gameplay sequels, I'd love to see one for Final Fantasy 6.

Namely, what happens to Terra.

FF6 had so many great characters. Even if it's like FF4:TAY that would be great hanging with them again.

I also agree with TWEWY and Golden Sun.

Radiant Historia doesn't need any sequel, but I'd like it anyway because it was an amazing game, both gameplay and story wise.

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Radiata Stories 2 - Even though the original game is largely stand-alone and left ambiguous on purpose (and thus, is probably better left alone), I enjoyed it enough to play through it a second time immediately after finishing it the first time, so I wouldn't mind a revisit. All I ask is for battle system and level design improvements - the world needs to be less thin paths and more open and explorable and the battle system could use some touch ups (deeper gameplay, more diverse combos, maybe upgrading equipment based on level for party members, etc.).

Golden Sun 4 - It needs to happen, despite the fact that it might be even worse than its immediate predecessor. I mean, when said predecessor sidesteps the entire purpose of the game for like 20 hours and even goes so far as to completely drop and forget about all of the major plot points that happen in the first few hours until the LAST MINUTE of the game, there's a problem. The problem gets even worse when one of Camelot's producers was quoted as, "Still, you would need to give me a bit of time to work on ideas for the story before we could release a fourth game in the series." ?! How can you have no idea for the story with how Dark Dawn ended?!?

Seconding (kind of):

Pokémon (Colosseum) "3" - I said "kind of" as I'm fine with leaving Orre behind; just give me a quality narrative that doesn't have some stupid generically-evil group called "Team ________" and isn't tied to getting badges or anything of the sort. Heck, you can leave the focus on Double Battles at home too - give me a nice blend of all of the different battle types, along with a fresh region that is ripe for exploration.

Resonance of Fate 2 - I only saw the beginning of the game at a friend's (and I want to pick it up myself too), but I remember enjoying what I saw. Don't know how the story ended or if there would be room for a sequel/prequel, but Tri-Ace is always pretty solid, so I'd be game for more.

Wishful thinking:

Grandia II (or the original or Xtreme): With Takeshi Miyaji's passing, this is entirely unlikely, even moreso after Square Enix defiled the last (actual) entry in the series (Online doesn't count) so bad. But, Grandia is probably my favorite series in gaming just by way of its battle system, so I can't help but want more of it.

Skies of Arcadia 2 - Just ponder this for a second: what if you took the world, setting, and characters from the original and married them to Valkyria Chronicles' combat system (as in just the moving around and picking attacks portion, not the CP and strategy aspect)? I mean, it would certainly be more interactive than the battles were trying to make it feel in the original, with characters running over to enemies and attacking and missing when it wasn't their turn... (Too bad there really isn't much story reason for this to happen - no real exploration available unless you default to before the Rains of Destruction and no real conflicts available if you go with a pure sequel...)

Final Fantasy Tactics 2 - None of that Advance stuff, either. Really curious to know what else was in the Durai Papers that happened after the ending...

Lunar 3 - After Dragon Song, I'm not too sure I want this. But the first two were certainly amazing.

Pokémon Stadium 3 - With modern connectivity, there's no real need for a dedicated battling game, but Stadium 2 + Transfer Pak and the Gen II games were a meaningful part of my childhood...

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy - Dark Legacy was great. Just give me more Gauntlet like it (that doesn't suck), okay?

Vanguard Bandits - Maybe I should just put all of the games that Working Designs localized on here...

Sakura Wars VI - Berlin, please?

Definitely Want:

Power Stone 3 - C'mon Capcom, get off your ass and get it done.

Vigilante 8 "3" - I mainlined Second Offense when I was younger with a buddy - he'd rent it and we'd play it all weekend. I'd play my own copy if it weren't for the fact that it isn't compatible with VGA mode on the Dreamcast...

Dragon Force - Okay, it technically got a sequel, but it never came out here. I just remember being amazed by this on my cousin's Saturn back in the day. I definitely want a modern revisiting.

Golden Axe 4 - Let's pretend that Beast Rider never happened, 'kay?

Zone of the Enders 3 - Konami, Kojima-san doesn't need to make Metal Gear anymore.

MechAssault 3 - I know most people prefer MechWarrior, but I was always partial to its step-sibling. Just don't make it Xbox-exclusive this time, 'kay?

Mischief Makers 2 - I think this one's self-explanatory.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2 - Or at the very least, a spiritual successor that makes use of the game's mechanics. Given modern connectivity, you could plop this down on any of the main consoles or even the 3DS and easily make use of the multiplayer aspect (unlike the Gamecube game...).

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I'd take a Radiata stories 2 the only issue is which path do you make.. canon?

I second Gauntlet Dark Legacy sequel. Because its one of the best team games I've played.

Unfortunately Dark Dawn pretty much killed all hope for Golden Sun to resurface after its mediocre story and its odd characterizations. I mean Isaac and Garet for one don't act anything like they did in the previous two games.. not to mention Felix just up and vanishing is ooc.. Dude saved the world despite the many things thrown in his face about the method then he is just like lol I'll take my negative stigma and do nothing to help the kids of my friends. No. Just no

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