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Ike is a Mary Sue and you all know it...


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all fe characters are shit

What flavor of ice cream do you want me to get you?

I love Ike. He's so bad.

Micaiah is 10000x Mary Sue-er.

I'm obligated to say that.

Yes, yes you are.


The Quern sits on a throng. Yes.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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Everyone is a Mary Sue.

EDIT: Oh hell, I guess I should do more than skim the first page of a topic before replying. Boo. :(

Edited by Kevin Sorbo
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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev'ry thing, you, know, is, wrong

black is white up is down, and, short, is, long

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and everything you used to think was so important doesn't really matter anymore, because the simple fact remains that

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I propose that 'Mary Sue', 'Gary Stu', and all other variants should be banned words here at SF. Immediate and automatic termination of account upon use. No exceptions.

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I propose that 'Mary Sue', 'Gary Stu', and all other variants should be banned words here at SF. Immediate and automatic termination of account upon use. No exceptions.

Unofficial, but a few months ago many of the users got so sick of it that it sort of became an unwritten rule not to use the term for FE characters. I think it's still slightly in effect, but obviously not as pronounced.

It needs to come back.

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IMO being a true Mary Sue has nothing to do with power (you're allowed to have strong protagonists) and everything to do with people's opinion of them (aka generally everyone fucking adores them for no reason).

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